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**Poker Friday 22nd June**


**Poker Friday 22nd June**  

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    • No Poker
    • 12:00 Mansion $100,000 Gtd
    • 19:30 BetDirect Royal Ascot
    • 20:15 Blue Square League
    • 21:00 Spin Palace Freeroll
    • 21:00 SkyPoker Open
    • 21:00 SunPoker $10,000 Freeroll League
    • 21:15 Laddies Cruise Daily Freeroll
    • 22:00 SkyPoker Velocity

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Re: **Poker Friday 22nd June**

Bloody hell' date=' good value in the focus - about 133% added PLUS the bonus if you're dealt Pocket Ladies (remember you need to e-mail to claim if you are, btw)[/quote'] Just checked my PO Hand History and I got KK last night - just sent my claim off :-)
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Re: **Poker Friday 22nd June** At least I get the $5 however this is almost the biggest Joke call I have seen all day... I think he is really praying to at best be behind 60/40... which is not good poker sense @ all.... JOKE ** Game ID 1456967057 starting - 2007-06-23 05:02:56 ** $1K Added Coronation Stakes[1030182]:Table 5 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (50.00|100.00 No Limit - MTT) Real Money - jollybhoy7 sitting in seat 1 with $1907.50 - micklinden sitting in seat 3 with $2270.00 - POWER28 sitting in seat 4 with $4035.00 - thehornet01 sitting in seat 5 with $2837.50 - lpp sitting in seat 6 with $1710.00 - Jamesp362000 sitting in seat 7 with $2130.00 - rob2013 sitting in seat 8 with $2935.00 - Modjadji sitting in seat 9 with $2195.00 [Dealer] - iChipd sitting in seat 10 with $2335.00 iChipd posted the small blind - $25.00 jollybhoy7 posted the big blind - $50.00 ** Dealing card to iChipd: Queen of Hearts, Queen of Spades micklinden called - $50.00 POWER28 folded thehornet01 folded lpp folded Jamesp362000 called - $50.00 rob2013 raised - $400.00 Modjadji folded iChipd went all-in - $2335.00 jollybhoy7 folded micklinden folded Jamesp362000 folded rob2013 called - $2360.00 rob2013 shows: Ace of Diamonds, 10 of Clubs ** Dealing the flop: 6 of Diamonds, Ace of Spades, 9 of Diamonds ** Dealing the turn: 7 of Clubs ** Dealing the river: 4 of Spades rob2013 wins $4870.00 from the main pot End of game 1456967057

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Guest gazza271

Re: **Poker Friday 22nd June** Just bombed out of focus game, should not have played really. was half hour late and a bad day at work, really just want a beer and chill for a bit, not in the right frame of mind. There's a moral there somewhere, GL all left in :ok

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Re: **Poker Friday 22nd June** ** Game ID 1457001537 starting - 2007-06-22 20:19:13 ** $1K Added Coronation Stakes[1030182]:Table 1 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (150.00|300.00 No Limit - MTT) Real Money - Grizzily sitting in seat 1 with $4076.81 [Dealer] - staffydogpl sitting in seat 2 with $2505.00 - mfordy2 sitting in seat 3 with $1135.00 - daveygh sitting in seat 5 with $2291.87 - JadedJ sitting in seat 6 with $4203.10 - bluepennant sitting in seat 7 with $1056.00 - smokey44 sitting in seat 8 with $2602.22 - hangerman sitting in seat 9 with $4395.00 - lulu03 sitting in seat 10 with $1905.00 staffydogpl posted the small blind - $75.00 mfordy2 posted the big blind - $150.00 ** Dealing card to staffydogpl: Queen of Diamonds, Queen of Clubs daveygh folded JadedJ raised - $450.00 bluepennant folded smokey44 called - $450.00 hangerman folded lulu03 folded Grizzily folded staffydogpl called - $450.00 mfordy2 folded ** Dealing the flop: Jack of Clubs, 7 of Hearts, 10 of Spades staffydogpl went all-in - $2130.00 JadedJ called - $2130.00 smokey44 folded JadedJ shows: Queen of Spades, Ace of Clubs ** Dealing the turn: 10 of Hearts ** Dealing the river: 4 of Hearts staffydogpl wins $5760.00 from the main pot End of game 1457001537

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Re: **Poker Friday 22nd June**

I guess he did wat i wanted him to do... make an error thats y i pushed but just didnt work out in the end ey....
He's still playing in the same way. Now he has taken to showing every bluff he makes!! One is interesting (at a push) but on the eighth occasion it is just boring. We all know what he is trying to do, but showing us every single time...!!!:wall
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Re: **Poker Friday 22nd June** Sorry to anyone I bluff and show, I'm targetting POWER28 here, making him think I'm more of a donk than I am. PLEASE don't comment, GaF?/MrV/Morl/Staffy/the other 89 of you who've just come up with a response!!

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Re: **Poker Friday 22nd June**

Just hit pocket queens - anyone know the email address I have to send this to - and what do I send them? Game number and screen name I guess???
Click Menu/Help/Email Support from within the software for an email form :ok Presume a Hand Number will do :ok
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Re: **Poker Friday 22nd June**

won it after a cracking hu with val wp all ft and pl 1.2
wp strider great HU ul mr v:clap:clap
No the best player won it imo. We both dished out a couple of hits of negative variance but all in all it was a fully deserved win for you Strider, well played and thanks for doing so much damage! :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy Thanks to Milou, Daveygh (:zzz :zzz :zzz) and Jaded for railing. :ok :ok :ok gl Jomell. :ok
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Re: **Poker Friday 22nd June** 7 left at break and i'm in 6th. Earlier on went all in against chip leader,i had AQ he called and turned over AJ only for the pot to spilt :sad I would have been sitting a bit more comfortably then i'm now.

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