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some poker problems


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First if u bet preflop with say Ak 4xBB and u get reraised to 32xBB what to do and what hands to call with ? and then when the flop comes and it comes out blanck and u have jj or qq how do u know if u got the best hand or not ifu up aginat Ak or kk or AA that is one of my problems? Second u have KK the flop is 10h 8h qs Here u have one or two callers u will bet so they dont get a flush or a str but u dont wanna giva away your stack to a slowplayer that have a set and dont understand to bet or a person that already have a straight, what to do ? 3 problem you have Ak and raise the flop comes A 8 10 you bet and get a caller the turn comes 6 you bet again say half the pot and the other one calls the river is q no flush on the table here u bet and get a big reraise not all in but it is big What to do my experience tells me he had me beaten all the way or he jut got a straight is this right thinking ? my experience tells me that if he got all in he probably bluff me as he missed some sort of draw or something but if he bets big he have me beat when ever they go all in they often bluff at low limit. It is different if they have betted hard all the way and then go all in then they usueally have a good hand. any thouts and comments please. Best regards John

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Re: some poker problems AK reraised to 32x BB - really does depend on perception of opponent, stacks, cash game or tourney etc - is quite difficult to talk this generally.... The second one - not sure I agree about a player flopping a set "not understanding to bet" - if he is at an aggressive table and flops a set, then I view the clever play to be to check and trap.....Again Stack size and perception of opponent are critical elements here that make it difficult to talk so generally.... What do extraordinarily big bets mean? Very Very generally, From good players I view it as a sign of strength - trying to maximise their ev - from bad players I view it as a sign of weakness - trying to push you off the pot with a worse hand.....

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Re: some poker problems As GaF said it's all about the opponents really in the scenarios. You might call a mid pair all in against one opponent but only call with the nuts against another. Hard to give exact advice on how to play any two cards without a set scenario on how the players are playing i think, which is the key.

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Re: some poker problems

First if u bet preflop with say Ak 4xBB and u get reraised to 32xBB what to do and what hands to call with ? and then when the flop comes and it comes out blanck and u have jj or qq how do u know if u got the best hand or not ifu up aginat Ak or kk or AA that is one of my problems?
All the other posters have made very good points. However I'm folding a lot of the time to this type of overbet. If you have AKs against 22 you're an extremely marginal favourite (49.77% v 49.60%). If you have AKo you're a slight dog. If you're opponent had raised twice your raise, I'd have called but with such a large raise if I call and loose, its likely to take me quite a while to win back that money with the same cards.
Second u have KK the flop is 10h 8h qs Here u have one or two callers u will bet so they dont get a flush or a str but u dont wanna giva away your stack to a slowplayer that have a set and dont understand to bet or a person that already have a straight, what to do ?
Bet at least one third of the pot. The only way I can find out if my opponents have a set or a straight is by betting. More often than not, you'll win the pot straight off. If you made a good raise (and possibly reraised) pre flop its very unlikely your oppo's have J9. Raise again on the turn regardless and check/call the river if your oppo is still calling.
3 problem you have Ak and raise the flop comes A 8 10 you bet and get a caller the turn comes 6 you bet again say half the pot and the other one calls the river is q no flush on the table here u bet and get a big reraise not all in but it is big What to do my experience tells me he had me beaten all the way or he jut got a straight is this right thinking ?
I agree. In my experience he has you beat... my weakness is that I keep calling bets like this :wall
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Re: some poker problems Often when u get reraised on the river or on the turn i find that they have made theyr straight or they have slowplayed something or they have called u all the way with 55 and now got another 5. They can call your raise with k 10 o and that sort of hands. Normally a reraise preflop means Ak jj qq kk aa. that was at ipokernetwork 0.25/0.5 At partypoker i see alot of reraises and i see them with 10 10 and with A 10 o and so on, so i must adsapt to partypoker the loooooooooooosest player i have come accross or i just have been lucky when i have played there :loon. Normally when some reraises me i from 2dollars to 11 i fold but i must reconsider here. often this also holds true when you opponent bet and bet and bet and then go all in after some hard betting he have you beatern it is normall. When u bet and bet and then on turn or river someone goes all in on u they are bluffing this is true often they other times u can laught because then you opponent are so bad that u will have you money back in no time :ok Think about it why would i go all in if i have a good hand and risking my opponent to fold ? no no if i have a good hand i whant him to call i whant hsi money, but if i lose on a draw my last desperate atempt will be to go all in to try to scare him off. Best Regards John

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Re: some poker problems Jgadefelth, be careful mate "loose players" doesnt mean that they're bad players. Also with regards to bluffing, this depends on betting patterns more than anything else. Yes of course there are bad players who playe very loose and bluff a lot but a lot of loose players are winning players.

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Re: some poker problems

Jgadefelth' date=' be careful mate "loose players" doesnt mean that they're bad players. [/quote'] Couldn't agree more :ok Think a lot of us (yes - me too!!!) are guilty of falling into the trap of automatically assuming loose players are bad players ....... It's easy to not grasp what they're doing, so to dismiss it as "bad play".....
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Re: some poker problems Yeah Gaf when I started playing, I played extremely loose from any position, then I started playing extremely tight (as in Howard Lederers starting hands). Now I'm pretty tight aggressive and play more hands in position, so that has been the evolution of my pokerplay thus far! TO BE CONT...

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