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PLO Hi Strategy - Part I (Monster Combo Draw on Turn)

Crouch Potato

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I noticed a few other people around here and wanted to get some Omaha strategy discussion going as I'm wanting to learn how to paly various spots better. Here both hero and villian are very deep. We have 20 outs (by my calculations) that can make our hand on the river. What's our play here? $0.50/$1.00 - Pot Limit Omaha Hi - 4:56:03 ET - 2007/06/20 Seat 1: smellycat - $150 Seat 2: Minifjappe - $65.70 Seat 4: GeeHeeb - $76.43 Seat 5: ToNYDraGO - $78.45 Seat 6: Hero - $101 Seat 9: KERNON - $108.35 Seat 10: loffboy - $20.94 ToNYDraGO the small blind of $0.50 Hero posts the big blind of $1.00 The button is in seat #2 Holecards: Dealt to Hero [ heartA.gifclubJ.gifdiamK.gifheartJ.gif ] KERNON folds loffboy folds smellycat calls $1 Minifjappe calls $1 ToNYDraGO calls $1 Hero raises to $4 smellycat calls $4 Minifjappe calls $4 ToNYDraGO calls $4 Flop: [ heart5.gifdiamQ.gifheart4.gif ] Minifjappe checks ToNYDraGO checks Hero bets $8 smellycat calls $8 Minifjappe folds ToNYDraGO folds Turn: [ heart5.gifdiamQ.gifheart4.gif ] [ spade10.gif ] Action?

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Re: PLO Hi Strategy - Part I (Monster Combo Draw on Turn) Well I the think the guy defininetly didn't have trips otherwise he'd reraise you, so he probably has a str8 draw. I'm putting a potsized bet out here and you'll probably take it town. You have a massive drawing hand so you could price him in but I'd bet the pot and if he calls 40% of the time you're gonna hit your hand and take down a nice pot. Also if he's aggressive I reraise if he's passive bet the pot.

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Re: PLO Hi Strategy - Part I (Monster Combo Draw on Turn) I think you have been too agressive preflop and post flop and you have forced yourself into no choice but to continue with the agression and hope you take it down with a pot sized bet. Not sure what your 20 outs are but 2 of the hearts and the 2 jacks could improve the villans hand. there is also a chance that your straight outs would result in a split pot. I think the preflop raise out of position was a bad play and the bet after the flop has now left you in this difficult position. But then I wont ever win the omaha title at the WSOP so what do I know.

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Re: PLO Hi Strategy - Part I (Monster Combo Draw on Turn) Totally agree with you gcleud. I would have played it differently but commented on what he should do now in that position. I rarely raise prflop out of position in omaha and play more hands in from late position (6handed).

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Re: PLO Hi Strategy - Part I (Monster Combo Draw on Turn) i would be betting at about the $12-16 mark ,strong enough to make the villan think you have enough to call a raise if he makes one and also enough to make him fold a low straight draw.better that than checking and leaving yourself open to a pot size bet that leaves you in no mans land. you have 19 outs with 13 of them hitting definately hitting the nuts = 4x9s 2xjs 3xks 3xaces and the 7 other hearts (9 and k already counted above). the 2,3,6,7,8 and 10 of hearts do leave you open to either a straight flush or a boat. although it is unlikely the villan will hit either its always possible ,and with omaha its more likely than in holdem. i would guess he either has 2 pair or a drawing hand ,with trips he should have reraised . another reason for the continuation bet is pot building ,if he calls on the turn its always a good possibility your going to get action on the river if you hit ,especially if you hit the straight instead of the flush. a high card thats not a heart looks inocuous on the river and he may well think you are just trying to push him off the pot with a decent bet, it is also possible he is flush drawing as well ,either will probably double you up or at least give you big return. whenever i play a monster drawing hand like this i only build the pot heavily if i am certain nearly all of my outs will give me the nuts,if i was drawing to a lower straight or flush then i will play very carefully as the likelyhood that they have a draw to a higher hand(leaving you in big trouble) is much more of a worry than in holdem. the problem with drawing to a lower straight or flush is that if you do hit you have already commited yourself and this usually means losing a lot on the river if your opponent has you beat,on the other hand if its the other way round you end up quids in:ok as for the pre flop raise i would do the same,you have nut straight and flush possibilitys and a reasonable pair as well,getting a big pot together on a hand like this is always a good idea as you want big returns if you hit a good flop and your position is not that bad being 3rd from the button:ok

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