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Best way to improve my game?


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Re: Best way to improve my game? Not an expert but I think it depends on what part of your play you want to improve. If you want to improve your cash games, learn more about tight aggressive play and starting requirements for low limits and then just bet for value, for higher limits you can just play your regular game and post hand histories here to get feedback and improve (you can read other hand histories also by the good players here and learn a lot because the game gets trickier). For MTTs you should definitely read HOH volume 1 and 2 if you haven't. Especially vol. 2 is really important for M zones. I think learning the M zone strategy perfectly would definitely put you in the money. For STTs read articles to learn about ICM and +EV pushes or calls. Since you must start tight and be aggressive later on with the increasing blinds, that is a must learn. But you just need experience in these games. Hope I could help since I don't know how you play at all maybe you will just laugh at these :lol. GL..

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Re: Best way to improve my game? The best advice I would give you is most importantly start at a level where you can afford to gamble expendable money. When I started online I jumped staright on the $1 /$2 cash table and a lost a grand with ease. Cash games and tournaments and very different so concentrate on 1 at a time. A good STT player will become a good MTT player, as they are very similar, just a stt is condensed into a short period.

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Re: Best way to improve my game? I think studying the M zone strategy will solve your problem about MTTs. In cash games, if you are playing at low buyins, open at least three tables for not getting bored, play only premium hands and only bet postflop when you have a hand, do not bluff, loose calling stations will pay you off. If you can't beat the higher buyins then you should drop to lower ones.

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Re: Best way to improve my game?

In cash games' date=' if you are playing at low buyins, open at least three tables for not getting bored[/quote'] I disagree with this advice for a new cash player, or for someone who has yet to make a regular profit at the cash tables. I'd advise exactly the opposite. Play one table and learn to concentrate on your opponents. Excellent advice :clap
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Re: Best way to improve my game? I understand why you disagree and it surely makes a lot of sense but IMO reading the opponents is not really important if you have Poker Tracker at low buy-ins since it can do it for you and you don't see people varying their play, it tells you if a player is tight and you can surely fold to his raises as he always plays the same. However if you are playing at boss and can't use PT (like me) you should really look for loose players and avoid tight players so you must observe your opponents like Tom Hedonist says. Getting bored is much more dangerous IMO since you go on tilt when you are bored. Tom thanks for the kind words mate, cheers.

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Re: Best way to improve my game? I'ts suicide for a beginner to start playing multiple tables and if he starts getting bored at the beginning of his venture into poker, then poker isn't going to be the game for him. Stck to one table till you are making a steady profit GL!

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Re: Best way to improve my game? I'd agree with the comments against multitabling - if you're losing on one table, then playing 3 tables will almost certainly see ou losing your cash more than 3 times as fast ..... you need to really concentrate on getting a winning game together at that level on one table.... poker tracker can help you later when you are on "autopilot" with your winning game (it can also help straight away with analysing your game afterwards and finding your leaks)

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Re: Best way to improve my game? Get support tools, playing online without them is like playing with one eye closed. I shudder when I think I used to play without Poker tracker / Gametime+. You need to understand the people at your table. Having realtime stats on players is a blessing. For instance It lets you understand a raise by a player, and if it should be respected. i.e. if you have 1,000 hands data on a player, and they are hyper tight, winning player and raise preflop 5% of the time, a large raise from them in early position should be respected and I'll fold pretty much everything apart from Aces or Kings against it. Against another player who I know is a long term loser, that raises much much more, I act differently. oh yeah, stick to one type of game. STT's are very different from cash. I'd advise cash as you can play with one gear, unlike STT's where the blind strucuture is another variable you need to consider

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Re: Best way to improve my game? yes to all! I know this sounds simple, but you have hit the nail squarely on the head stick away from games you can't win and play games you feel comfortable with - the only addition i would make is to play within your bank roll good luck:ok Damo

had a whole story written but just deleted and made it simple! Best way to improve my game? Read books? Play freeroles? keep playing STT, MTT? cash games? (im crap at cash games, lose more than i win) hello btw
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