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Project - Dethrone Heniek


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I haven't played any focus games yet so I spent sometime today downloading all of the sites that are used and I shall aim at dethroning Heniek or whoever is top of the league. I'll probably fall flat on my face but I'm going to give it a go(sad git ain't I).:hope

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Re: Project - Dethrone Heniek

I haven't played any focus games yet so I spent sometime today downloading all of the sites that are used and I shall aim at dethroning Heniek or whoever is top of the league. I'll probably fall flat on my face but I'm going to give it a go(sad git ain't I).:hope
Very bitter.....
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Re: Project - Dethrone Heniek

You seem very opinionated Mak I just thought as he's had such a long stay at the top I'm gonna have a bash' date=' nothing egotistical involved.:clap[/quote'] Mate i would applaude you watever the motivation for showing such FIRE... just having some fun while at the tables....Good luk....:ok
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Re: Project - Dethrone Heniek :lol Great tread. Good Luck Invasor. Im sure you will achieve it :ok. 2 or 3 top finishes will do the trick. I got lucky last time I regained the title, when I won 2 games and one 2nd in 4 days (I think). Remember though, playing any focus game, you are playing against the taughest bastids out there :notworthy.

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Re: Project - Dethrone Heniek 42 days at the top is an awesome achievement - I can never seem to last more than 1 or 2 days as BPP :notworthy. There are lots of players I respect on PL, but if you had to ask me who I feared it would be Heniek. I'll still be aiming to grab the crown back again tonight though! :hope

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Re: Project - Dethrone Heniek

There are lots of players I respect on PL' date=' but if you had to ask me who I feared it would be Heniek.[/quote'] I'll be honest here :unsure pre BPP, Henieks game wasn't on of the games on PL I respected most :unsure I thought he was too passive, too weak, and too much of a "calling station"!!!! Yet he's BPP, and he seems to "sucker me in" every time I go up against him ..... I need to work out what he's doing so well :loon :loon
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Re: Project - Dethrone Heniek

Joe Legge asked me in Luton last August who I thought was the best player on PL and I said Heniek. Changed my mind now though' date=' but I'm not telling who it is, but I think he might know.[/quote'] thanks mate :ok :rollin :rollin :rollin
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Re: Project - Dethrone Heniek Here's another two long standing records to be aimed for us all Highest Individual Score in a focus game Adetrick with 317 in the Ladbrokes 1500 freeroll Highest Ranking Points (total from 5 games in qualifying period) Morlspin with 873 in 28 day period yes i know i know, a shamless plug for me in Heniek's thread, but i reckon with enough effort and willpower, we should also be aiming to beat these scores as well as Heniek's time record! Good Luck all!

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Re: Project - Dethrone Heniek

I'll be honest here :unsure pre BPP' date=' Henieks game wasn't on of the games on PL I respected most :unsure I thought he was too passive, too weak, and too much of a "calling station"!!!! Yet he's BPP, and he seems to "sucker me in" every time I go up against him ..... I need to work out what he's doing so well :loon :loon[/quote'] This is 100% spot on and I have no problem admitting it :$. As I said before, I got lucky in the right time. Theres many better players on PL than Im.
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Re: Project - Dethrone Heniek

Theres many better players on PL than Im.
Poker is a results oriented sport - if you are winning over time you are good, if you are losing over time you are bad - it really is as simple as that - your BPP record is ample enough credentials for me on your game :ok
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