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**Poker Thursday 14th June**


**Poker Thursday 14th June**  

  1. 1.

    • No Poker
    • 19:00 BetonBet European Leaderboard
    • 19:30 Paradise Poker League Leg 6
    • 19:30 Laddies High Stack
    • 20:00 Laddies Inside Poker Mag Cruise Freeroll
    • 20:00 Stan James $1000 Freeroll
    • 20:15 Blue Square League
    • 21:00 Mansion $100,000 Gtd
    • 21:00 SkyPoker The Open
    • 21:00 SunPoker $10,000 Freeroll League

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Re: **Poker Thursday 14th June**

whos on the cover for the laddies inside poker game?
It's the laddies supplement that has been with the last few issues of PokerPlayer and InsidePoker I think.... Has been totally compromised though - 976 entrants so far - have seen the password in various places on the internet..... :sad
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Re: **Poker Thursday 14th June** WOW. Just playing in the high stack on laddies and was dealt AA. I raised from 50 to 300. Someone reraised to 900. Someone reraised all in to 1100. Somone reraised all in to 3500. I reraise all in to 6000. Other person called all in. So 4 of us all in. AA v AA v KK v 33. Somehow the AA's held up and I made a profit but didnt like that.

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Re: **Poker Thursday 14th June** out of the focus game 106th - had one hand I promised Sharpe1ine I'd post - was dealt A2 of hearts - I was (I think) SB - lots of people limped in including me (think it was 100/200) and Sharpe and the dealer, flop came up A23 - I passed and it was passed round to dlr who went 300 - I then went all in (4K or so I think). Think it may have been a bit of an overbet but I was thinking of Ax where x was 4 thru J or so and discouraging them from staying - of course if they have A3 or AA (unlikely), 22, or 33, then I'm probably getting called - AK or AQ then I might get called. From table chat if you can believe it I scared off JJ and 88 so I was a way ahead and might have been better just calling and see whether I could get a bet from dealer after the turn.

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Re: **Poker Thursday 14th June** Ah well 55th for me in the focus.Never got going again really and Pocket Kings did me twice.Even on the last hand and i knew i was beat i didnt really have enough chips to challenge.Also it means i can go and watch My Name is Earl.Good luck all left in.

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