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Tulk, Mook and VOJ are off to Vegas


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Re: Tulk, Mook and VOJ are off to Vegas

I think you taught him that didnt you Karl :loon
:lol:lol:lol I didn't mean that in a Karl fishy way ;) I meant that Martyn is a very clever canny lad (and a fookin laugh BTW) and he was playing his stud game down at the table and scooping pots because of it :ok
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Re: Tulk, Mook and VOJ are off to Vegas Finally arrived home today after my time in Vegas... the stud tourney was going well early doors and I had increased my stack from $4k to about $6.7k by first break, which was pretty good going at 25-50,50-100 limits.:hope However after the break I never really hit another pot and lost a big pot with Pocket Kings in the Hole vs Pocket Aces in the Hole - when I finished with Ks & 6s against the opponents Aces full of 4s. Then the hand before lunch lost another major pot when I started with KQJ all spades and hit another Q on 4th street - by 6th street my opponent was showing a pair of 4's. And I had hit the T clubs and 4 spades on 5th and 6th streets - so I had more outs than the West Indies Cricket team, but my 7th street was a 5 clubs - she showed 2 pair - and that pot left my with $3.5k.:( I never hit again after break and eventually succumbed raising Ks on every street, and the (2hearts) bring in took me out when his ace on 5th street combined with the 2 in the pocket for trips.:cry :cry The WSOP isnt the easiest of places to get information from for those playing, so I am only assuming I finished somewhere between 160-170 as the monitors showed 168 remaining as I left the auditorium. Thats the tourney details .... I enjoyed the experience immensley,but felt my major stumbling block was that I assumed as I had played hold'em live before, that I playing Stud live would be much of the same, :eyes , WRONG !! Trying to remember the Ante,Bring-In and Small,Big Blinds and then trying to remember what upcards had been mucked and all the time you have a constant chat at the table, with things happening very quickly - meant a lot of my attention was taken up concentrating on the mechanics of the game as opposed to concentrating on the cards and players themselves. I'll post a few more WSOP thoughts when I've caught up on my sleep. But must say the whole experience was made even better with the presence of MCFC (Good Luck Next week Bri -and try to play a little STUD Hi-Lo live if at all possible before the tourney),and Teaulc hope everythings sorted now, or that you have at least got a comfortable park bench to sleep on:hope ). -- also big mention for Alan @ Inside Poker, who was a great host and treated me to a slap up meal at Ceasers Palace before I left -(even though Vicky Coren couldn't make it :sad )

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Re: Tulk, Mook and VOJ are off to Vegas Well done Martyn :clap:clap:clap - not for the poker but for getting a meal out of Alun :lol Dont worry about me and my stud hi lo mate, I have decided that ignorance is the best policy :ok. I rushed to find a game on stars tonight I found a $20 one and entered was playing for 10 mins before I realised it was just stud :lol (still I'm chip leader at the moment ;)) Please stop the nice words, thats you and Alan now, you will be ruining my tardy reputation on this forum. ps you forgot to mention my outstanding win in the PH tourney :moon

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Re: Tulk, Mook and VOJ are off to Vegas Really glad you enjoyed the trip, if not the tourney, Martyn and it was an absolute pleasure meeting you. In fact all three of the PLers I met out there - Brian, Martyn and Alan - were cracking company and a really good laugh. It's not been the same since you have gone lads - I'm far more sober for a start. There are still two more H.O.R.S.E. qualifiers to play, with Neville playing in the Omaha 8 event on Monday. Then it's the MCFC express trying luckbox his way into the money on the 28th. In all seriousness, and without wanting to pay more compliments to Brian, I'd love it if he made the money. He has been a total star about coming back out to play in the Stud 8 tourney, and it would be brilliant to see him do a Jonathan Woodfield.... And no, that is not what I meant Brian... :lol

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Re: Tulk, Mook and VOJ are off to Vegas

do a Jonathan Woodfield.... And no, that is not what I meant Brian... :lol
:rollin:rollin:rollin I know what you meant, I saw you sneeking off in a taxi to the Hilton with your backless chaps on :lol See you wednesday night in the usual bar Alun, it's your round I believe :beer
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Re: Tulk, Mook and VOJ are off to Vegas I think Mook is off on his own (well without Tulk and VoJ anyway) either today or tomorrow - so whether your over here or over there Brian, ....anything Jonathan can do, you can do better;) . ....And I didn't give you much of a target to beat :$ But most of all enjoy it and Good Luck :ok If you get chance amid relaxing with Milawaukees Best Light, and the delights of the Marquee keep us all informed of your exploits.

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Re: Tulk, Mook and VOJ are off to Vegas

I think Mook is off on his own (well without Tulk and VoJ anyway) either today or tomorrow - so whether your over here or over there Brian, ....anything Jonathan can do, you can do better;) . ....And I didn't give you much of a target to beat :$ But most of all enjoy it and Good Luck :ok If you get chance amid relaxing with Milawaukees Best Light, and the delights of the Marquee keep us all informed of your exploits.
I've not gone yet mate, I go in the morning :ok Thanks for the well wishes but I am not deluded stud hi lo is probably my weakest game and I have had no chance to get any practice in recently. But yes I sure hope I can keep Jonathan well behind me :lol
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Re: Tulk, Mook and VOJ are off to Vegas out from what i can see..... Chip Counts

Yueqi Zhu21400
Charlie Ng19200
Ron "Grumpy" Ware18800
Tommy Hang18600
O'Neil Longson17900
Papa Levy Salah17000
Harry Kazazian16800
Rob Haney16800
Eric Buchman16500
Barry Hartheimer16100
Dan Heimiller16000 chip_down.gif2100
Mark Vronskiy15700
Manuel Labandeira15000
Theo Jorgensen15000
Miguel De La Cruz14900
Patrick Colceri14700
Scotty Nguyen14600 chip_up.gif1800
Mark Smyrski14500
Perry Burrell14500
Joseph Petro14100
Leticia Tanhueco14100
Jeff Jerome14000 chip_up.gif10300
Scott Epstein13500
David Plastik13300 chip_up.gif4600
Paul Sokoloff13300
Mathew Cherackal13200
Woody Deck13200
Jonathan Neckar13100
Allan Demos12800
Frank Henderson12500 chip_up.gif6800
Paul Sandvick12300
Patrick Pezzin12000
Oliver Tse11800 chip_up.gif4600
Peter Chi11700
Jay Adams11600
Jim Pechac11400
Aaron Nadell11300
James Ferrel11200
Jeff Rodriguez11200
Jarrod Van Horn11100
Brian Goddard11000
Joe Leibman10800
Krause Andreas10500
Tony Ma10500 chip_up.gif3800
Chae To Shin10300
Jeremiah DeGreef10300
Michael Boutet10100
Lucky Liu10000
Chad Brown9700
Chris DeBock9600
William Kohler9600
Marsha Waggoner9300 chip_up.gif800
Brad Daugherty9100
Farzad Rouhani9000
George Wang9000
Robert Davidson9000
Ron Moore9000
Alex Kravchenko8900
Jeff Green8800
Sheila Graune8800
Debbie Burkhead8700
Patrick Schulze8600
Chris Reslock8500 chip_down.gif2200
Burke Delange8300
Doug Saab8200
Glenn Cozen8200
Jared Alexander8200
Todd Igkow8200
Grayson Nichols7900
Frank Werder7800
Tom Schneider7800 chip_up.gif3500
David Kutchor7700
Edward Sojack7700
Mike McClannahan7700
Charles Burris7600
Rolf Slotboon7600
Mark Novisoff7500
Matthew Hardesty7500
Danny Allen Hart7400
Mike Landers7300
Petros Theocharides7200
Prince Jean Gaspard7100
Andrew Robinson7000
Daniel Klein7000
Alan Eister6900
Blaize Hjelmgren6900
Shirley Rosario6900
Derek McClasky6800
Hoyt Verner6700
Christoph Niesert6600
John Shvey6500
Michael Allen6500
Gebrehicuet Goitom6300
Mike Conti6200
Eric Brix6100
Frank Thompson6100
Kandall Skaggs6100
Bernd Rygol6000
Jeff Lisandro6000 chip_down.gif3100
Ron Fast6000 chip_up.gif2700
Ray Rumler5900
Joseph Santa Gata5800
Alan Young5700
Andrew Sacino5700
Frank Stollmack5700
Hye-Chin Murphy5600
John Goyette5600
Chris Gawlik5500
Chris Grigorian5500 chip_down.gif1800
Jonathan Aguiar5500
Nick Polydoros5500
Pascal Choquet5500
Roger Bell5500
Steve Wong5400
Bill McCulley5200
Michael Glongo5200
Bruce Hoyt5100
Leah Lombardo5100
Raymond Verna5100
Charles Walters4700
Mike Krescantlo4700
Ann Bloom4600
Mike Dreyer4500
Philip Gilbert4500
Mark Bershad4400
Song Webb4400
Yuval Bronshtein4400
George Krafft4300
John Womack4300
Michelle Polgar4300
Kimberly Bye4200
Don Hardie4100
Steven Shkoknik4100
David Segal4000
Richard Tatalovich4000
Leonard Cortellino3900
Oliver Altman3800
Soheil Shamseddin3800
Andy Miller3700 chip_down.gif2500
Jess Price3500
Marlon Milne3500
Chris Amaral3400
Richard Schwartz3400
Russell Salzer3400
Jamie Heitner3300
Mark Gritter3300
Saundra Taylor3300
Elwin Cooke3200
Jeffrey Lacks3100
James Bucci2900
Robert Vetitoe2900
Barbara Lewis2800
Edward Ameen2700
Eugene Borbas2700
Bruce Schneider2600
Van Marcus2600
Mike O'Malley2500
Stan Zdanowich2400
Craig Boyce2200
Jamshed Bokhari2200
Bryan Knoche2100
Joe Pharo2100
Edwin Karger2000
Greg Dinkin2000
Matthew Haas2000
Zak Gilbet2000
Kim Findura1900
Tom Koral1900
Raul Garcia1800
Lawrence Colt1700
Jim Geary1600
Rajiu Khanna1400
David Rabbi1200
Cindy Violette1100
Daniel Filipkowski1000
Russell Rosenblum1000
Steven Berkowitz900
Keith Shiraki400
Brent Carter100
Larry Willis100
Roy Mora100
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Re: Tulk, Mook and VOJ are off to Vegas Hello All I'm afraid MCFC never even got to play. He had the mother, father and grandfather of nightmare journeys getting over to Vegas. Bear in mind he was supposed to arrive on the Weds PM, well he eventually got there early Friday morning. It sounded absolutely horrific he needed about 5 beers poured down his neck before he even raised a smile when I met up with him on Friday. I was gutted he didn't get to play in the WSOP, but not as much as he was. I'm sure the PL boys out there will make him drink through it though. At the very least I really hope you enjoyed the rest of the time there Brian - and hope to see you there next year. Go on - you know you want to really! Cheers Alun

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Re: Tulk, Mook and VOJ are off to Vegas

:sad that's terrible :sad Was the entry fee paid? Will Pokerstars (was it pokerstars?) be able to put him in analternative event? :unsure
ANALternative?? jeez trev,the poor bugger dips out of his glory and your worried about his ass??:tongue2 :tongue2 i am really sorry to hear about brian`s nightmare,he didnt deserve that,i hope something was sorted for him:hope :hope
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Re: Tulk, Mook and VOJ are off to Vegas What a handsome fellow, on P.26 (Bottom Right), of this months Inside Poker.:eyes As I said above I wasn't exactly sure of my final finishing position, so,I'll take Aluns article giving me a placing of 130th as being accurate, and not just your usual paper talk !!;) Look at me its Midday and 110 Degree heat, and I've got a coat on zipped up to the neck !!... I did actually try and find some fingerless gloves to play in (truth), plus the picture doesn't also show the fact that I am also wearing my pajamas - (the same ones I was wearing when I won the freeroll, although they had been washed in the interim month) under my trousers (truth) :lol

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Re: Tulk, Mook and VOJ are off to Vegas The Hat was part of the Sponsorship Package, although Full Tilt never actually did send me any sponsored gear !! So Alun (IP Editor) had to find out a Cap from his store (and he didn't have any with ear warmers) he also came with a Full Tilt Sweatshirt (Medium), which was a little tight to say the least. However Brian (MCFC) looked a ringer for Kenny (from South Park) in it :lol - but even with Brian putting it on and stretching it, I still couldn't make it fit :eyes

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  • 5 weeks later...

Re: Tulk, Mook and VOJ are off to Vegas

The Hat was part of the Sponsorship Package, although Full Tilt never actually did send me any sponsored gear !! So Alun (IP Editor) had to find out a Cap from his store (and he didn't have any with ear warmers) he also came with a Full Tilt Sweatshirt (Medium), which was a little tight to say the least. However Brian (MCFC) looked a ringer for Kenny (from South Park) in it :lol - but even with Brian putting it on and stretching it, I still couldn't make it fit :eyes
99 Days after winning my Entry and 49 Days after I actually played - I have today recieved the Full Tilt Clothing to wear in my WSOP Event !!
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