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William Hill $400,000 Caribbean Poker Classic Freeroll


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Re: William Hill $400,000 Caribbean Poker Classic Freeroll I'm playing the 16:15 game (1 MPP) and it's loose aggrssive even by Freeroll standards!!! There are multiple all ins every hand!!! 405 entrants and 14 minutes in, there are 253 left - blinds 25/50!!!! There are also loads of sit outs ..... top 100 qualify - I think the sit outs will mostly make it :loon :loon

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Re: William Hill $400,000 Caribbean Poker Classic Freeroll

I'm playing the 16:15 game (1 MPP) and it's loose aggrssive even by Freeroll standards!!! There are multiple all ins every hand!!! 405 entrants and 14 minutes in, there are 253 left - blinds 25/50!!!! There are also loads of sit outs ..... top 100 qualify - I think the sit outs will mostly make it :loon :loon
gl trev im playing the 6.15pm one through parbet.
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Re: William Hill $400,000 Caribbean Poker Classic Freeroll

I thought you all would have knew about this its been running for a long time iv been in the weekly final twice
If you dont see things on the forum, or are unsure if we already know, please post it - I'd rather find out about something 3 or 4 times rather than not at all ;) I'm in the daily final again tonight (qualified last game last night). The 1 MPP games are a joke!! No point buying in to the 20 MPP ones - just buy into the 1 MPP qualifier and sit out - you're getting 19-1 on your money, but are probably an odds on shot!!! The 20 MPP ones arent too hard to get through, but you do need to play a little bit ..... Hopefully it wont be too long before I crack a 200 MPP one and then it's just 1 step from the 20,000 MPP/$400,000 final!!!!
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Re: William Hill $400,000 Caribbean Poker Classic Freeroll This is towards the end of the daily final ... level 3..... What on earth is PaulM (I do hope it's not!! :loon) still doing in? Game #4656205834: Hold'em NL (75/150) - 2007/06/11 - 23:05:13 (UK) Table "8" Seat 8 is the button. Seat 1: Camlad (2545 in chips) Seat 2: Paulm2612 (7625 in chips) Seat 3: Jeff005 (7080 in chips) Seat 4: Cleminson (2970 in chips) Seat 6: mactaiga (4625 in chips) Seat 7: Don123 sits out Seat 8: _urks_ (3430 in chips) Seat 9: Sloy25121 (7198 in chips) Seat 10: Telepee (2465 in chips) Sloy25121: posts small blind 75 Telepee: posts big blind 150 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to Telepee [8h Kc] Camlad: folds Paulm2612: calls 150 Jeff005: folds Cleminson: folds mactaiga: folds Don123: folds _urks_: folds Sloy25121: calls 75 Telepee: checks ----- FLOP ----- [Kd 6c Ks] Sloy25121: checks Telepee: checks Paulm2612: bets 300 Sloy25121: folds Telepee: calls 300 ----- TURN ----- [Kd 6c Ks][6d] Telepee: checks Paulm2612: bets 600 Telepee: raises to 2015 and is all-in Paulm2612: calls 1415 ----- RIVER ----- [Kd 6c Ks 6d][9s] ----- SHOW DOWN ----- Telepee: shows [8h Kc] (A Full House, Kings full of Sixes) Paulm2612: shows [Js Qh] (Two Pairs, Kings and Sixes, Queen high) Telepee collected 5080 from Main pot ----- SUMMARY ----- Total pot 5080 Main pot 5080 Rake 0 Board [Kd 6c Ks 6d 9s] Seat 1: Camlad folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 2: Paulm2612 showed [Js Qh] and lost with Two Pairs, Kings and Sixes, Queen high Seat 3: Jeff005 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 4: Cleminson folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: mactaiga folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 7: Don123 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 8: _urks_ (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 9: Sloy25121 (small blind) folded on the Flop Seat 10: Telepee (big blind) showed [8h Kc] and won (5080) with A Full House, Kings full of Sixes

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