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skypoker pokerplayer tourney


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Re: skypoker pokerplayer tourney Haven't got a single invite for any of them yet!:sad Have been onto Poker Player they said I have been sent invites, but haven't recieved any, hopefully they will get it sorted soon, they did reply quite fast however and have been in regular contact.

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Re: skypoker pokerplayer tourney Hello folks, Rick from PokerPlayer here. I do undertsand that this freeroll series has had its sign up.. how shall I say?... problems. It hasn't been ideal but we put stringent controls in place to keep our freerolls for genuine readers only - that can backfire at times. In this case it's tricky Sky currently has no password facility meaning that we've had to get people signed up ahead of time and that means they are going to be sit outs. On the upside we have got the blind structure changed and there is still a a good few quid up for grabs. Personally, I'm pushing for our freerolls to be password only as I'm spending far too much of my time answering emails and forums rather than writing articles! ;) And I'm not even allowed to play any of the freerolls :loon Basically, we're doing out best and I think we're putting out some great compos and a top mag. Bear with us and we'll all get there in the end! We're currently working on a bumper WSOP Issue - should be our biggets yet. Loads from the Main Event and the HORSE tournaments in Vegas and a good few freerolls too. I'm always happy to listen to any constructive feedback on the mag so feel free to get in touch (just remember if it's round press week I'm liable to bite your head so don't take it personally :ok ) Rick 'The Rage' Dacey Deputy Editor PokerPlayer magazine

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Re: skypoker pokerplayer tourney i got an email invite couldnt register so i emailed support i got this reply You have now been invited for tonight's tournament and should be able to register as normal. Please accept my apologies; the list sent to us by Dennis Publishing did not include your details. However I need to bring to your attention that under Skypoker terms and conditions, we have had to amend your alias as it could be deemed offensive to other players. It has been changed to "mikegray".

WTF i might be a grumpy old bastard and have poor personal hygiene but since when was pistnbroke offensive

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Guest gazza271

Re: skypoker pokerplayer tourney

I'm in :ok Had to send the usual email tho :\ . Blind structure looks a lot better :ok
After sending the email I was registered within 5 minutes so well done to skypoker customer service, shame the software is so appalling, maybe BossMedia could employ all the sky people :lol
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Re: skypoker pokerplayer tourney Well I've still never had an invite for ANY of the freerolls, considering the fact that I have been a subscriber to Poker Player for the best part of 2 years and have only ever missed 1 or 2 editions, I would have thought I would be able to play in this, obviously not! To Rick's credit he did reply to my email and said that according to their records I had recieved an invite previous, I hadn't and don't have a junk filter, so wasn't lost in their either. He then promised to forward my info onto the person who was in charge of dealing with this, unfortunately haven't heard anything else since. I did send one this morining saying I hadn't recieved an invite, but no reply, obviously I do understand that he does have many others things to handle and does sound like this comp has thrown up a few problems for sure. Still this doesn't help me as once again it seems as if I'm going to miss out again!:sad I would like to say that Poker Player does do a good job and do offer many great freerolls and appreciate all that they do. Just a bit frustrating that I can't seem to get into this one.:cry

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Re: skypoker pokerplayer tourney out in 130th :cry got the money in the middle PF w KK called all in w 55, flop......u guessed it 55J :@ time to play on a proper site... havn't introduced meself by the ways, am new to this forum malarky, I'm Mike and i'm on tilt :eek

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Re: skypoker pokerplayer tourney

out in 130th :cry got the money in the middle PF w KK called all in w 55, flop......u guessed it 55J :@ time to play on a proper site... havn't introduced meself by the ways, am new to this forum malarky, I'm Mike and i'm on tilt :eek
:welcome mike enjoy your stay m8 i'm sure you will
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Re: skypoker pokerplayer tourney cant beleive some of the calls on here tonight with shite cards after all in re-raises QQ vs AJo, A hits, well known donk tho so i knew it was gonna happen ;) 77 vs KQo. K hits......soooo happy i havent deposited there yet lol

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