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Tonights $5000 BoB STT


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I recorded this :) (Until I went out - although strider was still in, didn't seem worth recording without seeing his cards) Now, a little context .... I am REALLY struggling with my game at the moment .... I'm struggling to concentrate on my poker. At the best of times I'm not the most observant player - but tonight I wasn't able to focus on the game at all - at no stage would I have been able to give you any information on how any of my opponents were playing - this is quite worrying - if I cant get focused for a $5000 STT (and one that I'm recording and planning on publishing), then what will I get focused for? Have been playing a lot of short handed speed STTs recently, and that may be a large part of the problem..... Hopefully this vid will embarass me into some focus for my games!!! So one question - name my single WORST move, my single worst play of this tourney, and what would you have done differently (if you want to go beyone one, feel free :ok I'm looking for feedback here .......) http://www.veoh.com/videodetails2.swf?permalinkId=v584784yHyRS3G9&id=2135358&player=videodetailsembedded&videoAutoPlay=0 allowFullScreen=true width=540 height=438 bgcolor=#000000 type=application/x-shockwave-flash pluginspage=http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer>
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Re: Tonights $5000 BoB STT I don`t think you make any huge mistakes, but there was a couple of things I would have done different. After 12.22 min, you have had a bad run of cards only played 1 hand so far, you pick up A6s in middle position folded to you, you fold, I would raise, hope to steal the pot, but having a hand with that might hit something if I get called. After 15.50 min, blinds 30/15 you got 1830 chips. you pick up Ac4h in BB, folded to SB who calls, you raise to 90, he calls, flop 9d 6c 7c, SB checks to you bet 90 he calls, turn Jc, SB check you check behind him. That is a very strange way to play that hand in my opinion. First its very hard to see how that flop can have helped a preflop raiser, so SB will probably suspect you continuation bet if you bet here, second with such a coordinated flop there is a very big chance SB have hit something, a least a weak draw, so the chances that a half seize bet will drive him off the pot is very slim I think. So I would probably only check behind him here. turn Jc that gives you a nutflush draw plus an overcard, here I would bet. After 18.32 min blinds 30/15 you get 77 in cut off, the most lose player at the table yoseagoll, open limps from UTG, you call, I would raise here. Against the most loose player at the table I think my 77 is ahead the most of the time. After 38 min, blinds 50/25 you got 1505 chips left. you got 55 UTG+2, you call, I would raise (because you have played so few hands), if you had played lots of hands I think you should just have thrown it away. I think blinds is simply starting to to get to big compared to your stacks seize to open limp. In general you raises 4 times preflop, once in a blindwar, once all-in with 66 shortstacked, once with AQo semishort from button, and once with JJ, you don`t get any callers with either the JJ or the AQo. You limp every time with a small par. I think thats to weak. You are to easy to read when you only raise with you really good hands, and limp everytime with you weak ones. I think you should openraise at least half the times when you open the pot with a small pair. However to be fair you where not lucky, you diN´t catch many big hands preflop, and you hit nothing on the flops.

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Re: Tonights $5000 BoB STT UL mate, I think your worst hand was the A4 in the beginning. I'm never that aggressive when the blinds are so small. I would just check it in the BB and fold against any bet. I think it's not worthwhile to spend so many chips in that situation but of course it's just my opinion. Also, that 88 hand in the 43rd minute might be played better after the flop. There is only one higher card which is a Queen, and he is betting 100 into a 350 pot, I think I would re-raise here since 450 is a good amount for you and is worth the risk in your situation. I didn't observe his betting patterns much closely but it doesn't seem a top pair bet to me. Other than that I did just the same plays as you while watching. UL at the last coin flip which is also a good move.

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Re: Tonights $5000 BoB STT Know i had a fair amount of luck in this so perhaps not the best person to comment,but perhaps i.m.o you played a little to passively,you had established early that you were playing tight but then failed to move with any hands when you had established it.I know position is key but an aggresive play from early on esp from you could of taken a few hands down. Does having the camera on you affect your play?If so is it worth doing? Does the prize pool affect you if so try to find a way of putting it out of your mind. Just my thoughts you know the players you are up against and rely on what you know about them rather than what the stats say. Gl anyways m8y and maybe someone better will be along to help.

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Re: Tonights $5000 BoB STT

Does having the camera on you affect your play?If so is it worth doing? Does the prize pool affect you if so try to find a way of putting it out of your mind.
No - on the contrary I WANTED it to affect me - I thought that a combination of the prize pool, and the video would make me focus more..... but I was distracted and unfocused....
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Re: Tonights $5000 BoB STT Just the focus thing thought maybe you needed a break but then you seem to be doing well in other tournies stts puzzling. lol at lady What was different to when you were playing that stt and your 30 speed-time,quiet?

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Re: Tonights $5000 BoB STT I THINK that the Speed games may be partly responsable .... they take 20 odd mins if you win and I think that breeds impatience :unsure They are also short handed, so a lot more involved (again, breeding impatience!!)

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