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You can delete this if u want but I am just so pissed off at this Dik... First he doubles up 2 short staks holding 3rd pair with little kiker and top pair on a 4 card str board.... then this for me 2 bubble....:wall :wall :wall :wall :wall Transcript for your last 1 games requested by iChipd ([email protected]) *********** # 1 ************** PokerStars Game #10281982427: Tournament #52102309, $5.00+$0.50 Hold'em No Limit - Level V (75/150) - 2007/06/05 - 09:53:44 (ET) Table '52102309 1' 9-max Seat #6 is the button Seat 3: iChipd (2420 in chips) Seat 5: Becks260886 (2510 in chips) Seat 6: onekel (4120 in chips) Seat 8: 2fast4u28885 (4450 in chips) 2fast4u28885: posts small blind 75 iChipd: posts big blind 150 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to iChipd [Td 8h] Becks260886: calls 150 onekel: folds 2fast4u28885: calls 75 iChipd: checks *** FLOP *** [9h Ts 5s] 2fast4u28885: bets 300 iChipd: raises 450 to 750 Becks260886: folds 2fast4u28885: calls 450 *** TURN *** [9h Ts 5s] [5h] 2fast4u28885: checks iChipd: bets 600 2fast4u28885: raises 2950 to 3550 and is all-in iChipd: calls 920 and is all-in *** RIVER *** [9h Ts 5s 5h] [9s] *** SHOW DOWN *** 2fast4u28885: shows [9d 8d] (a full house, Nines full of Fives) iChipd: shows [Td 8h] (two pair, Tens and Nines) iChipd said, "omg" 2fast4u28885 collected 4990 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 4990 | Rake 0 Board [9h Ts 5s 5h 9s] Seat 3: iChipd (big blind) showed [Td 8h] and lost with two pair, Tens and Nines Seat 5: Becks260886 folded on the Flop Seat 6: onekel (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 8: 2fast4u28885 (small blind) showed [9d 8d] and won (4990) with a full house, Nines full of Fives

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Re: Aaaaarrrrrggggg

No offence meant here but I see that as a very Bad call on your behalf.. And really - No offence meant!! :ok:ok:ok
Fair enough and I agree with you... but there was more 2 it than what is shown above... id been playing with him 4 an hour... he would not chek raise with that hand... I had seen im in a similar hand earlier where he simply bet out smallish.... and kept betting the same turn and river happy 2 be called by both... he seemed to enjoy moving allin if he was unsure of his hand... did the same 2 double up a shortstak he had 55 flop was like 3 6 10... bets happened it went allin opp had A6 turned an A... blah blah blah... .... in a technical sense u r right but i am content with my analysis of the happenings of the hand really just complaining because I was really pissed.... anyway I have stopped 4 2night after this 1... not really a bad beat just realised after this i am not myself... Transcript for your last 1 games requested by iChipd ([email protected]) *********** # 1 ************** PokerStars Game #10282366650: Tournament #52105008, $5.00+$0.50 Hold'em No Limit - Level III (25/50) - 2007/06/05 - 10:34:27 (ET) Table '52105008 1' 9-max Seat #9 is the button Seat 1: gemini_luv (2875 in chips) Seat 2: Jiiman (4115 in chips) Seat 3: n0md4me (440 in chips) Seat 4: QuantrumX (1475 in chips) Seat 7: iChipd (1100 in chips) Seat 8: Hetzalwel (2035 in chips) Seat 9: thecrackshot (1460 in chips) gemini_luv: posts small blind 25 Jiiman: posts big blind 50 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to iChipd [Ah Js] n0md4me: folds QuantrumX: folds iChipd: raises 100 to 150 Hetzalwel: folds thecrackshot: folds gemini_luv: calls 125 Jiiman: calls 100 *** FLOP *** [6d 8h 6c] gemini_luv: checks Jiiman: checks iChipd: checks *** TURN *** [6d 8h 6c] [Jd] gemini_luv: checks Jiiman: checks iChipd: bets 250 gemini_luv: calls 250 Jiiman: raises 400 to 650 iChipd: raises 300 to 950 and is all-in gemini_luv: raises 1775 to 2725 and is all-in Jiiman: calls 2075 *** RIVER *** [6d 8h 6c Jd] [6h] *** SHOW DOWN *** gemini_luv: shows [As Jc] (a full house, Sixes full of Jacks) Jiiman: shows [7d 6s] (four of a kind, Sixes) Jiiman collected 3550 from side pot iChipd: shows [Ah Js] (a full house, Sixes full of Jacks) gemini_luv is sitting out Jiiman collected 3300 from main pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 6850 Main pot 3300. Side pot 3550. | Rake 0 Board [6d 8h 6c Jd 6h] Seat 1: gemini_luv (small blind) showed [As Jc] and lost with a full house, Sixes full of Jacks Seat 2: Jiiman (big blind) showed [7d 6s] and won (6850) with four of a kind, Sixes Seat 3: n0md4me folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 4: QuantrumX folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 7: iChipd showed [Ah Js] and lost with a full house, Sixes full of Jacks Seat 8: Hetzalwel folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 9: thecrackshot (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
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Re: Aaaaarrrrrggggg again there is a pair on the board. Now 3 times the big blind for me in this situation was not big enough to put of BB with calling you with connectors. I would have raised 300 to see where I stood with AJ. As it was the big chip called with 7,6 for 100.. There followed a check check check situation. Now again for me here is the play that makes a difference.. You have bet 250 and were called.Then there is the 450 raise. Here is where with 3 in the pot Id have folded. Any possibilty that AA, KK, QQ, JJ,88 or any 6 could be in play and I d be in serious trouble. Id have folded at that point Im afraid.. I certainly see why you called but for me the initial raise just invited BB to call. A bigger raise at the start should have put him off and then you are heads up in an all in with the other AJ for a split pot as it happens

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Re: Aaaaarrrrrggggg

again there is a pair on the board. Now 3 times the big blind for me in this situation was not big enough to put of BB with calling you with connectors. I would have raised 300 to see where I stood with AJ. As it was the big chip called with 7' date='6 for 100.. There followed a check check check situation. Now again for me here is the play that makes a difference.. You have bet 250 and were called.Then there is the 450 raise. Here is where with 3 in the pot Id have folded. Any possibilty that AA, KK, QQ, JJ,88 or any 6 could be in play and I d be in serious trouble. Id have folded at that point Im afraid.. I certainly see why you called but for me the initial raise just invited BB to call. A bigger raise at the start should have put him off and then you are heads up in an all in with the other AJ for a split pot as it happens[/quote'] Possibly but my possition with chips is not great and really AJ is not the most solid of hands... this was a action game with many raises I really wanted 2 put myself in a position that it wouldnt affect me so much to fold 2 a reraise.... really I will not raise more than 3-4x bb with this hand... investing more could be fatal.... in this case the opp was but i say in this case... I believe in the past acting in a more conservative way with AJ has worked 2 my benefit... really its situational and in this situation raising more MAY have helped... but really what more can i raise... certainly 5x the blind would be the absolute max I have 1100 chips thats 250 in the pot preflop raise w AJ... surely thats not the way 2 go... all of a sudden im pot commited allin against AK with slim chances... In writting this it has reafirmed in my mind that my preflop raise is more realistic than what your suggesting... unless of course you have software that could see that caller 1 has AJ and that 2 6's would flop against a 76... really ur suggesting putting more than 25% of my stak in preflop w AJ... with that I most definately disagree... wow I really love this banter... good stuff....:ok Agree though with everything other than preflop comments....
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Re: Aaaaarrrrrggggg Certainly The banter helps...:ok Now I do accept that there are different ways to play and I am certainly more aggressive a player. I generally play short hand tables and I find this form of play works for me. now i find this part interesting..

certainly 5x the blind would be the absolute max I have 1100 chips thats 250 in the pot preflop raise w AJ... surely thats not the way 2 go... all of a sudden im pot commited allin against AK with slim chances
Now, why?? Firstly the big raise may burn off callers BEFORE the action begins meaning that you will only likely be called by a strong hand. When the flop comes, It will either fall to your benefit or not. Put in a tester bet. If it is re-raised then FOLD. There is no need to be in an all in situation. While I do advocate a big preflop raise, I would have no intention of playing a losing hand and would easily fold if not convinced of my strength. That said A,Jo is not an ideal hand in any way and I most probably would fold it unless I need to force and then I would probably go all in anyway. Interesting to hear how others would have played it...
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