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Gaf? (In Person) On TV NOW!!!!!!!!!!


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Re: Gaf? (In Person) On TV NOW!!!!!!!!!!

Cannot believe that on the one day I am not on here at 1.00 in the morning, I miss this. :wall :sad Can we have a little more warning next time please.
Myself and guesswest made the video available via bittorrent... might still be kicking around if anyone can help? or has GaF? moved it to the recycled bin?? :rollin
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Re: Gaf? (In Person) On TV NOW!!!!!!!!!! lol - I was quite (erm....VERY) nervous about it before seeing it, but once it was broadcast I was quite proud of it ;) I have a small clip of the two consecutive hands (A2s and AQo) that were my best moments :) I'll put it on YouTube.....

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Re: Gaf? (In Person) On TV NOW!!!!!!!!!!

Gotta love the cheeky grin at the end! :rollin :rollin
:lol :lol :lol That was actually in response to something Mike COmer said, that doesn't seem to have been picked up by the mic .... something along the lines of "Keep raising and in a minute we'll be calling you"....
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Re: Gaf? (In Person) On TV NOW!!!!!!!!!! Great work there Gaf :ok We have the UK Poker open showing over here at the moment on ESPN or Fox or somewhere and think it is the same commenators as on the video, they crack me up how they laugh at their own jokes and take the mickey out of the players. :lol What was the event you were in on the video?

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Re: Gaf? (In Person) On TV NOW!!!!!!!!!! Great effort! Just had a read of the website ansd see teddy Sheringham was in it too. So definaitely the same two commentators then cos I am watching the UK Open each week, and some funny stuff, some passive players too at some tables.

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