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What are the Odds (Part I, pre-flop vs one opponent)


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I'm sure GaF's done something similar, but since odds are being mentioned a few times at the moment, a quick test - please DON'T use a poker calculator (or wait for slapdash and copy him)! :rollin If you have the first hand each time, what are the odds of you winning the pot outright? a) AhAd vs KhKd b) AhAd vs KsKc c) AhAd vs TsTc d) AhAd vs 2s2c e) AhAd vs AcKc f) AhAd vs Ac2c g) AhAd vs Ks9d h) AhAd vs 3s2d i) AhAd vs Kc8d j) AhAd vs 7h2d

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Re: What are the Odds (Part I, pre-flop vs one opponent)

Rubbish at this odds lark but i'll give it a bash and embarrass myself :lol a) AhAd vs KhKd (70/30) b) AhAd vs KsKc (65/35) c) AhAd vs TsTc (70/30) d) AhAd vs 2s2c (78/22) e) AhAd vs AcKc (70/30) f) AhAd vs Ac2c (65/35) g) AhAd vs Ks9d (80/20) h) AhAd vs 3s2d (85/15) i) AhAd vs Kc8d (75/25) j) AhAd vs 7h2d
(95/5) No real thought just calculated guesses!...........
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Re: What are the Odds (Part I, pre-flop vs one opponent) rough guesses in bold Damo EDIT have been and checked - interesting!

I'm sure GaF's done something similar, but since odds are being mentioned a few times at the moment, a quick test - please DON'T use a poker calculator (or wait for slapdash and copy him)! :rollin If you have the first hand each time, what are the odds of you winning the pot outright? a) AhAd vs KhKd 82/18 b) AhAd vs KsKc 81/19 c) AhAd vs TsTc 80/20 d) AhAd vs 2s2c 83/17 e) AhAd vs AcKc 90/10 f) AhAd vs Ac2c 90/10 g) AhAd vs Ks9d 85/15 h) AhAd vs 3s2d 84/16 i) AhAd vs Kc8d 86/14 j) AhAd vs 7h2d 85/15
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Re: What are the Odds (Part I, pre-flop vs one opponent)

a) AhAd vs KhKd b) AhAd vs KsKc c) AhAd vs TsTc d) AhAd vs 2s2c e) AhAd vs AcKc f) AhAd vs Ac2c g) AhAd vs Ks9d h) AhAd vs 3s2d i) AhAd vs Kc8d j) AhAd vs 7h2d
Eeeek - I usually set the questions - not sure I dare ANSWER!!! a) 82.2% v 17.8% b) 80.5% v 19.5% c) 80.1% v 19.9% d) 80.5% v 19.5% e) 87% v 13% f) 88% v 12% g) 86% v 14% h) 89% v 11% i) 87.5% v 12.5% j) 91% v 9%
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Re: What are the Odds (Part I, pre-flop vs one opponent) Will post results tomorrow, but a follow up question to Nade/GaF - what exactly is the difference in having 72o or K8o against AA? You've got 2 lower cards against an overpair, with no straight/flush draws - there may be ways of getting a split pot with the K8 which I'm not seeing atm, but essentially they have to be almost dead on the same odds, don't they?!

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Re: What are the Odds (Part I, pre-flop vs one opponent) Ah, good point - for some reason I was misreading the suits, which didn't help. Still surprised you think there's such a big difference, though. (I'm now gonna have to check them myself as I could be really embarassing myself here!)

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Re: What are the Odds (Part I, pre-flop vs one opponent) I dont think the difference is THAT big, with hindsight (and Pokerstove :tongue2) .... it was just at the end and so got a little less thought than the others :lol :lol :lol

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Re: What are the Odds (Part I, pre-flop vs one opponent) The answers, according to the Hendon Mob's poker calculator.

a) AhAd vs KhKd - 82.63/17.37 b) AhAd vs KsKc - 81.25/18.74 c) AhAd vs TsTc - 80.08/19.91 d) AhAd vs 2s2c - 81.54/18.45 e) AhAd vs AcKc - 87.85/12.14 f) AhAd vs Ac2c - 87.89/12.10 g) AhAd vs Ks9d - 86.86/13.13 h) AhAd vs 3s2d - 87.21/12.78 i) AhAd vs Kc8d - 88.13/11.86 j) AhAd vs 7h2d - 88.97/11.02
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