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Should I steal?


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after Aimar's excellent thread on STT's, we had a discussion about when to steal and why - so I'll go first is this a decent time for a semi-bluff steal - the table is fairly passive (have been here one full round) and even if i am called I have options on the flop so if i steal - how much? Ta Damo 200.00/400.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 30 May 2007 20:33:07 $1000 Guaranteed (Real /Tournament ) Seat 1: robilaruk (13175.00) Seat 2: fouracs (4460.00) Seat 3: *cool dude (3900.00) Seat 4: mbydck (2690.00) Seat 5: Dannyboy31 (2680.00) Seat 6: Saints22 (8018.00) Seat 7: scotty0071 (3970.00) Seat 8: Stocki10 (7105.00) Seat 9: Frank_JJ (9105.00) Seat 10: Sexy-Keks (4175.00) mbydck post SB 200.00 Dannyboy31 post BB 400.00 ** Deal ** robilaruk [8c, 8s] *** Bet Round 1 *** Saints22 Fold scotty0071 Call 400.00 Stocki10 Fold Frank_JJ Fold Sexy-Keks Fold HERO??????

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Re: Should I steal? I dont steal here - no need to, and there's little point ..... the risk is greater than the rewards..... Neither Danny Boy nor scotty alon offer me the implied odds to draw to trips, but I probably still limp and hope to see a flop - together, and with the chances of other limpers (hopefully increased with 2 limpers already) I'm not far off the implied odds I'm looking for....

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Re: Should I steal? I'm gonna cheat and PM DAC.

Seat 10: Sexy-Keks (4175.00)
;) I'll put in a 1k bet here. 2.5 times the BB to dissuade them and also makes the limper think about all in or fold. Allin vs 1 opponent I may take it but any more heat and I can afford to drop.
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Re: Should I steal? really nice to see this thread :clap. I couldn't play poker for two days now due to exams,etc. I'll post some too later on hopefully. I would also limp and on a decent flop I would try to steal on the flop. I don't like stealing after a limp with eights. Maybe I'm too passive :D.

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Re: Should I steal? Surely pocket 8's in mid to late position is a playable hand, it's not about stealing? Also you're the chip leader so you should be using that to your advantage. I'd be raising about 3xBB because you don't want too many in the pot. If Scotty comes back over the top for all his chips I'd be tempted to fold, but I'd probably call. He's only limped in early position so may pass the opportunity to go up against the chip leader. Also relevant to the answer is your table image?

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Re: Should I steal? Is this an appropriate steal? I saw him fold his blinds before. ***** El 634171668 ***** 100.00/200.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit) - Thursday, May 31, 2007 11:35:05 AM STT $3 NL (Gerçek/Turnuva) Koltuk 1: murkaka (1250.00) Koltuk 2: bezcny_LPL (3625.00) Koltuk 3: vascor (2235.00) Koltuk 5: Kyudo (1020.00) Koltuk 8: casper666 (6870.00) murkaka post SB 100.00 bezcny_LPL post BB 200.00 ** Bahis ** murkaka [Ks, 6m] bezcny_LPL [N/A, N/A] vascor [N/A, N/A] Kyudo [N/A, N/A] casper666 [N/A, N/A] *** Bahis Turu 1 *** vascor Çekil Kyudo Çekil casper666 Çekil murkaka All-in 1250.00 bezcny_LPL Çekil *** Hodri Meydan *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 400.00 murkaka Varsayılan olarak Kazanç: 800.00 bezcny_LPL Çekil Kazanç: 0.00 vascor Çekil Kazanç: 0.00 Kyudo Çekil Kazanç: 0.00 casper666 Çekil Kazanç: 0.00

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Re: Should I steal? Should I push here? He was strangely limping into lots of pots later on. ***** El 634172926 ***** 100.00/200.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit) - Thursday, May 31, 2007 11:37:54 AM STT $3 NL (Gerçek/Turnuva) Koltuk 1: murkaka (1150.00) Koltuk 2: bezcny_LPL (3525.00) Koltuk 3: vascor (1735.00) Koltuk 5: Kyudo (1120.00) Koltuk 8: casper666 (7470.00) vascor post SB 100.00 Kyudo post BB 200.00 ** Bahis ** murkaka [2s, 2ku] bezcny_LPL [N/A, N/A] vascor [N/A, N/A] Kyudo [N/A, N/A] casper666 [N/A, N/A] *** Bahis Turu 1 *** casper666 Gör 200.00 murkaka Çekil bezcny_LPL Çekil vascor Çekil Kyudo Oyunda Kal *** Flop(Board): *** : [Kka, Js, 2ka] *** Bahis Turu 2 *** Kyudo Oyunda Kal casper666 Bahis 200.00 Kyudo Çekil *** Hodri Meydan *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 500.00 murkaka Çekil Kazanç: 0.00 bezcny_LPL Çekil Kazanç: 0.00 vascor Çekil Kazanç: 0.00 Kyudo Çekil Kazanç: 0.00 casper666 Varsayılan olarak Kazanç: 1000.00

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Re: Should I steal? Again ended up third in this one. Another shoving question after a limp. What do you think about this one? I don't know what hands should I shove after a limp so a general answer would stop me from posting these again :lol. ***** El 634329594 ***** 200.00/400.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit) - Thursday, May 31, 2007 3:27:36 PM STT $3 NL (Gerçek/Turnuva) Koltuk 3: ste79 (5390.00) Koltuk 4: Tod2000 (4850.00) Koltuk 8: murkaka (2700.00) Koltuk 9: gaalpe (2060.00) murkaka post SB 200.00 gaalpe post BB 400.00 ** Bahis ** ste79 [N/A, N/A] Tod2000 [N/A, N/A] murkaka [Aka, Js] gaalpe [N/A, N/A] *** Bahis Turu 1 *** ste79 Gör 400.00 Tod2000 Çekil murkaka ?????????????

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Should I steal? can't post the hand history as usual thanks to boss (i hate them). anyways my M was 7 blinds were 100-200 I'm at the button everyone folded to me my cards are A9 suited SB is about 3000 bb is just like me. I went all-in and lost in the end to the bb he showed KK, anyways is it too early to go all-in there?

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Re: Should I steal? I would say yes - a raise to 1k is enough how many players left BTW? Damo

can't post the hand history as usual thanks to boss (i hate them). anyways my M was 7 blinds were 100-200 I'm at the button everyone folded to me my cards are A9 suited SB is about 3000 bb is just like me. I went all-in and lost in the end to the bb he showed KK' date=' anyways is it too early to go all-in there?[/quote']
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Re: Should I steal? can't fault you for shoving - as the other 2 stacks have the other 7K between them - this is a standard shove play rather than a steal given stack to blind ratio - unless one of the other two is ultra short (say

no I have about 2K the SB have about 3k BB have 2k too (fuukin boss):lol
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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Should I steal? Something really pisses me off and I don't know what to do. Assuming you are in the push or fold mode, you were about to push a hand like A8s or JTs etc., but a big stack (or anyone) limped before you. What do you do? Do you fold it or push? I only push 77+, AQ+, AJs in a situation like this. How much does a limper before you effect your pushing?

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Re: Should I steal? A limp before you is dangerous .... if you have been seen to be aggressive/shoving, the danger is that they are trapping - you need to make a judgement based on your expectation of WHY the big stack is limping - are they mega strong? or drawing? The more limpers there are before you (or the more people to act after you) the weaker the situation for shoving to pick up the blinds and the stronger your starting hands need to be to do it.... You also should be targeting others based on their stack size (and previous play) ..... generally a large stack is not the person you want to be choosing to take on...... You also do not want to be taking on a small stack UNLESS you are the next smallest.....

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Re: Should I steal? thanks mate, I'll try looking at it that way, I asked this because in my last game a big stack prevented all of my pushes by limping, then I didn't stop pushing once with KJ because I really needed to, he called me with pocket three's and eliminated me. I thought maybe if I wasn't that passive before, he wouldn't have called and I would have more FE.

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