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Poker Resources


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The mods have been working on a summary of some of the best Poker Resources out there, just for you :) This is still work in progress, so expect to see plenty of updates. If you have any suggestions for additions, please PM any of the poker mods, or email us at poker at punterslounge dot com. This sticky will be closed, so that it isn't any open invitation for spam ;) Poker Articles How To Start Out in Poker Without Risking Your Own Cash (Andy Higgins) Beat Cash Poker (Nick Wealthall) I II III IV V VI How to calculate Pot Odds (Nick Wealthall) How to calculate implied odds (Nick Wealthall) Playing Heads Up (Rick Dacey) bluffing (Vicky Coren) Semi-bluffing (Vicky Coren) Position (Vicky Coren) Raising (Vicky Coren) Bankroll management (pokerfox) Poker Software/Odds PokerStove (Free Desktop Odds Calculator) Independent Chip Model Sit and Go End Game Tools SNGWIZ Hendon Mob Calculator (Holdem/Omaha/OmahaH-L/StudH-L/Razz) Poker Office Poker Tracker Bet-the-Pot PokerTracker Guide STT Strategy DavSimon's SnG Strategy Guide No Limit Single Table Tournament Strategy by TightPoker.com Maximus’ Strategy by Andrew Strohman Common Beginner Pitfalls To Avoid by TLR Sit and Go Strategy by Howard Lederer Sit and Go Strategy by Chris Moneymaker No limit tournament betting by Andrew Strohman Sit and Go Moves by vqc Theorem of Blind Stealing AK and AQ early in a single table sit and go Defending the Big Blind Pre-Flop Defending the Big Blind Post Flop Heads Up Strategy by Maximus ICM calcs: Calling AI after Raising/Pushing Over Raise Low buyin SNG dos and don'ts Poker Magazines PokerPlayer InsidePoker Poker TV/Downloads PokerTube PokerBay FullTilt Final Tables TheNutztv Poker Forums TwoPlusTwo Pocket 5's Hendon mob forum AWOP APAT Player Tracking Hendon Mob Player Database Sharkscope Official Poker Rankings poker training sites Badbeat traders Cardrunners Tracking Performance Cardplayer live tourney updates pokernews LasVegas Fatwallet Hotel Discounts AllVegasPoker Tournaments and PokerRoomRates Vegas info

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Re: Poker Resources Have added Sit and Go End Game Tools which I saw highlighted in Poker Player mag this month as the daddy of the packages. The Lite, free, version is fully functional it seems, without "Real Time Analysis" (i.e. auto read fuctionality of your active table) and without Game Theory Based Ranges (which I haven't a clue what it is :loon)

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Re: Poker Resources Jolly suggested adding this to this thread - good idea mate :ok It's for the Paddy Power calculator.

I dont think it is cool for me to post URL's so. Firstly you have to be a PPP customer. Secondly having been so you would have been sent a mail giving you a link to the page and a code. However I provided a code that you guys can use in an earlier post in this thread and you can find the download on the Poker Academy section of our website. Voila ! I also have a code you can use if the other has expired: pppcalc4u
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  • 1 year later...

Re: Poker Resources Added 3 forums,the hendon mob,awop and apat. also added thenutztv in downloads/tv as their v fest coverage is very good. added training site section added live update section added vegas.com for vegas info,good for shows ,attractions ,events ,gigs ,what to do etc.

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