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Why is my cash game so bad??


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Yet my tournament play is so much better???? (posted this on my blog and got some interesting thoughts and ideas - thought I'd pass it on to you guys) If I stick to tournaments (STT's or MTT's) I do enough to make a regular profit. If I play cash I have ups and downs, but overall it's like banging my head against a brick wall. I've always had the attitude that the cash game (this is all no-limit by the way) is similar to the early stages of a tournament - big stacks compared to small blinds. Now in tournies I am happy to bide my time for the first two or three levels - if someone wants to double me up, then fine - but I won't play reckless poker to achieve that. Then I think the best part of my game kicks in, where I change gears and am able to move up the tournament standings. Now with the cash game it's completely different. I might have the odd occasion when I double up - but Ill also have the odd occasion when I lose the lot. I thought I'd cracked it a couple of months ago - but that was just good variance - and then the bad variance kicked in. I wonder if it is that the style of my play is geared to tournaments, and not the cash game - but there lies the question for me. What are the differences between no-limit cash and no-limit tournies?? What should I be doing differently when playing cash? Is it a confidence thing? I sit at a tournie table and I honestly feel that I am the best player at the table - at a cash table I sometimes feel that other players know more than me. Or is it more of a propensity to tilt?? I do find cash frustrating, and unlike in a tournie where losing a big pot normally means losing the tournie, with cash you can reload and carry on playing the same players - which is not the best thing to do. Is it lack of patience?? In tournies you get to a stage where too much patience is probably a bad thing, but with cash you have to retain that patience. So why is my cash game so bad???

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Re: Why is my cash game so bad?? in a tourney you need to be aware of your cash position vs others at the table, you need to be aware of rising blinds, your "M" and other factors. In a cash game, none of this matters, I used to struggle in cash games after playing a lot of STT's, In my head I was always looking to make a move. You don't need to move through gears. One gear is enough. In later stages of a STT, you must blind steal to survive, you don't need to do any of this. If patience is difficult, try multi tabling a bit. Don;t know what level you play at, I play 10c / 20c cash mostly. The game is easy to beat, if you're tight and only play premium hands, Playing a mixture of game types is difficult, commit to cash for a month, no stts at all. Your cash game will improve rapidly

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Re: Why is my cash game so bad?? Are you losing cos your over value premium hands like aa - qq. Say for instance you raise in early position with aa and you get 2 callers. The flop comes 6 9 j no flush possibilities. You bet out and get reraised are you able to lay aa down? I would often go broke in situations like this when I first started playing, position is such a big proposition in poker,

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Re: Why is my cash game so bad?? I don't think my general play is too bad at cash poker - but I'm wondering if I play a little too fast when I make a hand. Is tight aggressive the best play for no-limit cash poker. It works for me in tournament play early on - but is there an argument for loosening up pre-flop in playing cash?? My major problem is that sometimes I have a made hand, and figure because of the make up of the flop that I must be ahead. An example I am holding QQ. (I bet something like 5 x BB) - 1 player calls. The flop comes J 7 6. I put in a pot sized bet - my opponent comes over the top - all-in. I call - and my opponent is holding J 7s - and I'm down a buy-in. I'm wondering if I should be the guy who is playing a wide range of hands. Going to lose a lot of hands - but get paid big when you do hit.

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Re: Why is my cash game so bad?? Cloud this is what I was getting at earlier. I'd advise ypu to try playing with a short stack and multitabling thus leaving you with easier decisions. Theres a thread somewhere "short stack strategy" check it out. I feel your game is better suited to this style of play.

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Re: Why is my cash game so bad?? Interesting approach Invasor. I've always believed that I should take the max to a table - to get the most value from my good hands. But maybe you've hit on something there.. I'll find the thread and have a read.

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