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Can Changes In Your Life Affect Your Play?


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I have started to play poker again after nearly 6 months away from the game. This was due to being bored, no concentration and unable to get any sort of read on the game. I have now been in my new job 2 weeks and have found a considerale difference in how I am playing. I am beginning to enjoy playing and my concentration levels have shot up. It's only been freerolls, with the same muppet all in play, but I am getting further than I was 6 months ago. I can only put this down to my new job and having to use my brain more as before I was sitting around at work doing nothing all day.

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Re: Can Changes In Your Life Affect Your Play? studies on low mood and stress demonstrate concentraion reduction which in this scenario will involve worse play. This frustration, i'd imagine, made you more pissed off further affecting concentration. sounds like you are rediscovering the 'fun' side to playing which will be a positive mate. Glad to hear that your new job is starting off well!

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Re: Can Changes In Your Life Affect Your Play? yes, when child was on her way, I really sharpened up because I had stuff to buy (travel system, cot etc etc etc), so I was more focussed and won a decent amount in the 6 months I could play before Holly arrived however, now I am less focussed, as I can only snatch at games coz infant mewling likes to spend time with daddy :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana so when i play, its in small time slots (probabaly two hours at most, 3 times a week) which is why I have been having a poker night out in Stoke playing live - its my nite off :ok, and the time being the reason why I have missed the PL games, I just can't dedicate the time required over a complete month :sad (and I really miss them) Damo

I have started to play poker again after nearly 6 months away from the game. This was due to being bored, no concentration and unable to get any sort of read on the game. I have now been in my new job 2 weeks and have found a considerale difference in how I am playing. I am beginning to enjoy playing and my concentration levels have shot up. It's only been freerolls, with the same muppet all in play, but I am getting further than I was 6 months ago. I can only put this down to my new job and having to use my brain more as before I was sitting around at work doing nothing all day.
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Re: Can Changes In Your Life Affect Your Play? My moods, largely affected by what is going on in my life really affect the way I play. I've started to get in tune with when I am in the right frame of mind for poker and try and avoid playing when I'm not there. When I feel like I'm in the zone I am sure I play noticeably better. My enjoyment of the game then becomes a bit of a self fulling prophecy in that when I am in the right frame of mind I play better. When I play better I win more and then I enjoy the poker even more; even bad beats can't drag me down. Good to hear your enjoying the game again. FBF

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Re: Can Changes In Your Life Affect Your Play? FBF - spot on mate. Couldn't have put it better. Gal - Sounds like you've turned the corner mate! :ok Sometimes a break can be the answer. Certainly sounds like you are in a more positive state of mind now and this will definately help your play. Being able to play when you're in the right mood is essential IMO. I certainly play like a muppet when I've had a bad day! :spank

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