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Played this hand a few minutes ago in the European Leaderboard on BoB ($10 rebuy - still in the rebuy period) - thought it was quite interesting - any thoughts? I feel I played it extremely poorly, but cant decided what I SHOULD have done differently.... I think my check calls persuaded him I was strong, and even more so when I reraised all in ..... but surely he was pot commited - what could he fold there?? Its costing him just over $1000 to call into a pot of $3600!! Was he just defending his BB with nothing? TBH usually I think I'd have just folded pre flop and given him a walk..... ** Game ID 1388578494 starting - 2007-05-16 19:29:16 ** 1,3K EURO Leaderboard[961472]:Table 1 [Hold em] (50.00|100.00 No Limit - MTT) Real Money - foxhunter60 sitting in seat 1 with $2852.18 - Lanttu85 sitting in seat 2 with $1340.00 - ace662 sitting in seat 3 with $6220.00 - chpboos sitting in seat 5 with $2422.50 - -cage- sitting in seat 6 with $2841.87 - DeValois sitting in seat 7 with $830.00 [Dealer] - Telepe sitting in seat 8 with $4418.45 Telepe posted the small blind - $25.00 foxhunter60 posted the big blind - $50.00 ** Dealing card to Telepe: 5 of Spades, King of Spades Lanttu85 folded ace662 folded chpboos folded -cage- folded DeValois folded Telepe called - $50.00 foxhunter60 bet - $200.00 Telepe called - $200.00 ** Dealing the flop: 8 of Spades, Ace of Hearts, 4 of Spades Telepe checked foxhunter60 bet - $400.00 Telepe called - $400.00 ** Dealing the turn: King of Diamonds Telepe checked foxhunter60 bet - $1200.00 Telepe went all-in - $3843.45 foxhunter60 folded Telepe mucks: Telepe wins $6243.45 from the main pot End of game 1388578494

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Re: SB v BB looks perfect to me, 2nd pair and flush draw, what more could you ask for? Damo ps top pair and nut flush draw :lol

Played this hand a few minutes ago in the European Leaderboard on BoB ($10 rebuy - still in the rebuy period) -
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Re: SB v BB My two cents: Looks to me like he was just defending his blind. As for the play, maybe you're uncertain because you don't know what you were trying to achieve/represent in the hand? You only limped and then called a small raise, so I can't see what hand you're representing on the flop (maybe pocket 4's). With the king on the turn you're still behind to an ace, so if you're willing to put the money in on the turn I'd have done it on the flop. Lead out the flop, hope he re-raises me representing an ace, then move all-in with the nut flush draw.

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Re: SB v BB I think he started to defend his blind and because of the continued aggression on your part he decided his hand wasn't strong enough. It could be that he had hit second pair and the King on the turn would make it too much of a risk to call. I've been in BB's situation and defended my blind and been over aggressive in doing so, only to be out drawn on the turn/river and lost with (as an example) AQ to sb's K7. This play seems reasonable to me, but then again I don't live or die by pot odds (and will never change I'm afraid). EDIT: Before you rubbish what I'm saying, just imagine for a moment he had QQ or JJ. I personally would say he made a good fold. EDIT 2: take the Ace away and you could argue reasonably that he has a pocket pair from 8's to Queen's.

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