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InsidePoker Blue Square GUKPT Brighton Freeroll


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Re: InsidePoker Blue Square GUKPT Brighton Freeroll Fooking bubble boy. :puke 11 left, guy to my left has been playing loose as a goose. He raises my BB, I've got AA and make an instant raise all in. He thinks, calls with 55, and we know what happens next. Grrrrrrrrrrrr.

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Re: InsidePoker Blue Square GUKPT Brighton Freeroll

Fooking bubble boy. :puke 11 left, guy to my left has been playing loose as a goose. He raises my BB, I've got AA and make an instant raise all in. He thinks, calls with 55, and we know what happens next. Grrrrrrrrrrrr.
If it any consolation, he did nothing on the final table and went out first, I think. Out in 7th for me, $109 token or some such thing:clap . Dave488 tearing up the final table. Good luck mate:ok
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Re: InsidePoker Blue Square GUKPT Brighton Freeroll Blooming 2nd, although at least another PL'er won it, Alex Ross.:clap :clap :clap Althougth got pretty unlucky on final hand when my 88 hit trips on the flop, which was 8c 9s Ac, we both checked, turn 7c. I bet 40k, Alex goes all in and has me covered, not folding set so call. He turns a j, lovely i think, until 10 on river to give him straight!:wall :wall Couldn't believe it, hadn't even seen straight draw and didn't know i had got beat at first. That's twice getting close in freerolls for live tourney in a week, third time lucky i hope.:hope :hope Have to say that Alex had played a great final table and was a worthy winner. :clap :clap :clap

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Re: InsidePoker Blue Square GUKPT Brighton Freeroll

A consolation prize for me. They've entered me for the Bubblers tournament. :nana
:ok Good, that is the least you deserve for that beat you took. Well done Alex for winning (sorry didn't realise you were a PL-er:$ ). Well played Dave for 2nd:ok
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Re: InsidePoker Blue Square GUKPT Brighton Freeroll Was looking for GUPKT satellite to use my $109 token in last night, but couldn't see any, so was a little confused as are supposed to be on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. Then I got this email, which explains it.:ok 'I can confirm that upon review of our accounts we have noticed that you currently have an unused GUKPT Satellite token, as the satellites have been replaced by the Poker 6 qualification tournaments for the next month we would like to inform you that your token will also be valid for entry into any Poker 6 satellite. Moving forward, should you require any assistance now or in the future then please do not hesitate to contact us. Thanks for choosing Blue Square Poker. Adam Customer Service Team'

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Re: InsidePoker Blue Square GUKPT Brighton Freeroll

Was looking for GUPKT satellite to use my $109 token in last night, but couldn't see any, so was a little confused as are supposed to be on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. Then I got this email, which explains it.:ok 'I can confirm that upon review of our accounts we have noticed that you currently have an unused GUKPT Satellite token, as the satellites have been replaced by the Poker 6 qualification tournaments for the next month we would like to inform you that your token will also be valid for entry into any Poker 6 satellite. Moving forward, should you require any assistance now or in the future then please do not hesitate to contact us. Thanks for choosing Blue Square Poker. Adam Customer Service Team'
It looks, from my initial view, that the Wednesday and Friday sats are re-buys, but the Sunday sat is a freezeout. 3000 chips and 20 minute blinds. Might need Monday off though!!
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Re: InsidePoker Blue Square GUKPT Brighton Freeroll

Well done Alex for winning (sorry didn't realise you were a PL-er:$ ).
Heh... alex WAS a Pl'er.. I believe he posted an open invit freeroll password and was banned for it.. Now he enjoys busting Pl'ers and donking off his stack at the GUKPT ;)
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