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What promo's do you like?


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Re: What promo's do you like? I have to be honest, I've never understood the idea behind Savings Clubs - far better to throw the money in a high interest savings account that needs x days notice before you can touch it, surely? Fairpack must be all the evidence you need to show this!!! Sure, you need to show a bit of self discipline, but if WSOP/Christmas Hampers/etc are what you decide you want to spend your money on, then get disciplined!!!! :tongue2

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Re: What promo's do you like?

what do you reckon GAF? Is it possible?
We're (Mainly being driven by Mr V and Paul at the moment :ok) looking at a few options at the moment - not sure what but I'm sure we'll have something fantastic for you along these lines - Just give us some time ;)
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Re: What promo's do you like?

We're (Mainly being driven by Mr V and Paul at the moment :ok) looking at a few options at the moment - not sure what but I'm sure we'll have something fantastic for you along these lines - Just give us some time ;)
GaF Was this your 20,000th post ? :loon McG :gimme :gimme
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Re: What promo's do you like? I think that both Mr Vs and BJ's ideas are great. We have a few high flyers around that have come on leaps and bounds since I started playing poker and the challenge of a high buy in league will give them more incentive to play than the $1 - $5 leagues that we have running. :ok

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Re: What promo's do you like? What about the variants as mentioned before in a league at $5-$10 buy in or whatever level you think best in addition to whats currently running say mon-holdem n/l tues-omaha hilo pl wed omaha thurs-razz fri-stud 7 hi lo sat-holdem f/l sun-horse Run it over 10 weeks with best 3/4 scores each week counting so those who have other commitments still in the running.Would this not improve the overall skill level on the other variants as the weeks went on and bring more success to pl?Also the site who hosted would probably add to it if you had a daily tourney?Not sure if its feasible but sounds good fun to me.

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Re: What promo's do you like? Does it have to be the WSOP ? There's plenty of tournaments around the UK. Maybe build up the warchest, over a period of months, after that enter a winner every month into a live event, while the warchest keeps on being topped up, and like the Virgin event, say 10% of any winnings being put back into the coffers.

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Re: What promo's do you like? Somestimes I find it hard to put into words what I'm actually feeling! :unsure At the moment we have a great Poker Section with great promotions for low-buy in stakes :clap - this in turn creates the feelgood factor of the Forum. :nana (hope that makes sense) If the stakes are raised too high ($50) then I think there's a risk the Forum could suffer as it would be difficult to see how the games could be played in the same friendly spirit as a $5 entry. :cry I can also understand certain players wanting to test themselves in higher stakes. I've been missing most of the Monday & Wednesday games as I've started to concentrate on the larger buy-in or playing satellites and I'm quite happy to do this in MTT's where the majority are NOT PL as it is a hell of a lot easier without the Sharks from here. :tongue2 We were all new to the game once and I'm sure there are plenty of folk here are still chuffed to win $20 or less. :ok Anyway, I'm rambling and sober - keep the promotional buy-ins low to suit the majority!! :ok TQM :cheers

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Re: What promo's do you like? I agree mate, i just wondered if we could do something that also gave a prize at the end, it does not have to be $20 it could be $10 per week and you would still have about 400 to split between the top 10 and then at the end the top 5 in the league get $1000 to enter a torney of their choice Good post

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