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Limped Mid Pair that's an Overpair on Flop

Crouch Potato

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Ok, I probably played this hand super poorly, but PKR can be maniac like so without QQ/KK/AA I always look to keep things small. I limped here only to hit trips but ended up with the overpair. Suggested ways to play this most welcome. Table Type: Ring Money Type: REAL MONEY Blinds are now $0.25/$0.50 Button is at seat 3 Seat 1: boring - $22.79 Seat 2: Daedalus44 - $9.25 Seat 3: adamout - $55.99 Seat 4: Csabika1 - $45 Seat 5: morgenes1 - $49.22 Seat 6: ingolf - $17.50 Seat 7: LoneWolf001 - $45.75 Seat 8: tohumaniac - $98.93 Seat 9: daveshindigg - $30 Seat 10: KimiRaikkonen - $188.62 Moving Button to seat 4 morgenes1 posts small blind ($0.25) ingolf posts big blind ($0.50) Shuffling Deck Dealing Cards Dealing [Tc Td] to KimiRaikkonen LoneWolf001 folds tohumaniac calls $0.50 daveshindigg folds KimiRaikkonen calls $0.50 boring folds Daedalus44 folds adamout calls $0.50 Csabika1 calls $0.50 morgenes1 calls $0.50 ingolf checks Dealing Flop [4d 7s 5c] morgenes1 bets $1.50 ingolf folds tohumaniac calls $1.50 KimiRaikkonen calls $1.50 adamout calls $1.50 Csabika1 raises to $12 morgenes1 folds tohumaniac folds KimiRaikkonen folds adamout folds Taking Rake of $0.52 from pot 1 Csabika1 doesn't show Csabika1 wins $9.98

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Re: Limped Mid Pair that's an Overpair on Flop

Dealing Flop [4d 7s 5c] morgenes1 bets $1.50 ingolf folds tohumaniac calls $1.50 KimiRaikkonen calls $1.50 adamout calls $1.50 Csabika1 raises to $12
This to me suggests either A7 and he's hit and is prcing you all out of any draw. The obvious straight. Complete bluff. I'd go for the first. :ok P.S. Possible over pair too I forgot to say
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Re: Limped Mid Pair that's an Overpair on Flop You're probably right, although I wouldn't rule out something connected like 5/6, 6/7 etc. Overpair seemed a little unlikely given the limp but it is what I did. Didn't have a read as I was really just identifying fish and their exploitable tendencies (but from other games he seems fairly solid, though definitely has gaps). Just let it go because by nature I'm too passive. On Pkr I can justify to an extent but generally speaking it just feels like a weak play. I suppose it's possible he had flopped a set too and was chasing out the straight draw.

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Re: Limped Mid Pair that's an Overpair on Flop

I'm surprised you didn't call with Pkr as it is he probably only had a 7.
He was deep stacked and whilst I beat A7 there were a few hands I was behind too and some others where I imagine he had a few outs too. I make my money almost solely by winning monster pots and losing sprinklings of chips folding these types of hands. It's a huge weakness in my game but at PKR it's not really something I worry about as I'm just looking to flop a set.
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Re: Limped Mid Pair that's an Overpair on Flop

it's not really something I worry about as I'm just looking to flop a set.
Excellent point. :ok Sometimes it can be easy to forget why you're playing your cards in the first place but I doubt I'd fold tbh. :(
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Re: Limped Mid Pair that's an Overpair on Flop I would say thats an excellent fold. With all the limps you have no idea where you stand and you could be behind to so many hands here. At a guess he has two pair and put in the raise to see where he stands. Even if you are ahead you hand is vulnerable to so many cards that could come on the turn/river you are best folding here. You have no odds calling hoping to hit your 10.

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Re: Limped Mid Pair that's an Overpair on Flop I don't think it's an overpair because they would probably raise it, so it's probably a straight or he hit the trips. You can't tell because there are so many limpers. good fold mate. I would only call this late in a STT.

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Re: Limped Mid Pair that's an Overpair on Flop I also put him on A7 or K7, and trying to force people out of the pot and reduce the chances of someone drawing at a straight. I'm calling him with any overpair there

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Re: Limped Mid Pair that's an Overpair on Flop To those who say they play this hand; raise or call? If I were playing I'd be inclined to think raising is the best option (not that I ever take the best option). If you just call here are you going to call the turn regardless? Opinions welcome.

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