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good fold?, bad fold? and why!


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only small staked, but want some opinions:ok ***** Hand 613921330 ***** 0.05/0.10 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 11 May 2007 16:27:39 TH Mini 55 (Real /Cash Game ) Seat 1: Roed-85 (10.26) Seat 2: siwka31 (11.48) Seat 3: caylus (0.75) Seat 4: Freden123 (14.75) Seat 5: morlspin (9.98) morlspin post SB 0.05 Roed-85 post BB 0.10 ** Deal ** Roed-85 [N/A, N/A] siwka31 [N/A, N/A] caylus [N/A, N/A] Freden123 [N/A, N/A] morlspin [3d, 9d] *** Bet Round 1 *** siwka31 Call 0.10 caylus Call 0.10 Freden123 Call 0.10 morlspin Call 0.10 Roed-85 Check *** Flop(Board): *** : [4d, Kd, Kh] *** Bet Round 2 *** morlspin Check Roed-85 Check siwka31 Check caylus Check Freden123 Check *** Turn(Board): *** : [4d, Kd, Kh, 6d] *** Bet Round 3 *** morlspin Bet 0.30 Roed-85 Call 0.30 siwka31 Fold caylus Fold Freden123 Fold *** River(Board): *** : [4d, Kd, Kh, 6d, Kc] *** Bet Round 4 *** morlspin Check Roed-85 Bet 0.90 morlspin Fold *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.05 Total Pot: 1.05 Roed-85 By default Win: 2.10 siwka31 Fold Win: 0.00 caylus Fold Win: 0.00 Freden123 Fold Win: 0.00 morlspin Fold Win: 0.00

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Re: good fold?, bad fold? and why! Firstly i want to know why you're playing with 3,9 suited in the first place ;) But secondly if you're willing to play with 30c on the turn then why not call the 90 on the river? You're probably behind, well most certainly, but for 90c was it not worth seeing what they had? Also i would have bet more on the turn, but it's all subjective.

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Re: good fold?, bad fold? and why! I'd probably call here just to find out what he had. Without knowing anything he might have been drawing to the Ad or just thinks his Ace high is good . IMO you'd be ahead a little bit of the time and the information you can get could be worth any -EV from the call itself. I'm no expert though

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Re: good fold?, bad fold? and why! I think whether it's good or bad depends upon your read of Roed. If he's been playing tight then you're probably behind, loose and you could well be ahead. If you don't have a read then I think it's worth 90c to get the information and see his cards. Considering he's checked/called all the way to the river and hasn't put in a strong bet on the river it would have been a useful piece of information to have on him. Personally I'd have called since the bet was quite small and been comfortable that I had more information on the player regardless of the result.

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Re: good fold?, bad fold? and why!

a little info....he was a loose player who tended to fish to the river' date=' and eventually took my cash when i overplayed top pair, he had 2 pair[/quote'] If he's a loose player I think I would have called here. His raise on the river is not very large and could just be a steal at the pot. I might even have been tempted by a re-raise. Worst case senario is that for 90c you get more information on him being a fish. If he hit anything then it's likely to have been that 6 on the turn with the pattern of his betting.
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Re: good fold?, bad fold? and why! like the limp, like the 3/4 pot on the turn tricky on the river - you are not beating much at all - I would have been tempted to bet 30-40c again, by not betting you are leaving yourself open to the bluff, but as you didn't I think this is a good fold :ok Damo

only small staked, but want some opinions:ok
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Re: good fold?, bad fold? and why!

was my sb' date=' so only cost 5c to see a flop[/quote'] Sounds expensive over time to me ;) It wasn't "only 5c", it was half a big blind!! :loon You have crap cards and crap position - doesn't matter how cheap it is - I'm not interested in playing it!!! By the river there are lots of cards beating you .... without specific information on the player betting into me I have to respect him for a hand and fold.
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Re: good fold?, bad fold? and why!

You have crap cards and crap position - doesn't matter how cheap it is - I'm not interested in playing it!!! .
Totally agree - it was the 'only 5c' that cost you the rest of the money - what flop do you want to see to think you can actually win with that hand from that position. I'm not advocating this but, I would rather pay a full bet and limp with this hand from the button against 3 callers, rather than pay half a bet and play it from the Small Blind.
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Re: good fold?, bad fold? and why! so a full bet limp from the button is ok but a 1/2 bet is not? I can't quite see how (apart from position on the flop) this makes sense as:

  1. there are two players after you who might raise
  2. you are giving better odds for the SB to limp and draw

I really do like the limp, you are getting 9-1 for your 1/2 BB, thats great odds with any 2 to flop a monster and if the flop misses you, it goes in the bin, I'll take that bet every day of the week, as you hand is (most probably) not a 9-1 dog at the minute. Its like limping with 44 from LP hoping to hit your 7-1 set, it doesn't happen very often but when it does....... I wouldn't limp if there was only one more limper, you are getting only 5-1 and even those odss aren't enough for me with 93s, but get it up to 9-1 or more and I am in every hand Damo

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Re: good fold?, bad fold? and why! I think its a great play - as I said I would have led out on the river for another 30c, just to forstall the bluff and maybe get him to lay down his better flush fearing the FH/Quads :ok Damo

i was only trying to play as many raked hands as possible' date=' and like damo said, if i flopped a monster it would have been worth it.[/quote']
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Re: good fold?, bad fold? and why!

good fold?, bad fold? and why!
My only comment - OMG - you are playing cash tables with Heniek??????????????????? :eek :eek :eek ok not my only comment - i can't believe you made up the BB with those cards- I thought that you were a "slightly Tighter player".
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Re: good fold?, bad fold? and why!

My only comment - OMG - you are playing cash tables with Heniek??????????????????? :eek :eek :eek ok not my only comment - i can't believe you made up the BB with those cards- I thought that you were a "slightly Tighter player".
gotta start changing my game sammy baby, people are predicting what i have and getting it right on too many occaisons, ive gone a bit stale poker wise of late and need some new winning ways
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