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Here I will post the type of hands which are the reason I always lose in the cash games even though I'm nearly always winning in STT's. Maybe the experts can tell me what I'm doing wrong in cash. I'm playing on Boss network but it's Turkish so I will translate some of the words for you to understand..


Re: Reason I always lose in cash 0.05/0.10 Texas Hold'em (No Limit) - Friday, May 11, 2007 4:32:38 PM TH Mini 25 (Gerçek/Paralı Oyun) Koltuk 1: Cheesounos (10.97) Koltuk 2: higoha (9.50) Koltuk 3: nehimaaf (11.11) Koltuk 4: murkaka (9.52) Koltuk 5: raffo28 (19.51) Koltuk 6: pascoh (9.16) Koltuk 7: Sue B (15.70) Koltuk 8: fluchroyal (4.36) Koltuk 9: Hanson23 (2.60) Koltuk 10: Staehlchen (2.26) raffo28 post SB 0.05 pascoh post BB 0.10 ** Bahis ** Cheesounos [N/A, N/A] higoha [N/A, N/A] nehimaaf [N/A, N/A] murkaka [Js, 10ka] raffo28 [N/A, N/A] pascoh [N/A, N/A] Sue B [N/A, N/A] fluchroyal [N/A, N/A] Hanson23 [N/A, N/A] Staehlchen [N/A, N/A] *** Bahis Turu 1 *** Sue B Gör 0.10 fluchroyal Çekil Hanson23 Çekil Staehlchen Çekil Cheesounos Gör 0.10 higoha Çekil nehimaaf Çekil murkaka Gör 0.10 raffo28 Gör 0.10 pascoh Oyunda Kal *** Flop(Board): *** : [Jku, 10m, 9s] *** Bahis Turu 2 *** raffo28 Bahis 1.10 pascoh Çekil Sue B Çekil Cheesounos Çekil murkaka Şuna artır 3.00 raffo28 Gör 3.00 *** Sıra(Board): *** : [Jku, 10m, 9s, 9ka] *** Bahis Turu 3 *** raffo28 Oyunda Kal murkaka Oyunda Kal *** River(Board): *** : [Jku, 10m, 9s, 9ka, 3s] *** Bahis Turu 4 *** raffo28 Bahis 3.10 murkaka Gör 3.10 *** Hodri Meydan *** : Rake: 0.63 Total Pot: 12.07 Cheesounos Çekil Kazanç: 0.00 higoha Çekil Kazanç: 0.00 nehimaaf Çekil Kazanç: 0.00 murkaka Çekil Kazanç: 0.00 raffo28 [Qka, 8m] Düz: kız Kazanç: 12.07 pascoh Çekil Kazanç: 0.00 Sue B Çekil Kazanç: 0.00 fluchroyal Çekil Kazanç: 0.00 Hanson23 Çekil Kazanç: 0.00 Staehlchen Çekil Kazanç: 0.00 the suits: s means clubs ka means diamonds ku means hearts m means spades "oyunda kal" means check, kazanc means profit, I think you can understand the rest.. If anyone knows how to get the history in English please tell me. Cheers..

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