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Virgin Cash Poker - Scottish Poker Championships


Virgin Cash Poker - Scottish Poker Championships  

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Full details here - Virgin Poker to Send a PL'r to Scottish Poker Championships. Will it be YOU? Cash Poker 5 seats will be awarded to the 5 players creating the highest rake on Virgin between 11th May and 7th June. To be considered in this, you must "opt in" in the poll in the "Virgin Cash Poker" thread. This poll will be closed after 18th May. Regular (daily, on "working days") updates will be published. This will show positions, but no numbers. Vote in the poll in this thread if you wish to appear in the leaderboard (only positions will be published - not values).

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Re: Virgin Cash Poker - Scottish Poker Championships A couple of small changes to the structure of the competition. Full details in the main thread. 1) The final has been changed to Tuesday 12th June, 20:00 BST. I appreciate this will benefit some, and will be of annoyance to others, however felt that the clash with the InsidePoker final would discount too many. I apologise to those not suited by the new date and time. 2) The cash leaderboard has been split. 3 Seats now for the highest rake. 2 Seats for the most raked hands. The top 3 rakers can not win a raked hands seat.

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Re: Virgin Cash Poker - Scottish Poker Championships

Are we letting Mole in this. :unsure I think he might just scrape one of the seats if he does take part. :lol
Think he has a seat for the tourny already. Gaf; I like both changes. tuesday suits me better.
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Re: Virgin Cash Poker - Scottish Poker Championships A few questions..... 1. Is there any way for an existing player (i.e. me) to get signed up for rakeback. Have noticed several rakeback offers on t'internet but think these only apply to new players. Obviously anybody playing with a rakeback deal in this comp has an advantage. 2. I'll probably go for the number of raked hands route rather than the total rake route - what counts as a raked hand? Is it a-la-SO with any hand that you participate in where any size of rake is taken that counts? Or is it only hands where rake is 0.25 or above (5 unit pot)? 3. Is there any relationship between FPPs (as displayed on screen) and raked hands? If not, how do I figure out my raked hands? 4, Besides V-Points (which get acquired for cash games) - is there any other use FPPs and/or raked hands can be put to (like the 50Up on SO)?

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Re: Virgin Cash Poker - Scottish Poker Championships 1) Virgin give V Points to everyone - this is a form of rakeback. When players get onto higher level of rake ($750/$1000 per month) then they will consider you for a higher level of rakeback. Joe will be happy to hear from anyone playing at this level. How do you think that players on rakeback have an advantage in this tournament? 2) If you play (and enter through this thread), then you will be considered on both routes :ok Hands from all real money cash tables count. For a hand to be classed as raked the player must contribute to the pot and still be in the hand when the flop is dealt. 3) There is no relationship between FPPs and the number of raked hands. To know how you are doing in the tourney, you will be dependant on daily updates from Joe and myself. Remember these updates are positional only - they will not show the number of raked hands. If you want to know your number of raked hands, I believe PokerResponse can tell you at any point in time. 4) V Points are acquired for all real money play, not just cash games (though acquired faster on cash games). FPPs are a Boss (not Virgin) addition. They intention is that they will be available for things like tournament buy ins. They are however not yet active.

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Re: Virgin Cash Poker - Scottish Poker Championships Yes :ok All hands played in the qualifying period will count ...... you wont know where you stand though if you dont sign up till later...... (and what if you forget on the last day/your internet goes down?) - not sure there's any real advantage to reg'ing at the last minute - but feel free to try all the "tactics" you wish :ok

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Re: Virgin Cash Poker - Scottish Poker Championships

nice chap that joe Hi Fenners,

I just noticed your name popping up. Great to see you on the Virgin tables, I’ve just popped $25 in your account to help the bankroll.

All the best,


Joe Legge

Poker Product Manager

Virgin Games

Nice one Fenners:ok Even nicer gesture Joe:ok :ok
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Re: Virgin Cash Poker - Scottish Poker Championships ;):lol

nice chap that joe Hi Fenners,

I just noticed your knob popping out. Great to see it again on my table, I’ve just popped $25 in your backpocket to help the deposit.

All the best,


Joe Legge

Poker Product Manager

Virgin Games

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Re: Virgin Cash Poker - Scottish Poker Championships

nice chap that joe Hi Fenners,

I just noticed your name popping up. Great to see you on the Virgin tables, I’ve just popped $25 in your account to help the bankroll.

All the best,


Joe Legge

Poker Product Manager

Virgin Games

well they do say `money goes to money `:loon :tongue2
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Re: Virgin Cash Poker - Scottish Poker Championships If I haven't everyone's usernames, then I'll be asking them :ok But I imagine most people in the poll I have their Virgin usernames :ok Joe will run a report daily (on "workdays") and send that info over (positions only). First listing will I imagine be Monday (covering Thursday to Sunday) :ok

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