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Bankroll Management


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Hi, Does anyone know of a decent poker book where there is a good part of the book devoted to bankroll management. One of my friends is a very good playert who keeps going broke because he plays consistently out of his bankroll and i would like to buy him a book as he is going pro for the 3rd time now ( twice b4 he's gone bust ). Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks

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Re: Bankroll Management I'm sorry I don't know of any books on bankroll management.... Though not sure that it is a big enough topic to fill a book!!! If he just says he will never sit down at one table with more than x% of his bankroll, then, assuming he is a winning player, he can (pretty much) not go bust (the smaller x is, the more remote the chance of going bust is).... He MUST be prepared to move down if he goes through a bad run and losses... if he wont move down levels, then he will keep going bust!!! I'm assuming he isn't just a losing player ;)

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Re: Bankroll Management I have a friend in a similar situation, though I feel stubborness is hampering him staying up there. He has lost ~90% of what he has gained due to playing limits too high and not dropping levels when he loses a large % of his bankroll. You've simply got to try to nudge him in the right direction. The 5% rule is good, but I feel is too risky (I'm an overly cautious player). If you can get him to continually sit down with no more than 5% of his bankroll in the one sitting it will reduce his losses. Ideally 1-2% would be my preferred stack to sit down with, this will create more stable profit and will prevent quite a bit of tilt since if you go bust you haven't lost a huge portion of your bankroll

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Re: Bankroll Management 'accepted' general rule of thumb Cash - max of 5% of your BR at one table SNG - at least 30 buy-ins (though you should really have 60 - 100 to be safer, 30 losing games is not uncommon) There you go, a nice cheap answer without reading pages and pages of stats and theories :) and as others have said - you must ALWAYS drop down if you BR is suffering - to not do so will mean you will go bust - I would have thought that after the 2nd time your friend might have figured this one out? Cheers Damo

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