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Any opinions?


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This is the hand, that costed me some nerves yesterday :@ Titan $250 Freeroll, 497 Entrants Hand# 939703843 11 players left, 6 players at the table Chip leader had 110k, I had 92k... Blinds were 3000/6000 I was dealt QQ UTG folds UTG+1 raises to 12000 (stack: 77185) Hajlender all-in 92440 BTN folds SB folds BB folds UTG+1 calls Pot: 163370 UTG+1 shows 88 Flop: 5, J, J Turn: 2 River: 8 UTG+1 won the pot :wall Else i'd be at 179k :sad Next hand i was out with 2 pairs against a straight I think all-in was correct here, wasn't it? But i keep thinking... if i'd have called 12k and then moved all-in on the flop, maybe he would folded... ?? Any comments? Ehhh... still good result ;) GL

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Re: Any opinions? I would shove PF - you have 16 BB left and are in 2nd place, so you don't have time to waste - you only fear AA or KK, every thing else you are ahead off (assuming no QQ!) The only thing that might make me just call, is if it is the bubble, and you have not cashed yet - if I did call I would be moving AI on that flop if it was checked to me/I am first to act Just UL Damo

This is the hand, that costed me some nerves yesterday :@ Titan $250 Freeroll, 497 Entrants Hand# 939703843 11 players left, 6 players at the table Chip leader had 110k, I had 92k... Blinds were 3000/6000 I was dealt QQ UTG folds UTG+1 raises to 12000 (stack: 77185) Hajlender all-in 92440 BTN folds SB folds BB folds UTG+1 calls Pot: 163370 UTG+1 shows 88 Flop: 5, J, J Turn: 2 River: 8 UTG+1 won the pot :wall Else i'd be at 179k :sad Next hand i was out with 2 pairs against a straight I think all-in was correct here, wasn't it? But i keep thinking... if i'd have called 12k and then moved all-in on the flop, maybe he would folded... ?? Any comments? Ehhh... still good result ;) GL
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