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Tikays Tournament


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Guest gazza271

Re: Tikays Tournament I wont be home till about 7.45, what time does it start ? If I'm home in time will play :ok

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Guest gazza271

Re: Tikays Tournament

its normally 8pm start, yep just checked defo 8pm.... get reg'd for it now, in waiting
cheers mate :ok would reg now but if I'm late off it will prob be really late and will end up blinded away :\ Hopefully see you there tomorrow night :hope :ok
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Re: Tikays Tournament

wheres sharpeine in the reg list? he's normally in 3 weeks in advance:lol where are ya buddy???????????
:lol :lol :lol :lol If they'd have kept them on a Monday night then no problem,but Tuesday's and Wednesday's are Dart's night's for me and I love them more than owt.:beer :beer :cow :cow You can't beat playing Chesney on the jukebox to put the other team off. Plus i'm only just easing back into Tourny poker and I might as well chuck $11 down the drain as proved in yesterday's BetonBet extravaganza where I exited in last place:lol Still, good luck all:ok
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Guest gazza271

Re: Tikays Tournament Couple of minutes late off work and missed registration by seconds :sad GL to all in tonight :ok

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Re: Tikays Tournament

Sitting right next to tikay. :D A few other PL'ers at the table eyeing him up! Red.
Well, Tikay's in between me and Red, fairly short-stacked (1200-ish), and goes all in. I have him covered (just) and call with As3s. 1 more caller (Cooler King, stacks of chips), and Red says NO. No help for me, Tikay's 55 hold until the river, when a Q gives it to CoolerKing's QJ, but those 2 x 10's on the board would have gone really well with the 10 in Red's hand. :wall Good luck to all left in. :hope McG
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Re: Tikays Tournament

No help for me, Tikay's 55 hold until the river, when a Q gives it to CoolerKing's QJ, but those 2 x 10's on the board would have gone really well with the 10 in Red's hand. :wall
I was holding 10, 3 offsuit and folded out of respect to Tikay. :unsure I am a Donkey. :cry Red.
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Re: Tikays Tournament Sorry strider - you must have been VERY unlucky. ;) Red. was m8 went all in with something like aa and got called by 72 or 93 or something like that lol mind you my memory sometimes plays tricks on me

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Re: Tikays Tournament

Sorry strider - you must have been VERY unlucky. ;) Red. was m8 went all in with something like aa and got called by 72 or 93 or something like that lol mind you my memory sometimes plays tricks on me
Funny how people seem to forget the hands they go out with. Here it is here. :dude ... ***** Hand 611457195 ***** 150.00/300.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 08 May 2007 21:24:45 Tikays Tournament (Real /Tournament ) Seat 1: CoolerKing (7875.00) Seat 2: chpbo (1560.00) Seat 3: r_cherub (4580.00) Seat 4: Telepe (5310.00) Seat 5: Douser (2135.00) Seat 6: Red_Fear (4895.00) Seat 7: R'n'R (8995.00) Seat 8: Zemax (6995.00) Seat 9: SSpiersey (13098.00) r_cherub post SB 150.00 Telepe post BB 300.00 ** Deal ** CoolerKing [N/A, N/A] chpbo [N/A, N/A] r_cherub [N/A, N/A] Telepe [N/A, N/A] Douser [N/A, N/A] Red_Fear [As, Kh] R'n'R [N/A, N/A] Zemax [N/A, N/A] SSpiersey [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** Douser Fold Red_Fear Call 300.00 R'n'R Call 300.00 Zemax Fold SSpiersey Fold CoolerKing Fold chpbos All-in 1560.00 r_cherub Fold Telepe Fold Red_Fear Call 1560.00 R'n'R Fold *** Flop(Board): *** : [3c, 3h, 2d] *** Turn(Board): *** : [3c, 3h, 2d, 5s] *** River(Board): *** : [3c, 3h, 2d, 5s, Ad] *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 3870.00 CoolerKing Fold Win: 0.00 chpbo [8s, 8d] Two pair eights and threes Win: 0.00 r_cherub Fold Win: 0.00 Telepe Fold Win: 0.00 Douser Fold Win: 0.00 Red_Fear [As, Kh] Two pair aces and threes Win: 3870.00 R'n'R Fold Win: 0.00 Zemax Fold Win: 0.00
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