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When Should You Leave?

Crouch Potato

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When at a cash game table is there a good time sit out the game, even if it's just to buy back in at the 100x level? I just managed to get up 3x the buy-in on PKR after catching some fish but I was also weary that one day the fish will have their day, and if they get lucky the hand before they could have more than the buy-in. I suppose that answers my question as against fish you'd have a +EV and want to be able to take all their chips, but yeah, I suppose I'm still curious. Is there a point where you should sit out and lock in some of the profit?

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Re: When Should You Leave?

using pokertracker and gametime plus i identify the 'weak' players on the table. when they all leave and i'm left with strong or rock like players' date=' then i leave too.[/quote'] On PKR, poker is played in fishtanks, not on tables :tongue2 Seriously though, some good points. I guess for me when the fish are still around and I've increased my buy in a few times I'm wondering the wisdom of locking in the profit to a larger extent. Keep the views coming :ok
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