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Testing Alex Scotts Short Stacked Cash Table Strategy


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Re: Testing Alex Scotts Short Stacked Cash Table Strategy Just grinded my way through 100fpp with only a $1 loss... and i would have had a $13 profit had i left wen i reached my $17 target... waited till blinds came around... piked up QQ... rivered by AQ....:puke ...But now I am within 100fpp of $50 bonus... not bad progress for $1...playing 3 tables...:ok

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Re: Testing Alex Scotts Short Stacked Cash Table Strategy Have been doing the for about an hour now... 4 tabling... loss of about $9... but look @ these stats... During current Hold'em session you were dealt 289 hands and saw flop: - 10 out of 36 times while in big blind (27%) - 0 out of 38 times while in small blind (0%) - 17 out of 215 times in other positions (7%) - a total of 27 out of 289 (9%) Pots won at showdown - 5 of 10 (50%) Pots won without showdown - 7

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Re: Testing Alex Scotts Short Stacked Cash Table Strategy THIS IS GREAT....:clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap I have played through approx 1500 hands using this method at 10c/25c (Pokerstars)... which is probably not the best place for it but have managed a $40ish (1.06BB/100 hands) profit while clearing my $50 bonus... these are estimates... i guess you would need PT to make definate conclusions and with this money I may buy it.... great stuff tho and I think I will take this around and start whoring right now!!!! I know I seem a bit optimistic however I really did not get particularly good cards in this period... infact there was a period in there of about 300 hands where I did not go allin once... and had to add a couple of $ to my stacks...:ok ...one addition to the strategy which I have started is raising the pot preflop if their are more than 2 limper (depending on position as if you are early this would change)... specifically QQ and perhaps KK... though I guess the problem was I was lossing on these hands at somewhat passive tables... really I think a very aggressive table is the key... but if there is doubt that there will be a raise I believe for you to raise yourself is the better option... I was burned probably 4 times with QQ and KK by lower 2 pairs (often BB specials... 7 4 etc.)....:ok

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Re: Testing Alex Scotts Short Stacked Cash Table Strategy Can't help but feel that I'm doing something wrong here... :unsure Started playing this at Full Tilt and recording it in Poker Tracker. Results so far... fulltiltne5.jpg I've been playing at $0.05/$0.10. Anyone got any advice/comments? Should add that my losses for this run to $11.60 for the BB/SB's I've paid out too. I've had the odd limp from SB where there haven't been many players left in the hand and I've hit Ax. Thanks!

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Re: Testing Alex Scotts Short Stacked Cash Table Strategy Seems like it might just be a bit of bad luck... though how your playing the hands also matters... it is REALLY important how you play your hands after limping... first thought random variance but as GAF asks we would have too see the HH to get a full idea...:ok

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Re: Testing Alex Scotts Short Stacked Cash Table Strategy This first example is just stupid... I should have got out post-flop... If it hadn't been for that one then the stats for AA may have looked better.

FullTiltPoker Game #2748864298: Table Lake Sahara - $0.05/$0.10 - No Limit Hold'em - 16:31:30 ET - 2007/06/23 Seat 1: ShafDDon ($1.90) Seat 2: Niani ($11.45) Seat 3: PLBrael ($2.40) Seat 4: wc4482 ($9.90) Seat 5: treborii ($16.70) Seat 6: physt ($13.05) Seat 7: kevinsic ($10.55) Seat 8: brad1412 ($6.50) Seat 9: Gail2056 ($17.15), is sitting out brad1412 posts the small blind of $0.05 ShafDDon posts the big blind of $0.10 The button is in seat #7 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to PLBrael [As Ac] Niani folds PLBrael calls $0.10 wc4482 folds treborii folds physt folds kevinsic calls $0.10 brad1412 folds ShafDDon checks *** FLOP *** [7h 9d 5c] ShafDDon bets $1.80, and is all in PLBrael raises to $2.30, and is all in kevinsic calls $2.30 PLBrael shows [As Ac] kevinsic shows [4c 6c] ShafDDon shows [7d 5d] *** TURN *** [7h 9d 5c] [8d] *** RIVER *** [7h 9d 5c 8d] [7s] PLBrael shows two pair, Aces and Sevens kevinsic shows a straight, Nine high kevinsic wins the side pot ($0.90) with a straight, Nine high ShafDDon shows a full house, Sevens full of Fives ShafDDon wins the main pot ($5.20) with a full house, Sevens full of Fives PLBrael is sitting out *** SUMMARY *** Total pot $6.75 Main pot $5.75. Side pot $1. | Rake $0.65 Board: [7h 9d 5c 8d 7s] Seat 1: ShafDDon (big blind) showed [7d 5d] and won ($5.20) with a full house, Sevens full of Fives Seat 2: Niani didn't bet (folded) Seat 3: PLBrael showed [As Ac] and lost with two pair, Aces and Sevens Seat 4: wc4482 didn't bet (folded) Seat 5: treborii didn't bet (folded) Seat 6: physt didn't bet (folded) Seat 7: kevinsic (button) showed [4c 6c] and won ($0.90) with a straight, Nine high Seat 8: brad1412 (small blind) folded before the Flop Seat 9: Gail2056 is sitting out
FullTiltPoker Game #2748743438: Table Boulder - $0.05/$0.10 - No Limit Hold'em - 16:16:30 ET - 2007/06/23 Seat 1: BeatYourRake ($2.85) Seat 2: LaneMoney ($10.95) Seat 3: croniQ4 ($5.90) Seat 4: Th3Answer3 ($4.05) Seat 5: PLBrael ($1.80) Seat 6: Lovethislife ($8.55) Seat 7: WorldBFreee ($10) Seat 8: fritt85 ($7.50) Seat 9: BOOSHIFIED ($10) Th3Answer3 posts the small blind of $0.05 PLBrael posts the big blind of $0.10 5 seconds left to act The button is in seat #3 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to PLBrael [Ac As] Lovethislife calls $0.10 fritt85 folds Lovethislife: Q 7 Lovethislife: damn BOOSHIFIED has 15 seconds left to act BOOSHIFIED folds BeatYourRake folds LaneMoney raises to $0.45 Lovethislife: haha croniQ4 folds Th3Answer3 folds PLBrael raises to $1.80, and is all in Lovethislife folds LaneMoney calls $1.35 PLBrael shows [Ac As] LaneMoney shows [Jc Kc] *** FLOP *** [Tc 7h 8h] *** TURN *** [Tc 7h 8h] [3h] *** RIVER *** [Tc 7h 8h 3h] [8s] PLBrael shows two pair, Aces and Eights LaneMoney shows a pair of Eights PLBrael wins the pot ($3.40) with two pair, Aces and Eights *** SUMMARY *** Total pot $3.75 | Rake $0.35 Board: [Tc 7h 8h 3h 8s] Seat 1: BeatYourRake didn't bet (folded) Seat 2: LaneMoney showed [Jc Kc] and lost with a pair of Eights Seat 3: croniQ4 (button) didn't bet (folded) Seat 4: Th3Answer3 (small blind) folded before the Flop Seat 5: PLBrael (big blind) showed [Ac As] and won ($3.40) with two pair, Aces and Eights Seat 6: Lovethislife folded before the Flop Seat 7: WorldBFreee is sitting out Seat 8: fritt85 didn't bet (folded) Seat 9: BOOSHIFIED didn't bet (folded)
FullTiltPoker Game #2748735105: Table Boulder - $0.05/$0.10 - No Limit Hold'em - 16:15:27 ET - 2007/06/23 Seat 1: BeatYourRake ($2.85) Seat 2: LaneMoney ($10.95) Seat 3: croniQ4 ($5.95) Seat 4: Th3Answer3 ($4.15) Seat 5: PLBrael ($1.80) Seat 6: Lovethislife ($8.65) Seat 7: Wolfsong ($3.90), is sitting out Seat 8: fritt85 ($7.60) Seat 9: BOOSHIFIED ($10) croniQ4 posts the small blind of $0.05 Th3Answer3 posts the big blind of $0.10 The button is in seat #2 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to PLBrael [Ah Ad] PLBrael calls $0.10 Lovethislife calls $0.10 fritt85 calls $0.10 BOOSHIFIED folds Wolfsong stands up BeatYourRake raises to $0.65 LaneMoney folds croniQ4 folds Th3Answer3 folds PLBrael raises to $1.80, and is all in Lovethislife folds fritt85 has 15 seconds left to act fritt85 folds WorldBFreee adds $10 BeatYourRake calls $1.15 PLBrael shows [Ah Ad] BeatYourRake shows [Ac As] *** FLOP *** [Qh 3s 3c] Lovethislife: lol *** TURN *** [Qh 3s 3c] [2s] *** RIVER *** [Qh 3s 3c 2s] [7d] PLBrael shows two pair, Aces and Threes BeatYourRake shows two pair, Aces and Threes PLBrael ties for the pot ($1.80) with two pair, Aces and Threes BeatYourRake ties for the pot ($1.80) with two pair, Aces and Threes *** SUMMARY *** Total pot $3.95 | Rake $0.35 Board: [Qh 3s 3c 2s 7d] Seat 1: BeatYourRake showed [Ac As] and won ($1.80) with two pair, Aces and Threes Seat 2: LaneMoney (button) didn't bet (folded) Seat 3: croniQ4 (small blind) folded before the Flop Seat 4: Th3Answer3 (big blind) folded before the Flop Seat 5: PLBrael showed [Ah Ad] and won ($1.80) with two pair, Aces and Threes Seat 6: Lovethislife folded before the Flop Seat 7: Wolfsong is sitting out Seat 8: fritt85 folded before the Flop Seat 9: BOOSHIFIED didn't bet (folded)
FullTiltPoker Game #2745217834: Table Sword - $0.05/$0.10 - No Limit Hold'em - 4:36:29 ET - 2007/06/23 Seat 1: Tengen ($3.35) Seat 2: PLBrael ($2.05) Seat 3: VioBoss ($7.90) Seat 4: xiaohaijianning ($8.85) Seat 5: Hornoflatulence ($3.05) Seat 6: lyncean ($5.55) Seat 7: Pritesh Chandra ($9.90) Seat 8: jwoolsto ($10.30) Seat 9: robinr1 ($2.05) Hornoflatulence posts the small blind of $0.05 lyncean has 5 seconds left to act lyncean is sitting out Pritesh Chandra posts the big blind of $0.10 The button is in seat #4 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to PLBrael [Ac Ah] lyncean stands up jwoolsto calls $0.10 robinr1 folds Tengen folds PLBrael calls $0.10 VioBoss folds xiaohaijianning calls $0.10 nina23 sits down Hornoflatulence folds Pritesh Chandra checks *** FLOP *** [Jd 8d 3c] Pritesh Chandra checks jwoolsto has 15 seconds left to act jwoolsto checks nina23 adds $5 PLBrael bets $0.10 xiaohaijianning folds Pritesh Chandra calls $0.10 jwoolsto has 15 seconds left to act VioBoss is feeling normal jwoolsto calls $0.10 *** TURN *** [Jd 8d 3c] [2h] Pritesh Chandra checks jwoolsto checks PLBrael checks *** RIVER *** [Jd 8d 3c 2h] [6c] Pritesh Chandra checks jwoolsto checks PLBrael checks *** SHOW DOWN *** PLBrael shows [Ac Ah] a pair of Aces Pritesh Chandra mucks jwoolsto mucks PLBrael wins the pot ($0.70) with a pair of Aces *** SUMMARY *** Total pot $0.75 | Rake $0.05 Board: [Jd 8d 3c 2h 6c] Seat 1: Tengen didn't bet (folded) Seat 2: PLBrael showed [Ac Ah] and won ($0.70) with a pair of Aces Seat 3: VioBoss didn't bet (folded) Seat 4: xiaohaijianning (button) folded on the Flop Seat 5: Hornoflatulence (small blind) folded before the Flop Seat 6: lyncean is sitting out Seat 7: Pritesh Chandra (big blind) mucked [Ad 9d] - Ace Jack high Seat 8: jwoolsto mucked [Qh 9s] - Queen Jack high Seat 9: robinr1 didn't bet (folded)
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Re: Testing Alex Scotts Short Stacked Cash Table Strategy Hand 1 I dont mind the call so much :unsure I dont like the way hand 4 is played - but I think that's more a function of the system than anything else....

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Re: Testing Alex Scotts Short Stacked Cash Table Strategy Havent had time to look at it properly but a quick thing your playing with between 20- 29 odd BB's id say 40 is nicer to take more advantage... really its all about the other stacks impression of you and seen as they are all around $10+ you could aford to buyin about $5... prob something like $4.9... Play on one AA was very timid... perhaps you were wary because of the first hand... but you will never get an idea of your opponents hands by betting min... the idea is too bet for info and then fold if necessary... the AA v AA was just shockingly random... also relating too the first hand the smaller stack you held almost pushed you too not let go of the rockets and really with more at stake it is likely more correct decisions may be made in the future... just some quick thoughts....:ok

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Re: Testing Alex Scotts Short Stacked Cash Table Strategy

... but you will never get an idea of your opponents hands by betting min... the idea is too bet for info and then fold if necessary...
In "normal" poker yes, but under this system? You Can't be betting for info .... the objective is to check raise all in, pre flop ..... when everyone limps pre flop, it's tough...... I think the minimum raise is more to tempt others to shove than get information....
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Re: Testing Alex Scotts Short Stacked Cash Table Strategy

In "normal" poker yes, but under this system? You Can't be betting for info .... the objective is to check raise all in, pre flop ..... when everyone limps pre flop, it's tough...... I think the minimum raise is more to tempt others to shove than get information....
Sorry meant post flop... he bets 10c on flop then cheks to river... should have been more clear....:ok Really once it isnt raised allin preflop its up too you to play your game in the best way you can... as these are all top hands you are looking for good results... but you wont always get them... betting something showing a little more strength is likely to get a bigger reaction from your opponent and make your river decision easier... betting 30c on flop and turn is cheaper then having to make an allin decision on the river for all your chips on the table with no indication of your opponents hand... this will likely cause more wrong than right decisions... IMO
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Re: Testing Alex Scotts Short Stacked Cash Table Strategy This is the kind of hand I seem to be running into and why it's affecting the stats on this approach...

FullTiltPoker Game #2756484256: Table Spanish Trail - $0.05/$0.10 - No Limit Hold'em - 12:48:13 ET - 2007/06/24 Seat 1: PLBrael ($3.85) Seat 2: Zaction ($6.95) Seat 3: helpporaha ($6.05) Seat 4: gopractice ($6.55) Seat 5: DirtyBirdE ($4.85) Seat 6: NiMzO_xXx ($8.25) Seat 7: kartikr ($15) Seat 9: hobie1cat ($5.90) helpporaha posts the small blind of $0.05 gopractice posts the big blind of $0.10 The button is in seat #2 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to PLBrael [Ks Kh] DirtyBirdE calls $0.10 NiMzO_xXx folds kartikr folds hobie1cat folds PLBrael raises to $0.40 Zaction calls $0.40 helpporaha folds gopractice folds DirtyBirdE has 15 seconds left to act DirtyBirdE raises to $2.10 baimai sits down PLBrael raises to $3.80 Zaction folds baimai adds $5.10 DirtyBirdE raises to $4.85, and is all in PLBrael has 15 seconds left to act kartikr: lol PLBrael calls $0.05, and is all in DirtyBirdE shows [Ad As] PLBrael shows [Ks Kh] kartikr: 5 cents Uncalled bet of $1 returned to DirtyBirdE *** FLOP *** [9s Tc Jc] *** TURN *** [9s Tc Jc] [7s] *** RIVER *** [9s Tc Jc 7s] [Jh] DirtyBirdE shows two pair, Aces and Jacks PLBrael shows two pair, Kings and Jacks DirtyBirdE wins the pot ($7.45) with two pair, Aces and Jacks PLBrael is sitting out *** SUMMARY *** Total pot $8.25 | Rake $0.80 Board: [9s Tc Jc 7s Jh] Seat 1: PLBrael showed [Ks Kh] and lost with two pair, Kings and Jacks Seat 2: Zaction (button) folded before the Flop Seat 3: helpporaha (small blind) folded before the Flop Seat 4: gopractice (big blind) folded before the Flop Seat 5: DirtyBirdE showed [Ad As] and won ($7.45) with two pair, Aces and Jacks Seat 6: NiMzO_xXx didn't bet (folded) Seat 7: kartikr didn't bet (folded) Seat 9: hobie1cat didn't bet (folded)
FullTiltPoker Game #2748764257: Table Boulder - $0.05/$0.10 - No Limit Hold'em - 16:19:04 ET - 2007/06/23 Seat 1: BeatYourRake ($3.65) Seat 2: LaneMoney ($7.40) Seat 3: croniQ4 ($5.90) Seat 4: Th3Answer3 ($4) Seat 5: PLBrael ($3.35) Seat 6: Lovethislife ($8.95) Seat 7: WorldBFreee ($9.90) Seat 8: fritt85 ($7.50) Seat 9: BOOSHIFIED ($10) WorldBFreee posts the small blind of $0.05 fritt85 posts the big blind of $0.10 The button is in seat #6 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to PLBrael [Qh Qc] BOOSHIFIED calls $0.10 BeatYourRake folds LaneMoney calls $0.10 croniQ4 folds Th3Answer3 raises to $0.30 PLBrael raises to $3.35, and is all in Lovethislife folds WorldBFreee folds fritt85 folds BOOSHIFIED folds LaneMoney folds Th3Answer3 has 15 seconds left to act Th3Answer3 calls $3.05 PLBrael shows [Qh Qc] Th3Answer3 shows [As Ah] *** FLOP *** [Jd Jh Kd] *** TURN *** [Jd Jh Kd] [9c] *** RIVER *** [Jd Jh Kd 9c] [3s] PLBrael shows two pair, Queens and Jacks Th3Answer3 shows two pair, Aces and Jacks Th3Answer3 wins the pot ($6.35) with two pair, Aces and Jacks PLBrael is sitting out *** SUMMARY *** Total pot $7.05 | Rake $0.70 Board: [Jd Jh Kd 9c 3s] Seat 1: BeatYourRake didn't bet (folded) Seat 2: LaneMoney folded before the Flop Seat 3: croniQ4 didn't bet (folded) Seat 4: Th3Answer3 showed [As Ah] and won ($6.35) with two pair, Aces and Jacks Seat 5: PLBrael showed [Qh Qc] and lost with two pair, Queens and Jacks Seat 6: Lovethislife (button) didn't bet (folded) Seat 7: WorldBFreee (small blind) folded before the Flop Seat 8: fritt85 (big blind) folded before the Flop Seat 9: BOOSHIFIED folded before the Flop
:@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@
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Re: Testing Alex Scotts Short Stacked Cash Table Strategy Most of the time you have QQ or KK, you will NOT run into AA .... if that is what is impacting your results, then the negative is just due to a small sample and nothing to worry about :ok

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Re: Testing Alex Scotts Short Stacked Cash Table Strategy

Most of the time you have QQ or KK' date=' you will NOT run into AA .... if that is what is impacting your results, then the negative is just due to a small sample and nothing to worry about :ok[/quote'] either that or I'm just generally cursed... :lol the variance thing has been on my mind but at this rate I'm gonna have no bankroll left! Fortunately, I didn't have poker tracker to record the hand where my flopped trip kings ran into flopped trip aces... :wall
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