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Testing Alex Scotts Short Stacked Cash Table Strategy


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Alex Scotts "Easy Money" article in the May issue of Inside Poker has received much aclaim on PL, so I thought I'd study it and give it a go. Summary The theory is to buy in to a cash table as a short stack. You then sit patiently and wait for very specific premium hands (AA, KK, QQ, AKs, AKo, AQs). When you get these hands, you reraise any raiser all in. If there is no raiser, then you slow play and limp. It is stressed as key - you reraise a raiser all in, otherwise you limp to trap with your monster hand. My Approach I'm testing the system. To do that, I feel I need to apply it pretty mechanically, and that's what I tried to do. There are things I instinctively feel I should do differently, but if this system is a (proven) success, I can add my tweaks later. For the moment this is all about proving to myself whether it works or not! There were not a huge amount of cash tables on laddies where I was starting my test available at that time on a Sunday morning, so I played across a range of buy ins. In fact I played all 10 seat NL tables available up to 50c/$1. That came to 7 tables I sat down at simultaneously. This level of multitabling is not a problem when you are playing tight and mechanically. I didn't even bother to turn my PokerTracker on at first as I didn't expect to have to make any decisions. I realised about halfway through that there would occasionally be hard decisions to be made and turned my PT on. The first decision is how much to buy in for? The article doesn't actually go on to talk about this, which surprises me as I view it as a critical decision (I would be interested to hear any thoughts from someone good at crunching numbers as to what the optimal buy in amount may be....). There was an example that implied that your stack was about 20xBB. The minimum buy in on laddies is 10xBB. I decided to go for just under 20xBB. Why just under? I feel that this approach calls for your opponents to lack respect for you, mainly because of your stack size, but I can reinforce that by buying in for a bizarre amount .... for example on a 10c/20c table I bought in for $3.88. On a small number of the tables, I did rebuy in when my stack had fallen to less than 10xBB, up to about where I started. It is my intention to leave a table when I have approx 40xBB in my stack. Some Numbers Thought it would be interesting to check just how many hands I would be playing .... just how long would I have to wait on each table? Your chances on each hand of being dealt one of the specific pocket pairs is about 1 in 220, or 0.45%. Your chance of being dealt either AKs or AQs is 0.3% Your chance of being dealt AKo is 0.9% Overall, if my maths is right, this means that you are playing about 1 in 35 hands, about 3%!!! Results Summary Table 1 10c/20c $4.63 Profit / 289.38 BB per 100 - 8 hands played in 9 mins Table 2 10c/20c $10.96 loss / (44.92) BB per 100 - 122 Hands played in 156 mins Table 3 10c/20c $4.04 Profit / 54.59 BB per 100 - 37 hands played in 44 mins Table 4 10c/20c $11.76 loss / (48.6) BB per 100 - 121 hands played in 139 mins Table 5 15c/30c $4.88 Profit / 180.74 BB per 100 - 9 hands played in 9 mins Table 6 50c/$1 $34.17 Profit / 94.92 BB per 100 - 36 hands played in 38 mins Table 7 50c/$1 $12.68 Profit / 63.4 BB per 100 - 20 hands played in 16 mins Overall $37.68 Profit / (2.02) BB per 100 - 353 hands in 411 table minutes (about 60 mins per table) Summary This is an excedingly small sample, but seems to reinforce the results from the article. (At least it did until I got a bit bogged down in the 2 losing tables!!!) This approach looks a good one, ESPECIALLY for those who may lack confidence on cash tables, but wish to clear bonuses/get raked hands. There are few tough decisions to be made. It is tough for your opponents to counteract if they notice what you are doing, but most on low buy ins on the internet wont notice and will give you action when you reraise all in with your Pocket Rocket!!! The approach is pretty mechanical - if you are disciplined enough, I dont see why anyone shouldn't be able to play this way profitably. (Even though this sample shows a small loss). The availability of tables is essential!! The limited number of tables on laddies didn't help at all!!! (though the small "mini" tables did help!!) Detailed look - Table 1 Hand 1 (739151525) - dealt T9o in BB - easy fold to any raise, but instead get a free flop with 5 limpers. Flop is 8hJdQd. I have the NUTS!! Me to act first, the strategy is to check raise all in. I check. Player after me puts in a minimum raise of 20c into the $1.30 pot!!! He has 2 callers and 2 folds. Back to me .... the strategy calls for an all in!!! But I don't like it .... it was only a minimum raise and my all in now is double the pot!! I stick however to my mechanical implementation of the system and reraise all in. I'm very happy to see one caller :-) I don't know what he had, but the 2d on the river shows it wasn't a flush draw!! First hand and I've broken through the 40xBB barrier immediately!! I turn off "AutoPost" of blinds and am ready to leave the table next time I have to post the BB. I don't play any more hands and leave the table after Hand 8. Detailed look - Table 2 Hands 1 to 57 folded. Hand 58 (739182352)- AQs - UTG limps, I call, everyone folds to BB who checks. Flop 2h5sJd. UTG bets 20c into 70c pot. I call with just the 2 overcards :unsure BB folds. Turn comes 7c. UTG bets 20c into $1.10 pot. I call again with my two overcards :unsure :unsure River is 8c - I have Ace High!!!! UTG bets $3.27 into the $1.50 pot (to put me all in if I call). I fold. He shows Jh7h!! Hand 59 (739183105) - AA UTG - I limp. BB Minimum raises. Again I'm unsure here - the strategy is to check raise all in - but the minimum raise means that this would be a massive bet!!! However I follow the strategy and reraise all in. Unbelievably 2 callers who show down KQs and 76s!!! Flop 2sJsKd. Turn Ad. River 8s. My aces are cracked, but that doesn't matter - what a fantastic situation I was in - I'm happy with that - the result is irrelevent and really doesn't bother me. I'm happy for my all in on aces to be called by suited connectors (in fact, by anything) all day!!! I reload. Hand 60 to 79 folded Hand 80 (739196383) - KK in late position. One limper before me, I call. BB goes all in (for less than 5xBB). First limper calls, I reraise all in and get one caller. The shorter stack than me wins with his A8s. I win the side pot (and make a profit on the hand) Hand 82 (739197565) - AKo - first into the pot, I limp. Flop of 8h9dQs doesn't help me. Ah gives me TPTK. Last to act and 2 checks before me, I cant manage a check, so I put in a 60c pot sized bet. 1 call and 1 fold. The 8s River pairs the board. Opponent folds before the showdown, without me betting!!!!!! (his 2h3h must have missed the flush :tongue2) Hand 84 (739198931) - QQ - UTG limps, I call. 3 more limpers, then a minimum raise from the button (This "problem" keeps coming up - I want to check raise all in - but what do I do to a minimum raise?). I remain mechanical with the system and reraise all in (raising from 40c to $4.82 - I don't like it at all, but consistent callers with worse hands seem to show it's working!!). I get 2 callers one has ATs and the other has 99. I've been called by 2 signifcantly worse hands. I'm happy, regardless of the result. My ladies are 55% to stand up against both opponents, yet I have better than 2-1 for my money. I'll take those all day in cash games!!! Flop comes 9cThJc and I'm needing an 8, Q or K!!! They dont come and I lose the hand. HOWEVER the result in this single instance is of no signifcance to me - I'll take the pre flop situation with happiness!!! After that it's just short term variance (erm ... luck) which will sort itself out. Given enough time, short term variance (er....luck) doesn't exist!! I fold the next 38 hands before calling it a day on this table - I'm significantly down, but the situations I was in give me optimism :) Detailed look - Table 3 Hands 1-28 - I put nothing into the pot other than the blinds. Along the way I fold 3 pocket pairs, hands I usually like to limp with to try and hit trips. My implied odds are however extremely limited. Hand 29 (739166534) - A little bit of ill discipline creeps in and I expand my starting hand selection to include JJ in the SB!!!! (Alex "allows" JJ in the article on loose aggressive tables. I dont really have an opinion on my table - but its low stakes, it's probably LAG isn't it? :tongue2). I dont think putting money in the pot here can ever be a mistake - I have JJ against 2 limpers .... I'm getting 7-1 for my money - I CANT fold JJ!!! Flop comes 4c6s9c. Turn is 9d. River is Qs. It's checked all the way and my JJ is good, but only for a 56c profit. I hate playing so passively when I believe I'm ahead. If I try and tweak the system at some point in the future to my own version, I will allow some betting when I believe that I am ahead (but vulnerable). Hand 31 (739168679) - AKo in late position. 4 players fold, then a limper. I limp. Button Calls. The BB puts in a 4xBB raise. Perfect. I get my check raise!!!. Player before me calls, and I spring the trap. I reraise all in. BB calls, other 2 players fold. He turns over AKs and we split the pot. We share the dead money for a profit of 37c. Hand 36 (739171661) - Pocket Rockets!! Early position, so I limp. There is a raise to 4xBB and a caller. Again I spring my trap, reraising all in. The original raiser calls. The caller folds. I flop an Ace for trips. My opponent mucks his cards at the showdown and I win. After Hand 37, having my 40xBB target, I leave the table. Detailed look - Table 4 Will post later Detailed look - Table 5 Will post later Detailed look - Table 6 Will post later Detailed look - Table 7 Will post later Appendix - Full Hand Histories ** Game ID 739151525 starting - 2007-04-29 11:45:08 ** Mayflower [Hold 'em] (0.10|0.20 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - __shark__ sitting in seat 2 with $8.80 - Laa sitting in seat 3 with $22.52 - toonboy123 sitting in seat 4 with $24.21 - Bullen1976 sitting in seat 5 with $8.45 - michalis12 sitting in seat 6 with $26.05 - welshpoker20 sitting in seat 7 with $6.81 - pivi1000 sitting in seat 8 with $33.27 [Dealer] - TrampTomson sitting in seat 9 with $18.00 - Telepe sitting in seat 10 with $3.68 TrampTomson posted the small blind - $0.10 Telepe posted the big blind - $0.20 ** Dealing card to Telepe: 10 of Spades, 9 of Hearts __shark__ folded Laa called - $0.20 toonboy123 called - $0.20 Bullen1976 called - $0.20 michalis12 folded welshpoker20 called - $0.20 pivi1000 called - $0.20 TrampTomson folded Telepe checked ** Dealing the flop: 8 of Hearts, Jack of Diamonds, Queen of Diamonds Telepe checked Laa bet - $0.20 toonboy123 called - $0.20 Bullen1976 folded welshpoker20 folded pivi1000 called - $0.20 Telepe went all-in - $3.68 Laa folded toonboy123 called - $3.68 pivi1000 folded ** Dealing the turn: 4 of Clubs ** Dealing the river: 2 of Diamonds Telepe shows: 10 of Spades, 9 of Hearts toonboy123 mucks: Telepe wins $8.61 from the main pot End of game 739151525 ** Game ID 739166534 starting - 2007-04-29 12:18:03 ** Atlas [Hold 'em] (0.10|0.20 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - limbo-rock sitting in seat 1 with $26.02 - Reps sitting in seat 2 with $22.28 - neosweper sitting in seat 3 with $19.80 - jklklklklk sitting in seat 4 with $27.77 [Dealer] - Telepe sitting in seat 5 with $2.68 - frwd sitting in seat 6 with $18.50 - Jammyfish sitting in seat 7 with $19.10 - bad_beat11 sitting in seat 8 with $9.55 - PaulNic sitting in seat 9 with $14.40 - Murdererer sitting in seat 10 with $13.24 Telepe posted the small blind - $0.10 frwd posted the big blind - $0.20 neosweper posted to play - $0.20 ** Dealing card to Telepe: Jack of Spades, Jack of Hearts Jammyfish folded bad_beat11 folded PaulNic folded Murdererer folded limbo-rock called - $0.20 Reps folded neosweper checked jklklklklk folded Telepe called - $0.20 frwd checked ** Dealing the flop: 4 of Clubs, 6 of Spades, 9 of Clubs Telepe checked frwd checked limbo-rock checked neosweper checked ** Dealing the turn: 9 of Diamonds Telepe checked frwd checked limbo-rock checked neosweper checked ** Dealing the river: Queen of Spades Telepe checked frwd checked limbo-rock checked neosweper checked Telepe shows: Jack of Spades, Jack of Hearts frwd mucks: limbo-rock mucks: neosweper mucks: Telepe wins $0.76 from the main pot End of game 739166534 ** Game ID 739168679 starting - 2007-04-29 12:21:19 ** Atlas [Hold 'em] (0.10|0.20 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - limbo-rock sitting in seat 1 with $25.62 - Reps sitting in seat 2 with $22.28 - neosweper sitting in seat 3 with $19.80 - jklklklklk sitting in seat 4 with $27.57 - Telepe sitting in seat 5 with $3.34 - frwd sitting in seat 6 with $18.30 [Dealer] - Jammyfish sitting in seat 7 with $19.56 - bad_beat11 sitting in seat 8 with $9.35 - PaulNic sitting in seat 9 with $14.40 - Murdererer sitting in seat 10 with $13.24 [sitting out] Jammyfish posted the small blind - $0.10 bad_beat11 posted the big blind - $0.20 ** Dealing card to Telepe: King of Clubs, Ace of Hearts PaulNic folded limbo-rock folded Reps folded neosweper folded jklklklklk called - $0.20 Telepe called - $0.20 frwd called - $0.20 Jammyfish folded bad_beat11 bet - $0.80 jklklklklk called - $0.80 Telepe went all-in - $3.14 frwd folded bad_beat11 called - $3.34 jklklklklk folded ** Dealing the flop: 3 of Hearts, King of Diamonds, 5 of Diamonds ** Dealing the turn: Jack of Hearts ** Dealing the river: 10 of Diamonds Telepe shows: King of Clubs, Ace of Hearts bad_beat11 shows: King of Spades, Ace of Spades Telepe wins $3.71 from the main pot bad_beat11 wins $3.72 from the main pot End of game 739168679 ** Game ID 739171661 starting - 2007-04-29 12:27:34 ** Atlas [Hold 'em] (0.10|0.20 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - limbo-rock sitting in seat 1 with $27.89 [Dealer] - Reps sitting in seat 2 with $21.38 - neosweper sitting in seat 3 with $18.80 - jklklklklk sitting in seat 4 with $26.77 - Telepe sitting in seat 5 with $3.71 - frwd sitting in seat 6 with $18.10 - Jammyfish sitting in seat 7 with $19.56 - bad_beat11 sitting in seat 8 with $9.83 - PaulNic sitting in seat 9 with $14.00 - Murdererer sitting in seat 10 with $12.82 Reps posted the small blind - $0.10 neosweper posted the big blind - $0.20 ** Dealing card to Telepe: Ace of Diamonds, Ace of Hearts jklklklklk folded Telepe called - $0.20 frwd folded Jammyfish folded bad_beat11 folded PaulNic raised - $0.80 Murdererer folded limbo-rock folded Reps folded neosweper called - $0.80 Telepe went all-in - $3.51 PaulNic called - $3.71 neosweper folded ** Dealing the flop: Ace of Clubs, 6 of Spades, 10 of Spades ** Dealing the turn: 9 of Clubs ** Dealing the river: Jack of Diamonds Telepe shows: Ace of Diamonds, Ace of Hearts PaulNic mucks: Telepe wins $7.92 from the main pot End of game 739171661 ** Game ID 739182352 starting - 2007-04-29 12:51:10 ** Aero [Hold 'em] (0.10|0.20 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - basildonh sitting in seat 1 with $18.30 - Telepe sitting in seat 3 with $3.78 - haimbow sitting in seat 4 with $3.28 - bad_beat11 sitting in seat 5 with $10.71 - BoldBluff sitting in seat 7 with $21.40 - TheWisperer sitting in seat 8 with $10.66 [Dealer] - crispyhs sitting in seat 9 with $12.11 - frwd sitting in seat 10 with $32.75 crispyhs posted the small blind - $0.10 frwd posted the big blind - $0.20 ** Dealing card to Telepe: Queen of Diamonds, Ace of Diamonds basildonh called - $0.20 Telepe called - $0.20 haimbow folded bad_beat11 folded BoldBluff folded TheWisperer folded crispyhs folded frwd checked ** Dealing the flop: 2 of Hearts, 5 of Spades, Jack of Diamonds frwd checked basildonh bet - $0.20 Telepe called - $0.20 frwd folded ** Dealing the turn: 7 of Clubs basildonh bet - $0.20 Telepe called - $0.20 ** Dealing the river: 8 of Clubs basildonh bet - $3.27 Telepe folded basildonh shows: Jack of Hearts, 7 of Hearts basildonh wins $4.70 from the main pot End of game 739182352 ** Game ID 739183105 starting - 2007-04-29 12:52:09 ** Aero [Hold 'em] (0.10|0.20 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - basildonh sitting in seat 1 with $18.93 - Telepe sitting in seat 3 with $3.18 - haimbow sitting in seat 4 with $3.28 - bad_beat11 sitting in seat 5 with $10.71 - Dridgey1 sitting in seat 6 with $7.98 - BoldBluff sitting in seat 7 with $21.40 - TheWisperer sitting in seat 8 with $10.66 - crispyhs sitting in seat 9 with $12.11 [Dealer] - frwd sitting in seat 10 with $32.65 frwd posted the small blind - $0.10 basildonh posted the big blind - $0.20 Dridgey1 posted to play - $0.20 ** Dealing card to Telepe: Ace of Hearts, Ace of Spades Telepe called - $0.20 haimbow called - $0.20 bad_beat11 folded Dridgey1 checked BoldBluff folded TheWisperer folded crispyhs raised - $0.40 frwd folded basildonh called - $0.40 Telepe went all-in - $2.98 haimbow called - $3.18 Dridgey1 folded crispyhs called - $3.18 basildonh folded ** Dealing the flop: 2 of Spades, Jack of Spades, King of Diamonds haimbow went all-in - $0.10 crispyhs called - $0.10 ** Dealing the turn: Ace of Diamonds ** Dealing the river: 8 of Spades haimbow shows: 7 of Diamonds, 6 of Diamonds crispyhs shows: Queen of Spades, King of Spades Telepe mucks: Ace of Hearts, Ace of Spades crispyhs wins $9.74 from the main pot crispyhs wins $9.94 from side pot 1 End of game 739183105 ** Game ID 739196383 starting - 2007-04-29 13:19:14 ** Aero [Hold 'em] (0.10|0.20 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - PRICEY35 sitting in seat 1 with $0.73 - Kitt82 sitting in seat 2 with $24.39 - Telepe sitting in seat 3 with $2.98 - big_jutt sitting in seat 4 with $11.28 [Dealer] - Dridgey1 sitting in seat 5 with $20.52 - iceman2165 sitting in seat 6 with $0.72 - haimbow sitting in seat 7 with $8.20 - t-n-07 sitting in seat 9 with $7.53 - frwd sitting in seat 10 with $36.55 Dridgey1 posted the small blind - $0.10 iceman2165 posted the big blind - $0.20 ** Dealing card to Telepe: King of Clubs, King of Spades haimbow folded t-n-07 called - $0.20 frwd folded PRICEY35 folded Kitt82 folded Telepe called - $0.20 big_jutt called - $0.20 Dridgey1 called - $0.20 iceman2165 went all-in - $0.72 t-n-07 called - $0.92 Telepe went all-in - $2.78 big_jutt called - $2.98 Dridgey1 folded t-n-07 folded ** Dealing the flop: Ace of Hearts, 2 of Clubs, 4 of Spades ** Dealing the turn: 4 of Diamonds ** Dealing the river: 6 of Diamonds Telepe shows: King of Clubs, King of Spades big_jutt mucks: iceman2165 shows: Ace of Spades, 8 of Spades Telepe wins $3.91 from side pot 1 iceman2165 wins $3.69 from the main pot End of game 739196383 ** Game ID 739197565 starting - 2007-04-29 13:22:07 ** Aero [Hold 'em] (0.10|0.20 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - PRICEY35 sitting in seat 1 with $0.73 - Kitt82 sitting in seat 2 with $24.39 - Telepe sitting in seat 3 with $3.91 - big_jutt sitting in seat 4 with $8.30 - Dridgey1 sitting in seat 5 with $20.42 [sitting out] - iceman2165 sitting in seat 6 with $3.59 [Dealer] - haimbow sitting in seat 7 with $5.61 - t-n-07 sitting in seat 9 with $8.75 - frwd sitting in seat 10 with $36.55 haimbow posted the small blind - $0.10 t-n-07 posted the big blind - $0.20 ** Dealing card to Telepe: King of Diamonds, Ace of Spades frwd folded PRICEY35 folded Kitt82 folded Telepe called - $0.20 big_jutt folded iceman2165 folded haimbow called - $0.20 t-n-07 checked ** Dealing the flop: 9 of Diamonds, 8 of Hearts, Queen of Spades haimbow checked t-n-07 checked Telepe checked ** Dealing the turn: Ace of Hearts haimbow checked t-n-07 checked Telepe bet - $0.60 haimbow folded t-n-07 called - $0.60 ** Dealing the river: 8 of Spades t-n-07 folded Telepe mucks: Telepe wins $1.71 from the main pot End of game 739197565 ** Game ID 739198931 starting - 2007-04-29 13:25:00 ** Aero [Hold 'em] (0.10|0.20 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - PRICEY35 sitting in seat 1 with $0.53 - Kitt82 sitting in seat 2 with $24.95 - Telepe sitting in seat 3 with $4.82 - big_jutt sitting in seat 4 with $8.30 - Dridgey1 sitting in seat 5 with $20.42 [sitting out] - iceman2165 sitting in seat 6 with $3.59 - haimbow sitting in seat 7 with $5.31 - tehapo sitting in seat 8 with $13.40 - t-n-07 sitting in seat 9 with $7.95 [Dealer] - frwd sitting in seat 10 with $36.25 frwd posted the small blind - $0.10 PRICEY35 posted the big blind - $0.20 tehapo posted to play - $0.20 ** Dealing card to Telepe: Queen of Clubs, Queen of Spades Kitt82 called - $0.20 Telepe called - $0.20 big_jutt folded iceman2165 called - $0.20 haimbow called - $0.20 tehapo checked t-n-07 raised - $0.40 frwd called - $0.40 PRICEY35 folded Kitt82 called - $0.40 Telepe went all-in - $4.62 iceman2165 folded haimbow folded tehapo folded t-n-07 called - $4.82 frwd folded Kitt82 called - $4.82 ** Dealing the flop: 10 of Hearts, Jack of Clubs, 9 of Clubs Kitt82 bet - $3.91 t-n-07 went all-in - $3.13 ** Dealing the turn: 2 of Spades ** Dealing the river: Ace of Clubs t-n-07 shows: 10 of Diamonds, Ace of Diamonds Kitt82 shows: 9 of Diamonds, 9 of Hearts Telepe shows: Queen of Clubs, Queen of Spades Kitt82 wins $14.88 from the main pot Kitt82 wins $20.87 from side pot 1 End of game 739198931

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Re: Testing Alex Scotts Short Stacked Cash Table Strategy

It is tough for your opponents to counteract if they notice what you are doing' date=' [/quote'] Did you mean "it's not tough"? I suspect this will be more successful if you don't play it too much at any one site. Re stack size: If your stack is too small, then you won't be able to win enough on the hands you do play to make up for the blinds you lose while you're not playing. On a full table, you play about once every three rounds (ignoring hands where you're given a free play as BB). During that time you pay 4.5xBB in blinds. So you need to average a profit of more than that on each hand you do play. I suspect you need a stack of more than 10xBB to do that.
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Re: Testing Alex Scotts Short Stacked Cash Table Strategy No - I did mean it is tough - the only way to counteract it is to not play against you!!! (I suppose they can play passively as well until they hit a monster!!!) - If you are all in pre flop though, then you either call (usually a mistake - I have a big hand) or fold. Yeah - I was very conscious of the stack size being too small, hence reloading and buying in for more than the minimum buy in .... the question though is, what is the ideal stack size? There is an optimal for this strategy, and as you move away from it, I imagine you "lose" quite quickly.... I'm not sure how observant most internet players are at low stakes on the internet - I think you could play it at one site for longer than you may appreciate, but if you go somewhere like Party or Pokerstars, there are enough tables that you're up against different people most of the time anyway....

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Re: Testing Alex Scotts Short Stacked Cash Table Strategy So i kick off in a 10c/20c cash game with the minimum buy-in of $4 surrounded by players i'm used to seeing and are used to seeing me, however not buying in with my customary $15 but this time $4... They probably thought i'd run out of dough :lol This is a continous update after every major happening on my experiment table so i don't keep having to post new messages! Only my second hand:

Dealer: Dealing cards
Dealer: Your cards Ad As
Dealer: GI244 folds
Dealer: IBluffYouCall folds
Dealer: financeaus folds
Dealer: unavoidable calls $0.20
Dealer: DemonD99 calls $0.20
Dealer: 27Nade raises $0.80
Dealer: rinahei folds
Dealer: Rolboy folds
Dealer: frr52414892 folds
Dealer: ArtZone calls $0.60
Dealer: unavoidable calls $0.60
Dealer: DemonD99 calls $0.60
Dealer: Dealing Flop 9d Jh Qs
Dealer: ArtZone checks
Dealer: unavoidable checks
Dealer: DemonD99 checks
Dealer: 27Nade bets $0.80
Dealer: ArtZone folds
Dealer: unavoidable folds
Dealer: DemonD99 folds
Dealer: GI244 has left the table
Dealer: Winner is 27Nade $3.95
Dealer: Winner is 27Nade $3.95
Sort of forgot to limp with no raiser! (sorry my first attempt at this method) But still a solid start with the top 5 method up to $6.15. 12 (boring) hands later i fold A10, when i would have called the BB, a 10 comes on the flop so i would have called any small raise. Anyway what transpires is that a fella slow plays with pocket aces and another 10comes on the river. Basically playing my normal way i could have made a bit of a stash on this hand with the trip 10's. Next hand i fold AQ o/s on the button with no other callers, i think i had to fold becaue it wasn't suited, but of course common sense says 'steal the blinds' but i'm playing this short stack style the proper way ;). All i can say is that after 23 hands it's just as well there's Premiership football on to listen to ;) Hand 25. Folded 10,4 o/s on the SB when i would have called the 10c. the flop comes 2,10,4, everyone checks to the turn where a Q comes then one bet of 40c wins it for someone. Another missed opportunity me thinks! Hand 27 i get KQ suited in late position so i gotta call really even though it's not on the 'list' the only others in the pot are the blinds. Flop comes J,3,Q, I bet 40c, they fold. Hand 30 (yay i hand i can play)
Dealer: Your Cards: Ad Ks
Dealer: financeaus folds
Dealer: lin123 calls $0.20
Dealer: hopman11 folds
Dealer: 27Nade raises $0.40
Dealer: rinahei folds
Dealer: paule67 folds
Dealer: ArtZone folds
Dealer: Kayaaa folds
Dealer: IBluffYouCall folds
Dealer: lin123 calls $0.20
Dealer: Dealing Flop 3s 4s Tc
Dealer: lin123 checks
Dealer: 27Nade bets $0.60
Dealer: lin123 folds
Dealer: Winner is 27Nade $1.65
Dealer: Winner is 27Nade $1.65
I'm not sure whether i was supposed to raise there but if i got a re-raise i was gonna move all-in. Basically i just stole the pot on the flop. Up to $6.60. (OK now i've made my mind up to just go up to 50hands which will equate to just under an hours play) Hand 44!.... The score's still 1-0 to Arsenal :lol Hand 50: K3 of clubs. Folded. end of. Cashed out with $6. So in summary i would say that was one of the worst games of poker i've played. It was frustrating having to throw away decent hands because they weren't good enough! The only thing which kept me awake was the Arsenal Fulham match :lol. I did come away with a $2 profit, but with the cards that came i have no doubt it would have been more if i had played my usual game. So there are benefits - i did make a profit, but by christ you need to be occupied by something else when playing this way or you WILL fall asleep! Was an interesting new thing to do though :).
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Re: Testing Alex Scotts Short Stacked Cash Table Strategy

No - I did mean it is tough - the only way to counteract it is to not play against you!!! (I suppose they can play passively as well until they hit a monster!!!) - If you are all in pre flop though, then you either call (usually a mistake - I have a big hand) or fold.
But if it's usually a mistake to call, that doesn't make it tough, that makes it easy! E.g., if I raise to 3xBB with JJ and a small stack raises all-in to 20xBB then I'd usually have a difficult decision. If I know he has AA-QQ, AK or AQs then I have an easy decision to fold. And before you've acted, I have a big advantage if I know that you'll only play those hands.
Yeah - I was very conscious of the stack size being too small, hence reloading and buying in for more than the minimum buy in .... the question though is, what is the ideal stack size? There is an optimal for this strategy, and as you move away from it, I imagine you "lose" quite quickly....
I suspect the optimal buy-in depends quite heavily on how the other players at the table play. How many callers you average when you go all-in for various amounts, etc. Actually, even if you assume the other players don't pay any attention to your strategy, I suspect the profitability of this strategy may depend on the table: if it's full of loose, passive, but scared players who will limp a lot but run away at the first sign of a big raise, it probably won't be profitable, as you'll lose your blinds, but won't win enough from your big hands.
I'm not sure how observant most internet players are at low stakes on the internet - I think you could play it at one site for longer than you may appreciate, but if you go somewhere like Party or Pokerstars, there are enough tables that you're up against different people most of the time anyway....
Fair point. But some of the things you're doing (never making the first raise, playing an extremely small number of hands, and especially limping in with AA, KK) are things that even low stakes internet players might notice eventually, I think. Even if I'm half asleep, it would register if somebody limped in, then reraised me all-in and showed AA. Even if I wasn't particularly trying to pay attention to how people were playing, I'd probably remember if he did that a couple of times. The point is that the "unusual" things you're doing are a bit more obvious than a lot of the things that these players would fail to notice under normal circumstances. Anyway, I have a bonus to clear on Paradise. Think I might have a try ...
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Re: Testing Alex Scotts Short Stacked Cash Table Strategy Think i've just found another down side to the experiment! Went back to my 'normal' play and i found myself playing more hands then usual, probably to make up for the lack of action in the above experiment and so i lost $10 :(, nothing major but i hate losing. Playing extremely tight is obviously beneficial as i found and as GaF says playing tight can be tweaked and adapted into your natural game to make it a little more interesting! After i bought Phil Hellmuth's book a few months ago i used his top 10hand method to see if it worked and it did, i made a fair amount in a short time. In the long run though if you want to enjoy playing poker and it's not JUST about the money then it's best to play a little looser and not so tight imo.

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Re: Testing Alex Scotts Short Stacked Cash Table Strategy This strategy does work and the optimal strategy is to play as many tables as possible. The whole point of the strategy is that you don't face a difficult decision after the flop. For eg if you limp with ak and get say 3 callers the flop comes x k x, then you just push allin, someone could have 2 pair or trips but with a small stack it's an easy decision. I used to play with a short stack when I first ventured on to the cash tables, I'd limp with big hands hoping for a reraise and push allin, but I'd also play certain hands in position if it was cheap and I'd always make sure that I had at least 20bbs on each table.

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Re: Testing Alex Scotts Short Stacked Cash Table Strategy i tried this with $100 over several stakes earlier this monthw when i read the article 2x $5 2x $10 and several $20 on $0.15/$0.25 $0.25/$0.50 and $0.50/$1 respectively. it all went, very quickly got blinded down on 2 tables one $20 and one $10 with no calls on any of my all ins. won on both the $5 tables left with $9 and $12 respectively. lost on 2 $20s, AK vs AJs. lost left table KK v AA, lost left table. stopped trying right there and then. this would have been a useful tactic for me when i'm tired and need to grind out the bonuses or rakeback as GAF said. but i couldnt get it to work on crypto.

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Re: Testing Alex Scotts Short Stacked Cash Table Strategy Crypto is a bit notorious for its "rocks" isn't it? It has a lot of players grinding out bonuses, so tends to lack action :unsure So kinda agree crypto may not be the best place to try this.....

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Re: Testing Alex Scotts Short Stacked Cash Table Strategy Hi guys. I had a feeling that this article would generate a bit of discussion. I was a bit conscious of space limits in the magazine itself, so I had to leave out some parts that I would have left in (and which will be in the full unedited article once it's released on my website after copyright expires). I'm glad this was posted because it gives me a place to address some of the points I had to leave out.

Alex Scotts "Easy Money" article in the May issue of Inside Poker has received much aclaim on PL' date=' so I thought I'd study it and give it a go.[/quote'] First of all, I'm really glad to hear that and I thank everyone who has had nice things to say - they are truly appreciated! That's the idea. The strategy as described in the magazine is too basic to apply to absolutely every scenario, so it's good to 'fill in the gaps' by expanding the theory to new situations. PokerTracker really helps. If you remember, I said that ideally you want to sit with aggressive players to your left. PokerTracker can help you choose the right seat (if you get the choice) and can help you to target the right players. I think this lost clarity as the editor and I chopped the article down to 1500 words. The optimal amount would depend on a lot of factors - basically, you want to be able to buy in for as much as you can get away with. Too much, and people stop calling with rags. Too little, and you won't get enough value on your wins to compensate for the relatively large amount of blind money you're losing. In my own sessions I have been buying in for 20BB which is the minimum on my regular site. I love this idea as it makes it look like you're playing over your head with your last chips, but the effect won't last all that long, because you'll regularly top up to the minimum buy-in amount when you drop below it. That will go up, because you'll also get free looks in the blinds. In my own sessions I was averaging about 8% of hands, but I was getting pretty lucky. I think you could improve these results by exercising better game selection - that is, picking tables that are more aggressive, rather than simply sitting at every table that was running. This strategy actually works best at slightly higher limits, where people understand that you're supposed to be aggressive, but aren't sophisticated enough to adapt properly to the strategy. Of course it also works best at sites that have lots of tables running, so you can pick the best ones. That's what makes the strategy profitable - most people won't notice what you're doing, and those that do will usually just write you off as a fish and not properly adjust to your play. Actually, if you see someone using this strategy at a table, you should generally open raise and continuation bet more often (because they'll fold a lot), but call their all-ins less often (because their range of hands is very narrow). This is one of those carve outs. If you do reraise all-in, as you did, you might get called anyway. One thing I tried was sticking in a minimum raise. This reopens the betting, giving your opponent a chance to put in a proper-sized reraise, and can also trap the extra callers in the middle before you move all-in. It doesn't always work, but when it does you'll generally make a bit more money. You can also put in a proper-sized raise yourself, with the intention of moving in on the turn. Using this strategy, you should either be all-in preflop, or be prepared to fold, even to a minimum bet on the flop, unless you think you might have the best hand. The problem is that with such a short stack you can't make enough money when you do hit your outs to make up for the regular small losses you'll take when drawing. I sympathise with you - using this strategy means you'll take just about as many suckouts as possible, since you'll rarely get respect for having a hand. I have had some extraordinarily bad sessions results-wise that were amazing EV-wise. Likewise I've had some truly amazing sessions where the percentages held up. OK... my head hurts. Any further feedback, let me know!
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Re: Testing Alex Scotts Short Stacked Cash Table Strategy A big thank you to Alex for taking the time to post:ok . I tried the tactic out for an hour or so last night, putting $4 onto each of two Ladbrokes 10/20c tables, and two Stars 5/10c tables. I agree with what has been said before that it is your perception as a fish that makes people call you with inferior hands. I only lost one all in AQs vs AKo,which was fine, but won 5 with KK QQ(twice) AKs and 10/10. The callers normally had Ax or 99 88 etc. On 3 of the 4 tables, I doubled up or more. The only addition I made to my arsenal of hands was I limped into some unraised pots with pocket pairs. I would raise all in if I hit a set, and fold to any bet if I didn't. I wouldn't play like this as a norm, but for an interesting diversion, it is really worth a go!

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Re: Testing Alex Scotts Short Stacked Cash Table Strategy Great to see you Alex - thanks for posting :ok Just to stress - where I was "significantly down" - that was just on that table :ok Overall I finished in profit (in terms of cash) but slightly down in terms of BB/100. You suggested this might be more profitable at higher limits ...... certainly the case in my example - though a ridiciulously small sample.....

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Re: Testing Alex Scotts Short Stacked Cash Table Strategy This is exactly how I play my cash games - as a short'ish stack I normally buy-in for about 20% more than the minimum just so I can fold a few blinds waiting for the right cards without feeling under pressure myself when I do hit I simply play until I double up (or near as dammit) and then close the table. Its not pretty and its not creative but it works - you just have to have the patience to play this way Damo

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Re: Testing Alex Scotts Short Stacked Cash Table Strategy Sat down with $2.30 (target is $4.60 or bust). I know I should have bought in for 20 BB ($4) but I didn't want to add to the table and give any info away. Bah.... 13 minutes on 10/20c as a shortie and I've dropped KQspades/AJspades and JJ. First test QQ in the BB no raise so I check. SB bets over $1 into a pot of 60c and I push all in and take it. Now on $3.30 Now I have AQos on the button and I should have folded but limped and missed. $3.10 Folded: 88 UTG I get dealt QQ and limp. Early position raises to 80c and I push all in for $3.00 and get called. Flop gives me the Q high straight but splits with his AQo. Next hand I get AQ suited and dble up with Acw high flush. Player bet on the flop when I was 4 to the flush and I thought it was all in or fold so I pushed and got called. $5.10 Next hand I have KK and limp flop come x 3 7 and someone bets big so I have to push. I lose main pot to 2 paair's 3's and 7's (he was SB) and win side pot down to $3.90. This is in exactly 30 minutes of single table play. 23:35 - AK in late position I limp. Miss flop (6, 6, Q) and fold. down to $3.40 Now I have AQos in the BB. With 1 raiser I decided to re-raise all in and he folded. $3.20 A8 os in the BB and all limp. A on the flop and I figure under the rules I should push to any bet. I do but the caller for $3 hits his straight (despite him having terrible odds to call). I busted out after 1 hour 10 minutes but like it in principle. -------------------------------------------------------- I personally would change how you pay AK. Although we have practically no fold equity pushing all in and picking up say 5 x BB to no callers would be better (to me) than limping for a large proportion of your stack then folding if you miss AND it buys you the privilege of 5 cards just in case you get called. Anyone want the HH's for crtique? :unsure

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Re: Testing Alex Scotts Short Stacked Cash Table Strategy :rollin Just bought back in for $4 get A 10 in the BB with 2 limpers. Flop comes A A 4. I wait and wait (as per the rules) for someone to bet so that I can push. K on the river scares me a little but I push ($3.80) after both bet 60c and I get one caller. Again I limped with AKos and miss and to be honest got so pissed off that I bluffed the pot at the end with my customary all in. I'm now standing at over $10. :eek

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Re: Testing Alex Scotts Short Stacked Cash Table Strategy Nice one Mr V :ok I've changed my view on the low stakes table a bit .... they're bad players - how are they bad players? They call when they should fold ......so I think that straight off raising all in is better - the "check-raise" isn't necessary at this level. You'll get callers with worse hands..... I also buy in for about (but not exactly) 20xBB and regularly top up (whereas before I was letting myself get low).... I allow myself to limp with any pocket pair in late position .... with 20xBB and multiple limpers I believe I have the implied odds to draw to trips.... I think this is because I have been on some pretty passive tables ... as Alex said, for this to work in his original format, it needs to be slightly higher stakes and aggressive tables.....

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Re: Testing Alex Scotts Short Stacked Cash Table Strategy Bear in mind just over one hour is no real sample but the amount of action is pertinent. I found that the check raise provided necessary 'icing'. These 'systems' are worth trying out especially if you are a novice cash player like I am. Bear in mind that tourney players are almost trained to loosen up after being sat for so long at the table and this helps maintain the discipline required to play cash. Thanks for the input Gaf? :ok

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Re: Testing Alex Scotts Short Stacked Cash Table Strategy Just read this thread this morning and thought I'd give it a go. Very first hand had QQ, so limped with three others. Flop came QQA and I thought ''what the hell do I do now?''. Took the limps to the river, then went all in in the hope they thought I was nicking the pot, but they all folded. Next hand had JJ and felt decidedly queezy folding my decent pair because the system told me to do so. Following folds of A 10 suited and KQ suited told me that this system HAS to be multi tabled, or else you'll drive yourself crazy folding what would (or could) have been winning hands. One thing I do take from this system is a solid way of playing the premium hands. My play used to be far too placid, but since I have become more aggressive with decent hands I have found things going my way much more often. The way this system advocates playing the top hands adds another option which I very much like the look of.

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Re: Testing Alex Scotts Short Stacked Cash Table Strategy Consecutive Hands!

** Game ID 1371917192 starting - 2007-05-08 16:42:29 ** Justus [Hold 'em] (0.10|0.20 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - Miksam sitting in seat 1 with $14.45 - FUBUDOGG sitting in seat 2 with $10.47 - madras sitting in seat 3 with $18.75 - catman41 sitting in seat 4 with $39.14 - Hundionu sitting in seat 5 with $2.20 - k3rn3l sitting in seat 6 with $39.80 - Valiant23 sitting in seat 7 with $3.85 - logan347 sitting in seat 8 with $17.75 - argyllman sitting in seat 9 with $20.13 - no_luck999 sitting in seat 10 with $0.35 [Dealer] Miksam posted the small blind - $0.10 FUBUDOGG posted the big blind - $0.20 ** Dealing card to Valiant23: Ace of Diamonds, Ace of Clubs madras folded catman41 folded Hundionu folded k3rn3l called - $0.20 Valiant23 called - $0.20 logan347 called - $0.20 argyllman folded no_luck999 folded Miksam called - $0.20 FUBUDOGG checked ** Dealing the flop: Ace of Hearts, Jack of Diamonds, King of Spades Miksam checked FUBUDOGG checked k3rn3l checked Valiant23 checked logan347 bet - $0.50 Miksam folded FUBUDOGG folded k3rn3l folded Valiant23 went all-in - $3.65 logan347 called - $3.65 ** Dealing the turn: 8 of Spades ** Dealing the river: Jack of Hearts Valiant23 shows: Ace of Diamonds, Ace of Clubs logan347 mucks: Valiant23 wins $8.00 from the main pot [-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] ** Game ID 1371919695 starting - 2007-05-08 16:43:20 ** Justus [Hold 'em] (0.10|0.20 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - Miksam sitting in seat 1 with $14.35 [Dealer] - FUBUDOGG sitting in seat 2 with $10.37 - madras sitting in seat 3 with $18.55 - catman41 sitting in seat 4 with $39.14 - Hundionu sitting in seat 5 with $2.20 - k3rn3l sitting in seat 6 with $39.60 - Valiant23 sitting in seat 7 with $8.00 - logan347 sitting in seat 8 with $13.90 - argyllman sitting in seat 9 with $20.13 - no_luck999 sitting in seat 10 with $0.35 FUBUDOGG posted the small blind - $0.10 madras posted the big blind - $0.20 ** Dealing card to Valiant23: King of Spades, King of Diamonds catman41 folded Hundionu folded k3rn3l folded Valiant23 called - $0.20 logan347 folded argyllman folded no_luck999 folded Miksam folded FUBUDOGG folded madras checked ** Dealing the flop: 8 of Diamonds, 7 of Spades, 4 of Spades madras checked Valiant23 checked ** Dealing the turn: Jack of Clubs madras checked Valiant23 checked ** Dealing the river: 10 of Hearts madras bet - $0.20 Valiant23 raised - $1.10 madras called - $1.10 Valiant23 shows: King of Spades, King of Diamonds madras mucks: Valiant23 wins $2.55 from the main pot End of game 1371919695 [-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------]
I know I only made a pot sized raise but reckoned there was no way I'd have got paid after the last move and decided that discretion here would be better long term. Had I pushed all in 2 hands running with monsters after 2 limps I would have been noted by everyone. My target from a $4 sit down is $12.
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Re: Testing Alex Scotts Short Stacked Cash Table Strategy notice? nahhhhh prolly not! as you have said - these are poor players, maybe one or two might notice, the others wont re the experiment - genrally I understand the need to stick to the thoery, but I would be more aggressive with AK etc and raise if folded to me, you need to juice the pot yourself sometimes nice thread :ok Damo

Consecutive Hands! I know I only made a pot sized raise but reckoned there was no way I'd have got paid after the last move and decided that discretion here would be better long term. Had I pushed all in 2 hands running with monsters after 2 limps I would have been noted by everyone. My target from a $4 sit down is $12.
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Re: Testing Alex Scotts Short Stacked Cash Table Strategy In just over 24 hours I've managed to turn a profit AND rake 90 hands! I dropped down from $4 to 60c at one point and managed to build that back up to over $9 this evening playing this strategy. Thanks Alex. If nothing else I have some confidence when sat at cash tables for long periods now even after suffering the odd loss (notably QQ vs KJos). :ok

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Re: Testing Alex Scotts Short Stacked Cash Table Strategy Well done Mr V :ok Not sure falling down to 60c (6xBB) and building up from there falls within this strategy :unsure You want people to make a mistake by not respecting you and calling when they should fold ..... if your stack is too small however, you are denying them the opportunity to make a mistake, as it is more correct for them to call ...... You're sitting there waiting for premium hands .... you NEED to get paid off when you hit your premium hands - in order to do that your stack cant be too small..... I'm thinking that you want to be around 20x BB and topping up when you fall down to about 17xBB....

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Re: Testing Alex Scotts Short Stacked Cash Table Strategy To be honest Gaf I was playing it for so long that I was just clicking mechanically whilst concentrating on the MTT's I was playing in. Then when I was out of the tournies I was ready to pack in and thought I would blind myself out if I had to rather than top up or just leave. :$

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  • 1 month later...

Re: Testing Alex Scotts Short Stacked Cash Table Strategy Thought I had been playing this strategy properly until I read this thread! Back to the drawing board... :unsure Any losses have been getting lost in amongst bonuses so I've no idea how much I've won/lost from actual play.

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Re: Testing Alex Scotts Short Stacked Cash Table Strategy Was doing horribly on this... including JJ beat by 99 and AK beat by A6... but then this (lol didnt realise table was PL)... PokerStars Game #10479782207: Hold'em Pot Limit ($0.10/$0.25) - 2007/06/17 - 11:48:21 (ET) Table 'Budovicium' 9-max Seat #2 is the button Seat 1: cbob2bet ($1.50 in chips) Seat 2: iChipd ($7.85 in chips) Seat 3: robbie2424 ($10.45 in chips) Seat 4: bokito86 ($9.05 in chips) Seat 5: rs250gpracer ($18.80 in chips) Seat 7: Henk88 ($23.50 in chips) Seat 8: turtle1569 ($26.80 in chips) Seat 9: marc_weber ($9.65 in chips) robbie2424: posts small blind $0.10 bokito86: posts big blind $0.25 marc_weber: posts big blind $0.25 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to iChipd [Ad Ah] rs250gpracer said, "lol good lay down" rs250gpracer: raises $0.25 to $0.50 Henk88: raises $1 to $1.50 turtle1569: folds marc_weber: folds cbob2bet: folds iChipd: raises $4.10 to $5.60 rs250gpracer said, "i wish the k wasnt there on flop though" robbie2424: calls $5.50 bokito86: raises $3.45 to $9.05 and is all-in rs250gpracer: raises $9.75 to $18.80 and is all-in turtle1569 said, "so i guess rockets, it could've been a Q and made you less happy ;)" iChipd said, "lol" Henk88 said, "lol" iChipd said, "hahahaha" Henk88: raises $4.70 to $23.50 and is all-in iChipd: calls $2.25 and is all-in robbie2424: calls $4.85 and is all-in *** FLOP *** [8h 2d 2c] *** TURN *** [8h 2d 2c] [5d] *** RIVER *** [8h 2d 2c 5d] [9s] rs250gpracer said, "yup u guessed right turtle" *** SHOW DOWN *** rs250gpracer: shows [Ks As] (a pair of Deuces) Henk88: shows [Kd Kc] (two pair, Kings and Deuces) Henk88 collected $16.10 from side pot-3 robbie2424: mucks hand Henk88 collected $4 from side pot-2 bokito86: mucks hand Henk88 collected $4.55 from side pot-1 iChipd: shows [Ad Ah] (two pair, Aces and Deuces) iChipd said, "yes" bokito86 leaves the table iChipd collected $37.55 from main pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot $65.20 Main pot $37.55. Side pot-1 $4.55. Side pot-2 $4. Side pot-3 $16.10. | Rake $3 Board [8h 2d 2c 5d 9s] Seat 1: cbob2bet folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 2: iChipd (button) showed [Ad Ah] and won ($37.55) with two pair, Aces and Deuces Seat 3: robbie2424 (small blind) mucked [5s 4h] Seat 4: bokito86 (big blind) mucked [Jc Ac] Seat 5: rs250gpracer showed [Ks As] and lost with a pair of Deuces Seat 7: Henk88 showed [Kd Kc] and won ($24.65) with two pair, Kings and Deuces Seat 8: turtle1569 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 9: marc_weber folded before Flop

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Re: Testing Alex Scotts Short Stacked Cash Table Strategy

Was doing horribly on this... including JJ beat by 99 and AK beat by A6... but then this (lol didnt realise table was PL)...
If you were following this strictly, shouldn't JJ have been folded pre flop? ;)
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Re: Testing Alex Scotts Short Stacked Cash Table Strategy

If you were following this strictly' date=' shouldn't JJ have been folded pre flop? ;)[/quote'] I havnt read the article... only have what has been said here.. i thought JJ was a hand... could u out up a link 2 the article if there is 1 (if u have it)...:ok
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