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**Poker Saturday 28th April**


**Poker Saturday 28th April**  

  1. 1.

    • No Poker
    • 19:00 Mermaid Freeroll
    • 20:00 Pokerstars APAT Online
    • 20:10 SO Boss Safety Net
    • 20:15 PokerSatellites Daily Dollar
    • 21:00 Mansion $100,000 Gtd
    • 21:30 Bodog Rounders Radio WSOP Freeroll
    • 21:30 SO Boss 50 Up

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Re: **Poker Saturday 28th April** First of these bodog games I've played - software takes some getting used to - luckily someone pointed out how to set the table color to something other than that horrible red (made my eyes go funny). Actually starting to like the software - lots of features although it is a bit busy.... and I noticed they give you 50 player points up front presumably I can use those for a freeroll.

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Re: **Poker Saturday 28th April** It's room 101 for me! Finished 101st in a solid if unspectacular game. Must have had 2 decent hands in the whole tournois and the only decent pot i won with was 8,3 o/s. Most people seem to slow play their hands, which might be a good MTT method (i don't know) but the format doesn't suit me lol. My first game on bodog and was totally uncomfortable with the lack of table, dodgy animations etc. will only return on the freerolls!... GL all :ok

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Re: **Poker Saturday 28th April**

Have downloaded Bodog and will play if I get the password, but not voted above. Radio schedule looks like a 2 hour live show starts at 8.00 our time (???)...is this what you listen to to get the password then? Will be playing as DodgerPL.
Sorry mate missed you, but you said this before the start, so adding you :ok
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Re: **Poker Saturday 28th April** :puke Finished 73rd. Hate the way I went out :puke The chip leader on my table had over 10K chips then announced that he had to leave and started going all in with rubbish. ! called one of his all ins with KJ suited, hit a King on the flop, his 8 2 offsuit hit 2 pairs :wall

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Re: **Poker Saturday 28th April** well busted out with AA flop comes down 5d 10h 5h he pushes all-in with 4h4d obviously i call for my last 6000 hits runner runner h:wall :wall musn't grumble too much had a lucky out draw earlie on:sad gl all pl'ers left in :ok

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Re: **Poker Saturday 28th April** Out in 45th. Everytime I got some chips I gave them all to Fenners!!! Finally got moved to a new table and got 10,10 first hand. Raised 4 times the BB and got 2 callers. Flop came down 8,2,2 with 2 diamonds. Push all in and get 1 caller who has Q3 diamonds! (I'm not sure I can fault the call post flop but pre flop 4xBB with Q3 suited???) Anyway as you'd guess there were no more diamonds on the turn or river but the Queen came on the river instead. GL to all those left in.

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Re: **Poker Saturday 28th April**

On final table and it doesn't seem to want to let me chat - good luck all PLrs .
Dodger first, Phil 2nd and myself 3rd ..... I reckon top 5 should qualify us for the final :ok At this rate, PL will have a fantastic representation in the 40 seat MTT Final for a $12,000 WSOP package :loon :loon TQM and Gazza basically already qualified :ok
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