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Just wondering what kind of opinions people had on the aspects of your game (if any) shootouts help benefit. My final table play and HU is exceptionally poor, so I've been playing a couple lately hoping it improves those aspects and my aggression. Also interested in hearing other thoughts about their characteristics, like triple shootouts where first round winners are ITM etc.

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Re: Shootouts Erm .... shootouts are just multiple STT's - so the advantage of Shootouts are I imagine the same as STT's. STT's are good for practicing all aspects of tournament play ..... from the start, when you are (relatively) deep stacked on a full table, to the end where you are HU and short stacked - it teaches you to move through the gears :ok HU Tourneys are quite good to practice if your HU play is poor ... they're not totally representative of the end of tournament play as you will usually be deeper stacked in a HU tourney .... I feel my HU play improved significantly when I had an extended period playing HU tourneys :ok

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Guest gazza271

Re: Shootouts

HU Tourneys are quite good to practice if your HU play is poor ... they're not totally representative of the end of tournament play as you will usually be deeper stacked in a HU tourney .... I feel my HU play improved significantly when I had an extended period playing HU tourneys :ok
I'm with GaF here :ok My HU play was really poor, for the last couple of years we have had a PL HU tourny ( http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showthread.php?t=32815&highlight=heads ) and in preperation for last years I played a lot of low level ( $1/$2 ) HU games. My play improved massively and I still play HU games now and enjoy them. All sites have HU games mate, practice on the small buy in games :ok
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