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BetonBet PL MTT League - $1000 Added

Guest gazza271

BetonBet PL MTT League - $1000 Added  

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Re: BetonBet PL MTT League - $1000 Added Thank you everyone :notworthy:notworthy I was chuffed with this because as always in these leagues the competition was very stiff. Well done to Spanner, Teazz and Avon for keeping the pressure on me right until the end :clap:clap:clap about 30mins in lastnight I was slightly concerned when spanner and Avon had doubled up and my stack was dwindling. Thanks Gaf for doing the tables, PL and BetonBet for the cash :beer:beer (I shall use it wisely in Hooters Las vegas :tongue2)

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Re: BetonBet PL MTT League - $1000 Added Very well done Brian. :clap Was a bit disappointed with myself last night as having got some extra chips early on I loosened up, missed a load of flops and ended up short-stacked. Am sure I could have hung on to 2nd place overall if I'd stuck to my original plan (note to self, don't win chips early on!):wall In my defence, I'd had virtually no sleep, was multi-tabling and making Avon Lady phone calls at the same time. :tongue2 Well played everyone in the final money. Really enjoyed these games despite the initial difficulties signing up/depositing on this site, but it was a fantastic promotion by BetOnBet so big thanks them and PL for setting it up.:clap

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