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BetonBet PL MTT League - $1000 Added

Guest gazza271

BetonBet PL MTT League - $1000 Added  

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Re: BetonBet PL MTT League - $1000 Added

:gimme thanks will somebody be putting a league table up
well played kippe - updated table will always be page one of this thread got to be happy with second when was down to 45 chips not long before the final table :D edit - and yet why am I cheesed off that I didn't win ? ;) and thanks Teazz :ok
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Re: BetonBet PL MTT League - $1000 Added Well played Kippe and great comeback Runadrum,i remember typing gg before we went to the final table as i thought you went out. Just shows how things can soon change round in poker! When i won $875 yesterday i was last of six and was starting to get blinded out,but a few good hands and a lot of aggression i ended up winning.

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Guest gazza271

Re: BetonBet PL MTT League - $1000 Added Gutted to have missed the first game :sad should be ok for the rest :hope Well played Kippe :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap

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Re: BetonBet PL MTT League - $1000 Added

Well played Kippe and great comeback Runadrum,i remember typing gg before we went to the final table as i thought you went out. Just shows how things can soon change round in poker! When i won $875 yesterday i was last of six and was starting to get blinded out,but a few good hands and a lot of aggression i ended up winning.
thanks jomell and :clap on your win elsewhere. I have to admit when we were down to the last 3 and I confess I didn't know who mastermind was I was cursing the aggression - so it was working :notworthy
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Re: BetonBet PL MTT League - $1000 Added Don't know if i'm too late for this but i might have a gander at it being a glutton for punishment :lol I know there are a lot of classy players on here so i'm intrigued to see how i'll do... Any room for a little'un? ;).

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Re: BetonBet PL MTT League - $1000 Added

Don't know if i'm too late for this but i might have a gander at it being a glutton for punishment :lol I know there are a lot of classy players on here so i'm intrigued to see how i'll do... Any room for a little'un? ;).
How do I enter? There will be a poll in this thread to indicate that you wish to receive the Password (the poll is not a precondition of entry - you can email/PM me for the password too). As this is a PL exclusive event, I will include everyone who takes part, there is no necesity to vote yourself in any polls. This applies to BPP points too (it is easy to include everyone if it is PL exclusive). This tournament is only open to members of PL at the time this tournament was announced (23rd April 2007)
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Re: BetonBet PL MTT League - $1000 Added Anyone still having deposit/IP problems? Think we managed to sort out the vast majority of the issues last week (though not necessarily in time) - it is very difficult to get it resolved in the hours leading up to they tourney - if you're having problems, please let us know asap.....

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Re: BetonBet PL MTT League - $1000 Added May i just grumble at BoB's deposit service - talk about making things complicated :wall Think i need to set up a Neteller account - when i can be arsed. And then i realise to set up a Neteller you need to get your passport number :lol I assume this is a joke................. I have to go and rummage around.......... And then they nick 3.9% of your deposit fee! Cheeky bar-stewards ;) LOL - they've suspended my account already Neteller because i gave them my mobile and not home number. Why the foob is it not my right to stop these fools ringing me at 3am?? I have a feeling it's all more hassle then it's worth...

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Re: BetonBet PL MTT League - $1000 Added

Anyone still having deposit/IP problems? Think we managed to sort out the vast majority of the issues last week (though not necessarily in time) - it is very difficult to get it resolved in the hours leading up to they tourney - if you're having problems' date=' please let us know asap.....[/quote'] many thanks gaf,gonna feel guilty when i nick your blinds now ;)
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Re: BetonBet PL MTT League - $1000 Added I'm in a quandary. Do i give in to the yanks and give them my home number to be passed on the US Govt so they can track all my phone calls (I'm fed up with giving these companies and therefore governments my life details) or put up a fight? :lol However, i did just get an e-mail from Barny Boatman which has cheered my mood :ok Oh my lord, just had to ring the US of A, or maybe it was India, who knows (Hopefully it was FREE or i'm bankrupt) ? Then was kept on hold with some 80's dsico music for 5mins :lol then answered 50million questions, passed between 2people, and finally my account is back up and i have FINALLY deposited on BoB. All in a days work.

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Re: BetonBet PL MTT League - $1000 Added

When I said it's the same every week, I meant the password is. I didn't mean "It's the same every week ... :eyes"
:rollini knew what you meant (but in my defence I wasn't in lastweek)
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Re: BetonBet PL MTT League - $1000 Added Well i'm absolutely GUTTED. After all that ruddy effort i put into today to get myself in contention to play my internet goes completely from about 7pm - before i had chance to find the tournament (because i couldn't see it anywhere) And now it re-connects me :@:wall:@:wall Was so looking forward to playing you lot, but nothing i could do! :@:@:@:@:@

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Re: BetonBet PL MTT League - $1000 Added Table updated :ok Well done Griff :clap :clap :clap Very lucky to be there to snatch 2nd MCFC :tongue2 :clap :clap avongirl, slapdash and spanner also in the money :clap

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