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creating a poker website


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there must be thousands of poker websites out there so there must be money to be made from them. think i'll start one too but don't know how to go about it. suppose the first thing is to register a domain name but how much does that cost? then there's this affiliate thingy. how does that work? i know some contributors to this forum have their own sites so perhaps you could share your experiences regarding the ups and downs of running a website.

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Re: creating a poker website When you say "Poker Website" do you mean a site where people can play poker, or a site about poker? I presume you mean the latter. Registering a domain is quite cheap nowadays - there are many sites out there where you can register a site for less than £15. You could look at the blogging area (which I do myself) which are absolutely free - and very popular (blogger.com is very popular and easy to use). Most major websites have an affiliate section which you can sign up to - you paste some of their code on your site, and if anyone buys something from or signs up to the relevant site, you will gain some revenue. I am a Pokerstars affiliate, so if someone signs up to them through my blog - I will gain $75 per sign up (dependant on that person actually playing a certain amount of poker).

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Re: creating a poker website It's not as easy as you think - I would reckon 95% of Poker Sites out there dont generate any affiliate income (worth talking of)...... In order to get poker affiliate income you have to get someone who doesn't currently have a site to download it, they then have to meet certain requirements - for example make a deposit of $x and play y raked hands .... not as easy as it sounds ....... you'll notice loads of requests on here for "refer a friend" ..... which is similar - hardly any will ever have received anything through this as most players dont meet the requirements..... Even a site like PL doesn't generate very much Poker Affiliate income .... the main reason being that most people already have an account at most sites .... when someone does open a new account, and if they do use the PL link, they're still probably signing up for a freeroll/single value added MTT .... very few go on to generate the "bounty" the poker room offers.... There is no question - what PL has spent on its members in the live meet ups substantially exceeds the affiliate income that has been generated from the Poker affiliates The important thing for you would be content .... what would your site have that would be of interest to other people and make them visit? And make them visit regularly? And make them use your links? Also remember, very few sites (including PL) will allow spam .... that is advertising of your site .... especially if it is a "rival" to the limited sign ups .... so how would you get people to your site? Even getting any traffic is hard enough to start off with, let alone sign ups.... I'm assuming your comment was for something more substantial/commercial than a "simple" blog?

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Re: creating a poker website gotanot too surprised that making money isn't easy thoough I would have thought a large site like this would generate considerable income from referalls.also often see links fom posters to their own sites which sometimes carry affiliate links.maybe PL isn't too strict on this point.personally I play about three hours of freeroll/lowstakes poker per day at 365 and bodog though I have around ten sites downloaded.don't imagine my play has contributed any bounty money-maybe typical of many players.cloudif it's not too nosey about how many sign-up bounties would you recieve per yearthanks very much for both replies providing food for thought.

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Re: creating a poker website

also often see links fom posters to their own sites which sometimes carry affiliate links.maybe PL isn't too strict on this point.
In general, PL is very strict on this .... though we have been more lenient recently in allowing personal blogs to be linked.......
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Re: creating a poker website To be honest I can't tell you how many I get at the moment, because I've only put up the link in the last two or three weeks - and nobody has signed up and played the appropriate number of hands yet. If I make 1 referral per month on the amount of traffic I get (around 200 hits a day) I would be very surprised, and as GaF says, it is very difficult to make money, as most people who visit people poker sites already have accounts anyway.

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Re: creating a poker website Making money from poker website/poker forums? In my option this is one of the hardest way of making money online. The Reasons. 1.Poker Websites/Poker Forums are 10 a penny(It seems nearly everybody is doing this)But to find a decent poker website/Poker forum is very hard. 2.Is seems when somebody does a Poker Website/Poker forum they advertise and promote the same poker sites(i.e Pokerstars,Cdpoker,Titan,etc.)making new sign ups very hard. 3.Getting people to deposit at Poker sites through your links.Remember if people dont deposit through your link you get no income. And I think the most important thing is. 4.What scheme do I use ,a CPA deal(thats a bounty of usually between $50-$100 that a poker site will give you for a new sign up who deposits a certain amount(and maybe have to meet a certain requirement as well).Or a percentage income(poker sites usually give you between 25%-30% of what that player rakes at that poker site) To me a poker affiliate you need to look long term not short term and find a poker site that gives good promotions,value to your customers and a poker site that not everybody got. I have tried this in the past and affiliate with 2 poker sites,Luckly I did manage to sign up so players who makes me a little bit of money each money(around $80-$100)

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