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can we go back to old system


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being a comp spaz (pardon my incorrecctness) I never visit poker chat any more cos im usually playing at least 3 up yo 6 tourneys or stts plus looking at poker tourneys on PL so find it hard to go between the 2 (chat and tournies) so just look at tournies between brakes or slow periods of play thus missing interesting views and topics also I feel there is a lot less topics/new posts in the tourny section now there are 3 sections does anyone feel the same way can this be put in tournies as like me a lot of people dont visit here (IMO) could be totally wrong but preferred the old format by miles

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Re: can we go back to old system

By the old format' date=' do you just mean the link at the top to Poker rather than Poker Tourneys | Poker Strategy | Poker Chat | Poker Live ? Or do you mean right back to just one poker forum?
at present poker tournies 34 viewing poker chat 3 viewing poker strat 2 viewing poker live 1 viewing does this say something can we have a poll can we have a poll when i log on go sr8 to tournies and work down to what I might have missed esp after finishing 2 nights then check emails then find a stt or tourney alawsy forget to check chat
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Re: can we go back to old system

does this say something
It says that Poker Tournies is a lot more dynamic and has a faster turnover of information ..... that was one of the main objectives .... we wanted, for example, Strategy articles to be around for longer to give more chance for consideration before disappearing off the bottom of the page..... Wouldn't be keen to jump straight into a poll, but always open to reasoned constructive comments for discussion :ok
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Re: can we go back to old system i've stuck the 3 individual sections in a firefox bookmark folder of their own, so i just click bookmarks > PL > Open in tabs, and i get all 3 sections open for me to browse at once. i like how it separates the threads out as i'm more interested in finding bonuses/cash game hands etc than the tournies, and having to troll through one forum to find them is far more time consuming then browsing between the tabs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: can we go back to old system I accidentally went into the Poker Live section, forgot the exit code, and was stuck in there for three days before I was let out...quite scary! I personally like the sections..it keeps things so much tidier and it's easier to keep track of certain threads that you wish to follow without resorting to tagging them.

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Re: can we go back to old system Well, if you knew how long the discussion was in splitting the poker forum, you would be stunned, but we have to keep moving with the times and the need for expansion. I agree the other poker forums are nowhere near as busy, but give it time and you will start to see them pick up as more new members join. The old style poker forum just became a complete mess, sometimes I looked at it and my head was exploding at the different threads all in one forum. It really is for the best and in the future, I am sure it will become busier in each one. :ok

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