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Live Poker is fixed!!!


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Re: Live Poker is fixed!!! Some online poker is aparently fixed. Was playing last night and was dealt KK on the BB. It was folded all the way round to button who raised to $4 ($1 for bb). I reraised to $14 and he called. Flop was 3 lowish clubs. I went all in he called. On the call i guess I was beaten probably with AA or AK clubs. He had 2 and 4 clubs. He called $14 with that. I said on chat after how can you call with that and he replied " i had a feeling and been counting my losing hands."

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Re: Live Poker is fixed!!!

Some online poker is aparently fixed. Was playing last night and was dealt KK on the BB. It was folded all the way round to button who raised to $4 ($1 for bb). I reraised to $14 and he called. Flop was 3 lowish clubs. I went all in he called. On the call i guess I was beaten probably with AA or AK clubs. He had 2 and 4 clubs. He called $14 with that. I said on chat after how can you call with that and he replied " i had a feeling and been counting my losing hands."
I don't think that one hand proves online is fixed as he would be playing with anything knowing what cards were coming. I used to think online was fixed before a) i started watching a lot of live poker and there were as many dodgy hands in real as there were online and b) since the servers have changed i.e. the one bluesquare, paddypower etc use there haven't been many dodgy hands i've seen at all, whereas before there was constantly like full houses v straights.
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Re: Live Poker is fixed!!!

Can't believe I missed this post. How the hell you fold KK 6 handed???
Unbelieveable laydown, commentator got it right though, the poker gods reward the wrong move :lol This reminds me actually, was playing in a SnG on mansion about 2/3 weeks ago. I hadn't played yet and had my original starting stack, blinds were just up to 25/50. Couple of limpers including the button. I have AA. SB makes it 250 I make it 600 Button calls SB raises all in I reraise all in Button calls Button: JJ SB: KK Me: AA Flop: A-K-J Turn: K :loon Sometimes it makes me wonder if sites do have hands rigged so that players will get knocked out earlier/go on tilt and burn away some more money but I guess it was just a coincidence
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Re: Live Poker is fixed!!! I think we've all been through a stage where we're convinced online poker is rigged. One thing that I have noticed though is that playing SNG's on Prima which are more like prolonged turbos really, there seems to be big hands occurring on a very regular basis. Its unbelievable how many times AA seem to crop up and AA v KK within a couple of hands.

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