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New Grades

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Have I missed something with the new grading system for races? Cheching the papers and it seems as from Weds theyve changed the grades from A,B,C etc to A1 B3 C2 etc. Whats that all about? And even more annoyingly is that the RP website now doesnt seem to put up the grade for the race at all. What goods that? How you supposed to judge a horses chances if you don't know what grade race its running in?

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Re: New Grades Scanning a few other boards, Ive found some details. This is the basic translation for new grading. From September 1, Flat racing is restructured into five classes, based on value and rating. For handicaps: Class 4=46-55 Class 3=56-70 Class 2=71-85 Class 1=86-110 The previous classes A–H are renamed categories. They include A: Pattern & Listed B: 96-110 Handicaps C: 86-100 D: 71-85 E: 56-70 F: 46-55 G: Classified Stakes 0-50, Claimers & Sellers H: (Class 5) Regional Fixtures For the whole thing in more detail, go here... www.britishhorseracing.com/images/inside_horseracing/media/Flat_Racing_From_September_1st_2004_briefing_note.doc This will take a while getting used to. Im not sure if its a good thing or not but seems theyre keeping the old system for jumps. At least theres no change to that but then the two will have different gradings which will confuse. And still dont see where the RP states the class. Guess you have to work it out for yourself by the handicap rating.

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Re: New Grades I`m not sure whether i`m correct on this WFTE but I think there will be no more than 15lb between top and bottom weights in handicaps as of the 1st sept. I don`t know if thats a good thing really but as I say i`m not 100% sure of all the facts so i`ll save my rant for another day :lol

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Re: New Grades

I`m not sure whether i`m correct on this WFTE but I think there will be no more than 15lb between top and bottom weights in handicaps as of the 1st sept
If that's true that's ridiculous! :\ Does anyone know what the point of that new rule is supposed to be? Im assuming its to stop crap horses winning races but i thought that was the whole point of the handicapping system?? i.e. to give these poor horses a chance against better ones. Picking a winner in a handicap race should be about finding the best handicapped horse NOT the best horse in the race. Makes no sense to me. :moon
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New Grades My main begrudgement is the RP's inability to inform us what grade race it is. Just been down the bookies and on the display papers theyve got races marked D3, C4 etc. Why cant they do this online too? That along with having to refresh a page 20 times before the form link works and Im rapidly losing patience with the RP website.

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