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what did i do wrong?


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** Game ID 719867969 starting - 2007-03-31 13:25:56 ** Europa Point [Omaha H/L] (0.12|0.25 Pot Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - teaulcpl sitting in seat 1 with $25.93 [Dealer] - daveptom7 sitting in seat 2 with $19.82 - Damo13 sitting in seat 3 with $23.72 - Bobh1 sitting in seat 4 with $18.99 - Tonylad sitting in seat 5 with $26.25 - DinoFerrari sitting in seat 6 with $19.15 daveptom7 posted the small blind - $0.12 Damo13 posted the big blind - $0.25 ** Dealing card to teaulcpl: 8 of Clubs, 6 of Diamonds, King of Diamonds, King of Clubs Bobh1 folded Tonylad called - $0.25 DinoFerrari called - $0.25 teaulcpl called - $0.25 daveptom7 called - $0.25 Damo13 checked ** Dealing the flop: Jack of Hearts, 3 of Hearts, King of Spades daveptom7 bet - $1.25 Damo13 folded Tonylad folded DinoFerrari folded teaulcpl raised - $2.50 daveptom7 called - $2.50 ** Dealing the turn: Jack of Diamonds daveptom7 checked teaulcpl bet - $6.25 daveptom7 called - $6.25 ** Dealing the river: Jack of Spades daveptom7 checked teaulcpl went all-in - $16.93 daveptom7 went all-in - $10.94 daveptom7 shows: Jack of Clubs, 3 of Spades, 4 of Hearts, 9 of Spades teaulcpl mucks: 8 of Clubs, 6 of Diamonds, King of Diamonds, King of Clubs daveptom7 wins $38.63 from the main pot End of game 719867969

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Re: what did i do wrong? What did you do wrong? Nothing!! Even in Omaha, you can't run scared of the one card in the deck that can beat you. It's just terrible bad luck that it turned up. He had two pair on the flop, so he was never going away, even if your re-raise was greater.

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Re: what did i do wrong? Your mistake was, you didn't raise pre-flop. You had a good hand: a big pair, two cards eight or lower, two-suited. Your opponent got to see the flop, with garbage, for cheap. Some of these players are going to see the flop whether you raise or not, but you have to make them pay top dollar for the chance of winning with their garbage.

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Re: what did i do wrong? I think you should've potted it each street, he wouldve been all in before the river then. In Omaha, especially H/L, players are very reluctant to let go of their A2xx when there's one low card on the board, as they've a draw to the nuts for a chop (runner runner wont bother them). Apart from playing more aggressive, not much wrong. You flopped the nuts, had the 2nd nuts on the turn, and still the 2nd nuts on the river. The donkey caught his perfect-perfect, only 2 J's or 2 3's would've won the pot from him. Dont be disheartened, be happy you made the idiot play you such a shocking hand, you'll get him next time :ok

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Re: what did i do wrong? I don't believe you should have re-raised preflop, at those stakes it makes no difference you'll get multiple callers and your hand wasn't that strong. Like Jimmany said you should have potted on the flop and been all in on the turn, it would have made no difference you just got outdrawn but the swings in omaha are huge. Even with top trips on a flop you can be behind in ahand with up and down str8 and flush draws. OOps didnt see that it was h/lo I reffered to this as a omaha hand.

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