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I read this on Virgin blogs about a fortnight ago....

Get a graph! 15/03/2007
Hopefully the soulful words of my last blog entry as still ringing in your ears (or at least sluggishly squelching round your addled brain jam). If there were just two things I hope you took away from that last entry, they were: "Only the decisions you make are relevant" and "You only ever play one game of poker, and it lasts your entire life".<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

With that last statement in mind particularly, I have to urge you to do something immediately if you aren't already doing so, and that's to chart your life. Now that might sound overly-a<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />mbitious, but the good news is I'm only talking about the bits of your life that involve poker. If you do this I promise it'll keep you sane - not to mention honest!

I had a loosing session on the Omaha tables today and - you know what - I also had a loosing session yesterday. Oh, and the day before that I also lost a stack of virtual chips. However, the good news is, because I DO believe that this is just one game that lasts a lifetime, I can stand back, look at my OVERALL achievements as a player since I first kept records and judge myself based upon THAT performance rather than just a handful of hours in one specific week.

As long as the graph is ultimately going in the right direction (and the good news is, the more data in your chart, the further back you can stand to gauge your overall trend) there's no reason to panic when you do have one of those inevitable bad spells. Oh, and if you're REALLY worried, you can even squint and turn your head to one side while looking at your graph. How's that sound?

This activity is SO important that I just can't urge you enough to stop thinking it'll be a drag and get it started today. In the same way that long-term survival in poker is about boring bankroll management rather than the far more exciting matter of making the most of trip aces, remaining sane in poker is about believing in your own skills rather than letting a couple of bad sessions decimate your confidence. Sitting down at that table after a week of loses is a lot easier when you have your pretty little graph smiling at your from the side of the screen; offering an undeniable, unarguable, FACTUAL reminder that you're exactly as good (or bad - the graph does go down as well you know) as you think you are.

Ever better - it's a breeze to do. Get your bum over to Cardplayer.com, go to TOOLS AND TIPS in the menu bar, and sign yourself up for the (totally free) POKER ANALYST. Spend five minutes telling it all your favourite games, limits and places to play (something you'll only ever need to do once), and from then on, after every STT, MTT and cash session, you simply drop down some menus and let it know how you're doing. Then, once a few sessions are in there, it'll start telling YOU how you're doing.

If you want to 'slightly' cheat, I'll also allow you to do what I do and scribble down a general note after each session ($40 up, $20 down, $10 up, etc) and then, after a couple of days just enter it as a single tally. You won't be able to later interrogate the data in detail, but you will still at least be able to enjoy the rise and fall of your own poker life. Now you just have to make one worth remembering.

Happy hunting.

gra1.JPG How you doin'?

So I popped over to cardplayer poker analyst and decided to get a graph of my own :-) 20070326graphsz8.jpg 11 days down the line and I'm overjoyed with the results so far!!!! Have had a number of other very nice wins in 2007 too which don't fall in the period of this graph!!!

Re: Got a graph? Yeah got one, although not as smooth and as nice as yours, this is the profit/loss for every session I've played in this year.A few ups and downs. graohan0.jpg

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