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Poker Satellites WSOP freeroll


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Guest gazza271

Re: Poker Satellites WSOP freeroll

and Jumalix 4th - unlucky mate :sad Great PL performance though (hope you get your seat Gazza :ok)
yeah same here mate, gonna get onto their help desk to see. It does clearly state there 1 entry for every 5 players :hope
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Re: Poker Satellites WSOP freeroll Looks like my post got some interest! Good luck Morls in getting me thrown out of the final. Thought maybe I had had some good fortune for a change. It's not like I cheated... but hey, I can see why your angry... sorta, but it does feel a bit personal. Whatever! Seems maybe next time I should keep my mouth shut... my own fault! P.S. Nice one Teaulc & Gazza :ok

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Re: Poker Satellites WSOP freeroll

Looks like my post got some interest! Good luck Morls in getting me thrown out of the final. Thought maybe I had had some good fortune for a change. It's not like I cheated... but hey, I can see why your angry... sorta, but it does feel a bit personal. Whatever! Seems maybe next time I should keep my mouth shut... my own fault! P.S. Nice one Teaulc & Gazza :ok
Its Nothing personal at all Tweety, could be anyone that did the same, its just you admitted it on a public forum! If you didnt play the raked hands that qualified you to play the freeroll, why do you deserve to be in the grand final with a shot at a prize you shouldnt be playing for Again, that goes for all the people who never played, not just yourself, im sure once the admin of the site get looking, they wont just find yourself who never played We just have to look at the size of the fields to understand the size of the problem, in the weeks where raked hands has been enforced, we have had fields of 22, 28 and 18, where as when they were not enforced, wh have had fields of over 100! How is that fair to anyone (not just me) who actually met the requirements?
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Re: Poker Satellites WSOP freeroll

I agree it isn't fair if people have regged when they did not get the raked hands. Not going to say anymore as I've put myself in it already but this situation was not of my making, apart from playing the freeroll! Good luck with the crusade!
PokerSatellites have put themselves in a difficult position with this.... It's not fair on those that qualified "properly" that the value of their final has been hugely diluted by those that didn't qualify properly. Similarly, those that didn't qualify "properly" would be unfairly treated to be removed .... we dont count our own raked hands - the only way of knowing if we have enough or not is to try registering .... if we have enough, it lets us in, if we dont have enough it tells us how many more are needed...... when we registered, it let us in - that means we assume we have enough raked hands - it's not our fault if the room has been set up wrong!!
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Re: Poker Satellites WSOP freeroll 'crusade' is the right word and a typical Morlspin one, it seems you are never satisfied unless you are on a rant about a someone or some site. That is fair enough if you want to raise your blood pressure using up your obvious amount of spare time in this way but going out of your way to drop tweety in it is a disgrace. He hasn't done anything wrong and there was absoutely no need to bring attention to his post. You have your seat Morls how other people qualify is of no real consequence to you (I dont see Mr V complaining). If you feel the need to continually rant then please consider to do it in private.

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Re: Poker Satellites WSOP freeroll Come on, would you not be a little bit peed off? Morl's ain't dropped anyone in it, especially tweety. If I recall I was the first person who mentioned that I got in without playing raked hands (post #30). The rant ain't aimed at anyone in particular and I would be every bit as p1ssed if I had to work hard to get through unlike me which I played about 2 hands doubling up than sat out to get through. I personaaly would like to see the outcome, just on the basis of what kind of outfit they are.

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Re: Poker Satellites WSOP freeroll !!!VERY LONG POST!!! Summary It stinks to high heaven. I don't blame Morls for looking after himself (and me). Anyone in his position would feel the same way. I do have sympathy for those who have been lucky, but about as much sympathy as they would have if they knocked me out of the final. Tweety, you tried to get the raked hands and gave up. You managed to get in and then qualify. In my honest opinion you shouldn't be there any more than we should have Hungarian Players in the Best of British series on Sp. Odds. ====================================================== I will be honest I've largely ignored this thread on purpose for varous reasons. Boss Media Customer Support are truly shocking and so instead of ringing them or e-mailing I decided to save time by banging my head against the wall. So in truth, having crusaded on behalf of others many times in the past with these jokers I figure it pointless. How do I feel about them changing the rules? I'm furious. I would fancy my chances against 40-50 but anyone can see that if the final ends up having 100+ then my chances are halved. It was obviously a very good offer because it even persuaded me to play cash tables and even if I lost $50 it is still cheap compared to what GazBlades had to pay. We encourage people on this forum to 'play by the rules'. The rules (at the start) were plain for all to see and I believe that I should be playing people who qualified having played through the raked hands requirements. The fact is that Tweety and others haven't. Do I think these people be thrown out? Yes. Sorry. I know full well that no one would have any scruples in accepting the WSoP package, or knocking me out of the final tournament if the opportunity arises, so why should I have any scruples for trying to protect my interests? Now the whole issue really hinges on who exactly changed the rules? Boss Media or Poker Satellites? If its Boss then I feel PokerSats could remove the 'non-qualifying' players. If it is PokerSats then obviously they owe those of us who have qualified following their original criteria. Personally I feel that no one is going to be happy with anything other than the ideal solution, which is to give a seat through a completely free freeroll where the 1 in 5 can play for it, and those who played the RH and expected a small field can have their own qualifier. I'd also exclude people from being able to play in both. However what is likely to happen is that someone who qualified through the 'looser' criteria will be going to the WSoP, and those who played by the rules will (if they are extremely lucky) maybe get some kind of compensation, although it'll probably be **** all. Tweety, you seem to be quite angry about Morls actions, but what has he done wrong? How would you feel if you were in his place and it just so happened you were HU for the seat and it was against someone who 'only' won through a freeroll? Would you shrug your shoulders and say oh well or would you be complaining that they shouldn't even be playing. I know which one I'd be doing.

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Re: Poker Satellites WSOP freeroll

yep and boring :lol
Summary It stinks to high heaven. I don't blame Morls for looking after himself (and me). Anyone in his position would feel the same way. I do have sympathy for those who have been lucky, but about as much sympathy as they would have if they knocked me out of the final. Tweety, you tried to get the raked hands and gave up. You managed to get in and then qualify. In my honest opinion you shouldn't be there any more than we should have Hungarian Players in the Best of British series on Sp. Odds.
It will always stink to high heaven with these two bit chancer sites that are springing up everyweek but you will probably find they have the right to change the rules. I dont blame Morls for looking after himself but its the way he has gone about things and to grass someone up is a little out of order, if Morls was in tweety's shoes he would not have been giving his place up either. Tweety (and very many others who have not been quite so truthful) got in without playing raked hands I think most people who did the 1st rake got entered into the rest anyway, I seem to remember. And lets be honest 50 RH on boss takes about an hour and an above average player can usually make $10 plus, so who is he short changing. If the 1st two qualifiers were szep and szepp from Debrecen there would not be an issue its just becasue it's you and Morls and you rightfully want to protect your position.
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Re: Poker Satellites WSOP freeroll Soory, I forgot to add dull. :moon :moon :moon :lol To be honest its daft that we're getting uppity about it anyway because it does have the feeling of another GoalPoker, and personally if I won I'd only be comfortable about it when I'd sat down and heard 'shuffle up and deal' on the first day. I just think that Morls has done no wrong other than posting what he has done, and the same goes for Tweety, really. If both had kept quiet then we wouldn't be having this discussion. We can't always be on the same side and rooting for each other and there will be times when you will inadvertently harm others chances but I think it was slightly unfair of Tweety to blame Morls because (as far as I can see) Morls didn't actually name anyone, but rather brought the thread to PokerSta's attention. Thats pretty standard practice for any of us who try and use PL to make these people realise they aren't just dealing with one but many.

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Re: Poker Satellites WSOP freeroll

Soory, I forgot to add dull. :moon :moon :moon :lol
I can just see your little dog now wrapping his lead around his neck and trying to jump off the banister :lol:lol
To be honest its daft that we're getting uppity about it anyway because it does have the feeling of another GoalPoker, and personally if I won I'd only be comfortable about it when I'd sat down and heard 'shuffle up and deal' on the first day.
Uppity me :tongue2 I'm just standing up for the little guy (have you seen how small tweetypie is?) Nothing like Goalpoker IMO at least a lot of us had met everyone at Goalpoker two or three times and also enjoyed some of their trips and hospitality before they stiffed Joe and Andy. This lot are faceless and the people Morls is currently dealing with are Boss people going off the emails. I dont know who owns Poker Sats, what country they are in and if they have any backing but I will not be depositing there, so IMO a lot more dangerous than the GP situation.
We can't always be on the same side and rooting for each other and there will be times when you will inadvertently harm others chances but I think it was slightly unfair of Tweety to blame Morls because (as far as I can see) Morls didn't actually name anyone, but rather brought the thread to PokerSta's attention.
Who would want to be on the same side, you have no friends at the poker table Andy but Graeme did point out the post number as well. I know you have to defend him because he's your Grandson I just didn't like the way he grassed tweety up thats all my point was :spank Au Revoir
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Re: Poker Satellites WSOP freeroll so what about me,should i be in or out? as i said in post 71 of this thread i played the raked hands required to enter the freeroll,i then qualified through the 1 in 5 rule(as stated in the game i played)but there were over 100 people playing that night.would it be justified for me to lose a place in the final?i would say not.i followed the requirments for the tournament and gained a seat that they advertised,the fact players were in that game that should not have been is nothing to do with me,final thought from last nights game too if 3rd place(gazza)is not given a final place that will be wrong too.

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Re: Poker Satellites WSOP freeroll Georgie has also had her shoelaces removed and all sharp implements put out of her reach.

Nothing like Goalpoker IMO at least a lot of us had met everyone at Goalpoker two or three times and also enjoyed some of their trips and hospitality before they stiffed Joe and Andy.
Sorry mate but it is. Graeme won their first World Cup of Poker tournament and asked what the prize was. There reply was.... erm... we don't know..... but it will be fabulous. :unsure I took the piss at the time and said it would end up being a holiday with a loose World Cup tie in. Go figure, eh? :unsure I haven;t deposited either but I have cashed out of there so its good to know that side works okay.
*Sigh* Boss Media. :eyes
This sums up how I feel about it tbh. I just think that it's been a balls up from start to finish and now as long as they deliver the prize to a PLer then i couldn't care less because I could whinge all I want but the three wise monkey's on Boss Media couldn't care less. If they did care then it would have been organised properly in the first place. If there are 40 people in the final, brilliant. If there are 140 in the final, obviously not so brilliant, but it just means more people I'll have beaten to claim my prize. ;)
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Re: Poker Satellites WSOP freeroll I'm torn here as well. I won the freeroll one week so earning my place in one respect but I didn't play the raked hands. The previous week I played the raked hands but couldn't play on the Sunday. I then found out I could reg without playing any more raked hands. Should I have played the hands anyway? I think not. I don't want to give up my place but I would have been playing even if I did have to play the hands. As it was I had to beat more people to earn my seat. Tough one. Would be nice to only beat 40 people to get to the WSOP but I'm happy to take my chances with 240! I'd have to beat a damn sight more than that to cash in Vegas anyway.

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Re: Poker Satellites WSOP freeroll Hello, I am Marketing Director for PokerSatellites.com. I am posting this reply in an effort to answer the questions and concerns that have been posted on this thread. We started PokerSatellites.com in an effort to fill a need in the online poker world. We wanted to provide an opportunity to the everyday poker player to play in the biggest land based poker tournaments in the world. We are poker players, and we know the thrill of playing alongside the big boys with the chance to win life-changing amounts of money. PokerSatellites was designed to give this chance to all players. Our current promotion, The WSOP Triple Play Freeroll, will award one player buy-ins to three different WSOP tournaments, as well as $2,000 travel money. Unfortunately when the freeroll structure was set up it allowed for only two winners from each Sunday qualifier to reach the finals on 20 May. Our intention was to have 20% of the Sunday players qualify for the finals. We felt it would be better for the players to make it easier to qualify for the finals since we were asking them to play 50 raked hands each week to get into the Sunday tournaments. Once we detected this error we had it changed to reflect the original intent. Obviously this correction would effect the two players who qualified in the first Sunday tournament as they would have to beat many more players than they were led to believe. We are very sorry this happened and we understand their anger. To be honest we were not very happy about this either. This mistake was, however, beyond our control and we see no other fair way to satisfy these players. One of the Sunday qualifiers did not require players to play 50 raked hand to enter. This again was a mistake in setup by the network. There were several players who registered without having played the raked hands minimum. As a result the Sunday qualifier had well over 100 players entered. This also was not a good result for PokerSatellites.com as we did not receive any rake from these players. To disqualify these players from the finals, however, would be penalizing them for someone else's mistake. We are certain that there were many players who registered for the tournament thinking they may have enough raked hands when they in fact did not. When the software allowed them to register they assumed that they did have the required raked hands. Again it does not seem fair to penalize these players. We are confident that we have worked out the bugs and the remainder of the freerolls will run smoothly. In each Sunday qualifier one in five players will win a seat into the finals.The top two players will be automatically registered into the finals and the other qualifiers will be manually registered within a few days. I read a post on this site which suggested that maybe the prize for the WSOP Triple Play Freeroll will not be paid out. Let me assure you this is not the case. I will be there personally to buy the winner into the tournaments. If the player survives to the second day in any of the WSOP tournaments he/she will have the option of taking the cash equivalent of the next buy-in or be entered into another tournament with the same buy-in amount. With any new business venture there will be problems that need to be ironed out. It is no different in the online poker world. The most important aspect, we believe, is to listen to our customers and be honest with them especially when mistakes are made on our part. We strive to be looked upon as an honest and reliable place where players can enjoy this great game. Thank you and good luck! Chris.

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Re: Poker Satellites WSOP freeroll Hi Chris, :welcome to the PL and thanks for taking the time to answer our questions/fears. I sincerely hope that you will be true to your word, but we had 2 members last year who missed out on WSoP Main Event packages because GoalPoker let them down at the very last minute (click on the goalpoker hyperlink for the story). As this is still very fresh in peoples minds they are still sceptical about new sites, even though we are all happy to take money off you in the freerolls and tournaments.

Originally Posted by Valiant23 viewpost.gif *Sigh* Boss Media. :eyes
Looks like I was right then. Boss Media are popular with PLers because they like the skin, but the C.S. can be truly woeful. We managed to keep a good relationship with Sporting Odds as Joe Legge took the time to speak to us and give answers when they were needed. I hope you will do the same. Personally speaking (as one of the first 2 qualifiers), I am annoyed that the goalposts have been moved, but I would have been less so had we been kept informed. As it stands, you'd better be nice to us on here because you'll be sending one of us to Vegas. :ok
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Re: Poker Satellites WSOP freeroll Chrispy please can you tells us more about sats eg, nationality, ultimate holding co, if UK are you listed, backing etc. Just to give me enough confidence to deposit next months pension to do the rake :dude

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Re: Poker Satellites WSOP freeroll Valiant23, We are looking into the C.S. issues as we speak. As for keeping in contact, I now have this site on my desktop! I will be checking it frequently so I will respond to any questions or concerns. If we are going to make it in this very competitive business, it will be because we listen to our customers. By the way if you win the seat I will expect nothing less than a final table finish!;) Chris.

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Re: Poker Satellites WSOP freeroll We are a privately held Corporation based in Vanuatu. All stock is held by a family of poker players from around the world. The best way to ensure your confidence is to deposit a small amount on the site and then withdraw. We have had no problems with processing withdrawals. Chris.

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Re: Poker Satellites WSOP freeroll

We are a privately held Corporation based in Vanuatu. All stock is held by a family of poker players from around the world. The best way to ensure your confidence is to deposit a small amount on the site and then withdraw. We have had no problems with processing withdrawals. Chris.
how many people are googling Vanuatu at this moment :rollin
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Re: Poker Satellites WSOP freeroll

how many people are googling Vanuata at this moment :rollin
Guilty! :lol Country profile: Vanuatu
Vanuatu - a string of more than 80 islands once known as the New Hebrides - achieved independence from France and Britain in 1980.
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