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where did your user name come from?


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Re: where did your user name come from?

Right quick while the Wife's in bed. Wife is called Jo and the barmaid was called Mel (that's true:lol) Its also named after a good flat horse that did me well over the years.
lmao:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol but did you know while your at work your wifes always on here reading your posts? ;) :tongue2
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Re: where did your user name come from? ok, for those wise enough to have not read my blog :- Runadrum was the racing name we gave to the first horse we bred, mainly because his mum is called Runabay. I found a book that gave 'run a drum' as an Australian racing term - the 'drum' being a tip or a piece of reliable information, so for a horse to run a drum it wins as tipped to do (which our Runadrum didn't !) On one site (Party Poker I think) I play as Baychester - the racing name of our second born, also out of Runabay. We give them pet names first and his was Chester and Baychester is a district of New York. I am elmaamul on Betfred and a couple of others - Elmaamul (who himself died last year) was the father of the last (orphaned) foal of our second mare.

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Guest gazza271

Re: where did your user name come from?

Right quick while the Wife's in bed. Wife is called Jo and the barmaid was called Mel (that's true:lol) Its also named after a good flat horse that did me well over the years.
:rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :clap :clap
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Re: where did your user name come from? my last name is Read all my mates call me readie, so i thought when I first signed up for my first account my user name would be readie. then shock horror I found that name taken! so trying to think up a new name I glanced at the back of the local paper and saw the headlines Goater may resign for city, so being a bristol City fan [ok dont all laugh at once] and the fact Shaun Goater was one of my favorite players when he played for city the name just stuck which I use on all my poker accounts the 14 on the end is just my favorite number, i would say lucky number but it hasnt bought me much luck recentley!

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Re: where did your user name come from? My first id ever was wpr1 on betfair, only because it wouldn't let me have phil or phil1 or anyting that I could think of before the grand national started (only joined because it was Grand National day amd I was too late or lazy to get to the bookies). wpr is my initials and I naively assumed I'd be able to change the wpr1 to something more pithy later. After that I started using philossify - my know name is Phil (second initial) and ossify means "turn to stone" implying I've got a good poker face (which is useless in onlie games). Its also a take on philosophy - having stayed in education until they threw me out I've got a degree in this - also I try to be very philosophical about poker and not get upset by bad beats or such. Nowadays where it won't let me get away with philossify I use other variants with phil in them such as phil2211 (22-11 is my burfday) or phil85331 (885331 was my works id). Have also used PLPhil and PhilPL variants on some sites. Thank god that the poker clients remember your id and (most times) password otherwise I'd have to maintain a big list as I reckon I've got about 60 sites on my machine (30 live with some money in them - 30 in my dead folder that are only exhumed for the occasional freeroll).

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Re: where did your user name come from?

Right quick while the Wife's in bed. Wife is called Jo and the barmaid was called Mel (that's true:lol) Its also named after a good flat horse that did me well over the years.
:rollin :rollin :rollin You're going be in trouble tonight! My forum name, Tweetypie05, is coz I love cartoons and watched too many as a kid. Something I am now repeating now I have my own children! It's great but not sure about the new 'Scooby got a clue' series. The 'new look' and animation and to be honest the total change to the format has left me disappointed. (I know, I'm sad! :unsure) '05... when I started playing poker on-line and when I created this username. My other nickname Davanjala was because I wanted something more personal and it is a combination of my familys first names... Dave-Vanessa-Jake-Lara.
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Re: where did your user name come from?

Boring eh?
Nope, been wondering for ages about your name. :D Mine, like Sam's, was thought up by my other half, who I think stole my name (I mean borrowed me) to set up another poker account which I then inherited. I'm an Avon 'lady', but clearly am well past the 'girl' stage, so I think that's his idea of a joke. :lol Looks like the females on here are not inventive enough to think up their own names. We have other talents.......:tongue2
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Re: where did your user name come from? Mine came from one very drunken night at uni which i wont go into details. Couple of the girls i knew called me Psycho Si after that and when i first started on VC i used that username and have done ever since.

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Re: where did your user name come from?

I used to be ceudmilefailte on the MSN games network and people used to say gl ceud before a game. Ceudmilefailte was too long for poker sites so I used glceud instead. Boring eh?
no, educational having googled ceud mile failte and will now abbreviate at the tables to ceud (if I remember) :ok
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Re: where did your user name come from? You may think with the majority of mine ( several variations of Mike Saban ) that I have no imagination - however, as a potential future wsop braclet winner, I'm just giving people the chance to know who their really up against and have a nice little story about how they once took me out of a $5 tourney with J3o ;) . Some would say, thats a vivid imagination.

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Re: where did your user name come from?

You may think with the majority of mine ( several variations of Mike Saban ) that I have no imagination - however, as a potential future wsop braclet winner, I'm just giving people the chance to know who their really up against and have a nice little story about how they once took me out of a $5 tourney with J3o ;) . Some would say, thats a vivid imagination.
dunno who that was,must have been a real muppet, the scary thing is,mike,you still remember :rollin :rollin :tongue2 :tongue2
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Re: where did your user name come from? I got mine from an email list I was subbed to about ten years ago (blimey, time flies, etc). I was new to t'internet and had read a lot about not giving away too much personal detail, and so I didn't include a surname in my email address. It just read tom at hedonists dot... When I met some of the group for a drink, I found half of them referred to me as Tom Hedonist and it just sort of stuck. Although more often than not, I now sign up to forums etc, just as Hedonists. Who was to know PL already had a pretender to the throne? :rollin

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Re: where did your user name come from? Both mine have literary links: as I'm a sportswriter, 'redsmith' is a tribute to my journalistic hero - an American Pulitzer Prize winner who wrote for the 'New York Times'. Where that name is unavailable, I go with the name I introduced when opening an account with Hollywood Poker - 'marlowesbeat'. Philip Marlowe was the original wisecracking private detective created by Raymond Chandler - America's most underrated writer - and as the LA area was his 'beat', it seemed appropriate for Hollywood Poker.

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Re: where did your user name come from?

Oops' date=' I may have misinterpreted this thread - my previous post assumed you were talking about poker room usernames. As far as my PL name is concerned, it simply refers to my website.[/quote'] I thought it was to do with your Poker table names as well. :ok Unfortunately I've a shocking memory, and after early forays online with username's such as "Neil Aspin's Head", and "Psycho" I'd find I'd forget them and my log in details. So I tried to register on another forum as Valiant, only to find it was taken and was offered Valiant286458 etc... I decided to use my taxi car number (23) and try that which it accepted. I realised it makes more sense (for me) to keep a consistent online identity so I use Valiant23 wherever possible. When it isn't the other variations are; PVFC, Raider (as in Oakland Raiders), MrV and the new addition, Muffin. All of which will have '23' and 'pl' in there somewhere.
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