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I'm Puzzled #2


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Anecdotal Hand History... In last nights live tourney there is one hand I played that sticks out for me and I'd appreciate others thoughts.... I have one of the biggest stacks at approcimately 18,000 (twice the average) and I've not played a hand since being moved tables, when I get dealt KK in mid position. I made a healthy raise and got 3 callers which put the pot at approximately 4,000 (I forget the blinds at that point, probably 100/200 or 150/300. The flop comes 2, 3, 9 rainbow but because of the 4 callers I wanted to get a heads up situation, so put out a pot sized bet of 5,000. They all folded except one who re-raised me to 10,000. Now, I must be honest I believed at this point I was behind and thought my KK was going to get cracked by a set and as we had similar chip stacks I thought it was game over, but I called his raise, deciding I was all in on the turn. So I have less than 10,000 in chiops now, as does he. The dealer turns a 10 and as I'm first to act I immediately call all in. The other player thinks, then folds when I was certain I was going to get called. What do you think he had, and if he was ahead, how do you think I managed to put him off? I truthfully have no idea and I'm still puzzled by his play as that hand almost guaranteed the winner of the pot a money winning finish, let alone a final table. :unsure

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Re: I'm Puzzled #2 Well A9 is the first hand I thought of tbh, but its such a weak hand to play against strong betting. Then I overheard him tell a mate who asked where his stack had gone, "I was in a massive hand..." I'm almost tempted to suggest he maybe had QQ. People often fold AK in our cardroom to strong betting so I don't think he had that.

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Re: I'm Puzzled #2 I am going to agree withe above poster, but before reading the other posts i was thinking of A4 or 4,5 suited don't forget, this is Stoke lol. JJ or QQ would be a possibilty, JJ and QQ would be a hard lay down for potters on that flop and betting pattern.;)

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Re: I'm Puzzled #2 I don't know whether it's pure coincedence but lately I've noticed that I'm getting more and more reraise's when I raise the blinds and bet the flop. I know it's common to represent strength with a continuity bet if you don't hit, but I'm not really a bluffer until later stages so don't know where this tactic has sprung from. Is there a new book out championing this or something? I got reraised all in with quads the other day, which was nice.

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Re: I'm Puzzled #2 its because 'everyone' now contiuation bets - so its a good way of picking up chips ig you believe folks are doing this have been trying this myself with some success - the tricky thing is when you get caught with nowt! Damo

I don't know whether it's pure coincedence but lately I've noticed that I'm getting more and more reraise's when I raise the blinds and bet the flop. I know it's common to represent strength with a continuity bet if you don't hit, but I'm not really a bluffer until later stages so don't know where this tactic has sprung from. Is there a new book out championing this or something? I got reraised all in with quads the other day, which was nice.
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