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GBU: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly


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Masterplan has been trying to encourage people to post their cash game hands .... thought I'd try and give it a bit of a boost :unsure Suggest we go for: The Good: A hand you feel you played well The Bad: A hand you feel you played badly The Ugly: My consession to the "Bad Beat" Brigade :tongue2 Suggest that you put each group of 3 hands in its own thread (so that it is clear what hands any discussion refers to). Also suggest that you put "GBU:" at the start of each thread - if it takes off and we build up a small database of hands, then it will make it easier to search for them. After the GBU: then a short description of the hands would be good (maybe your hole cards). I'm going to start trying to get 3 hands from each cash session I play - I'll jot down the relevent hand numbers in play, then grab the hand histories afterwards ..... hopefully :loon

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