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SO Boss PL MTT League - March

the croc

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Re: SO Boss PL MTT League - March I couldn't get in tonight :sad Have been playing some cash poker on Pacific, and that interferes with a number of sites, including boss, so I couldn't open SO..... shut down pacific at 19:45, but still couldn't open SO, so presumably needed a reboot .... but I was in the BetonBet leaderboard game ..... got my "reserve" desktop up and running, but by the time I'd downloaded SO Boss it was too late :sad Good luck all :ok

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Re: SO Boss PL MTT League - March well thats it for me,,had some dick called 1664 raising every bloody hand,had half decent cards but nothing good enough,,he took me out with nothing when i had raised big on straight flush draw and he put me all in with 8/9 he won:wall :wall :wall :wall

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Re: SO Boss PL MTT League - March Well done Majorpops on winning tonights event :clap :clap :clap :clap daveygh and pistonbroke also on the podium :clap :clap :clap Overall winner for the month is Welchy :clap :clap :clap You only held on to the BPP for a day, but you get the Virtual Trophy for a whole month :clap :clap Not sure who "wins" the wooden spoon - maybe Helen can tell us? :loon :loon

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Re: SO Boss PL MTT League - March

Not sure who "wins" the wooden spoon - maybe Helen can tell us? :loon :loon
Runaway victory by the looks of it. :\ ... though only because some of the others in the running appear to have chickened out of a 3rd game. ;)
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Re: SO Boss PL MTT League - March Cheers GaF & SO Boss. :nana :nana :nana Can't quite believe it, without the help of PL'ers this would not have been possible, so thanks. Still getting over the shock :loon :loon of winning a MTT League. Can't think of much else to say at the moment, so once again thanks :D :D

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