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**Poker Friday 2nd March**


**Poker Friday 2nd March**  

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    • No Poker
    • 19:00 Laddies $1500 Freeroll
    • 19:00 SO Paradise Safety Net
    • 19:00 Blue Square $2000 RH Freeroll
    • 20:00 Mansion $100,000 Gtd
    • 20:00 SO paradise Best of British
    • 21:00 Spin Palace $1000
    • 21:00 Betfred Premier League
    • 21:30 Boss Heads up TOurney
    • 21:30 SO Paradise 25 Up

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Re: **Poker Friday 2nd March**

as it`s my birthday today (2/3/7)' date='i will probably be too :beer :beer to actually play poker,so if i bad beat anyone more than normal....sorry;) :D[/quote'] happy birthday mate.:ok Open question. What is the SP with the Focus game tomorrow? Unusually I am around on a Friday, but $10 is close to my max, also only ever played HU in the final 2 of an STT/MTT.:$ How does it all work etc? (Sorry if it sounds dumb)
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Re: **Poker Friday 2nd March** Happy birthday Al - have a good'un :ok Hornet, first thing I would say - Heads Up skills are MASSIVELY different to full table or short handed poker skills - if you dont practice them, then the only time you get to practice/learn is when it is important and you are playing for big money. I urge you and everyone else to practice Heads Up poker loads!!! Now Heads Up tournaments aren't totally representative of the situtation you find yourself in at the end of an MTT/STT because you start with more play - your M (Stack as a proportion of Blinds) is significantly larger ..... however I had a phase of playing a lot of HU tourneys and felt that it significantly improved my HU game....... I think on Boss you can get individual games from about $3 (and the play is REALLY bad) - if you're comfortable playing for this (games can be quite quick so if you do lose, it can add up), I would suggest you should try a few.... How does the HU MTT work? It's basically a knock out cup competition - if you win your game you progress to the next round, if you lose you are out.... Next round starts when the previous round is complete - so there can be some quite long pauses between games. Prize money is awarded according to which round you reach..... It has probably been a Focus game something like 5 times, with PL'rs winning about 3 times!!! We have a great record when entering it....

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Re: **Poker Friday 2nd March**

Happy birthday Al - have a good'un :ok Hornet, first thing I would say - Heads Up skills are MASSIVELY different to full table or short handed poker skills - if you dont practice them, then the only time you get to practice/learn is when it is important and you are playing for big money. I urge you and everyone else to practice Heads Up poker loads!!! Now Heads Up tournaments aren't totally representative of the situtation you find yourself in at the end of an MTT/STT because you start with more play - your M (Stack as a proportion of Blinds) is significantly larger ..... however I had a phase of playing a lot of HU tourneys and felt that it significantly improved my HU game....... I think on Boss you can get individual games from about $3 (and the play is REALLY bad) - if you're comfortable playing for this (games can be quite quick so if you do lose, it can add up), I would suggest you should try a few.... How does the HU MTT work? It's basically a knock out cup competition - if you win your game you progress to the next round, if you lose you are out.... Next round starts when the previous round is complete - so there can be some quite long pauses between games. Prize money is awarded according to which round you reach..... It has probably been a Focus game something like 5 times, with PL'rs winning about 3 times!!! We have a great record when entering it....
Cheers GaF:ok.
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Re: **Poker Friday 2nd March** No poker for me tonight!! :cry:cry Red_Fear turns 42 tomorrow so popping over to wish him Happy Birthday and to wipe out his drinks cabinet - it'll be full of Lager that he bought in for Christmas so I'll have to check the sell-by date on the first couple!! :lol:lol The weekend is about to start!! :beer:beer:beer:cheers:cheers:cheers Good luck wherever you play! :ok TQM

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Re: **Poker Friday 2nd March** into 2nd round(4 hands) :D ***** Hand 549560550 ***** 10.00/20.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 02 March 2007 21:32:48 $10 + $1 Heads Up (Real /Tournament ) Seat 1: -kene- (1320.00) Seat 2: thecroc (1680.00) -kene- post SB 10.00 thecroc post BB 20.00 ** Deal ** -kene- [N/A, N/A] thecroc [Kc, Kh] *** Bet Round 1 *** -kene- Raise to 40.00 thecroc Raise to 160.00 -kene- Call 160.00 *** Flop(Board): *** : [Kd, 10s, 9s] *** Bet Round 2 *** thecroc Bet 240.00 -kene- All-in 1160.00 thecroc Call 1160.00 *** Turn(Board): *** : [Kd, 10s, 9s, 6s] *** River(Board): *** : [Kd, 10s, 9s, 6s, 8d] *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 2640.00 -kene- [Ks, 6c] Pair of kings Win :0.00 thecroc [Kc, Kh] Three of a kind, kings Win :2640.00

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Re: **Poker Friday 2nd March** Out in 79th. 2 defining hands. I made the nut flush on the river - 50 in the pot and he didn't try and steal. Next hand - he makes the nut flush - and I try and steal! :lol DOH! :$ Good luck to the rest of yous. :ok

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Re: **Poker Friday 2nd March** I'm out in round one too, played like a muppet.:( Bad idea playing to many games, really need to concentrate on heads up, was lokking forward to this as well after really enjoyed it last time as a focus game and then go and balls it up in first game!:spank

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Re: **Poker Friday 2nd March** :@ :@ out 1st round I slow play QQ flop comes down 6kk he move's all-in he's a v tight player so guess he's got something but not k so have to call:hope turns over 33 hits 3 on river for house:wall :wall crippled he finally takes me out with 95 against my Q3 after i'd doubled up a couple of times. he hit 2 pair :sad :sad

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Re: **Poker Friday 2nd March**

I was going alright had the guy down to 500 chips then I got disconnected and couldnt get back in. If anyone could let me know how I got on that would be good :(
I was watching your game and also got disconnected so hopefully the other guy did as well:hope
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