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Most over the top abuse ever?


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Just played a cash game where I got some of the most absurd abuse for my play ever. I wonder what you guys think of my play and the reaction it caused! Game #1867585171 - (blinds $0.05/$0.10) No Limit Texas Hold'em - 2007/03/01-15:31:14.9 (CST) Table "Taka (5 max)" (real money) -- Seat 1 is the button Seat 1: bennyboy101 ($11.49 in chips) Seat 2: jassoo348 ($13.11 in chips) Seat 3: sh1972 ($3.80 in chips) Seat 4: Bimbo92 ($3.36 in chips) jassoo348: Post Small Blind ($0.05) sh1972 : Post Big Blind ($0.10) Dealing... Dealt to bennyboy101 [ Qd ] Dealt to bennyboy101 [ 9h ] Bimbo92 : Call ($0.10) bennyboy101: Call ($0.10) jassoo348: Call ($0.05) sh1972 : Raise ($0.40) Bimbo92 : Call ($0.40) bennyboy101: Call ($0.40) jassoo348: Fold *** FLOP *** : [ Kd Td Jd ] sh1972 : Bet ($0.60) Bimbo92 : Fold bennyboy101: Raise ($1.20) sh1972 : Call ($0.60) *** TURN *** : [ Kd Td Jd ] [ 8d ] sh1972 : Check bennyboy101: Bet ($0.25) sh1972 : Call ($0.25) *** RIVER *** : [ Kd Td Jd 8d ] [ As ] sh1972 : Check bennyboy101: Bet ($3) sh1972 said, "f***in flush" sh1972 : Call All-in ($1.85) *** SUMMARY *** Pot: $7.81 | Rake: $0.39 Board: [ Kd Td Jd 8d As ] bennyboy101 bet $4.95, collected $8.96, net +$4.01 (showed hand) [ Qd 9h ] (a flush, king high) jassoo348 lost $0.10 (folded) sh1972 lost $3.80 (showed hand) [ Jh Qc ] (a straight, ten to ace) Bimbo92 lost $0.50 (folded) Reaction (over several hands following this one): jassoo348 said, "nice" sh1972 said, "not really the guys a fish" bennyboy101 said, "had a str flush draw" bennyboy101 said, "wasnt gonna drop it easily" sh1972 said, "ok mate , u called a big raise with a pile of s***" bennyboy101 said, "yes i did" sh1972 said, "yep" sh1972 said, "quality of the player here used to be good" sh1972 said, "party poker needs you" bennyboy101 said, "if you think im rubbish thats good for you" bennyboy101 said, "if youre so great why call the obvious flush?" sh1972 said, "true i didnt think some little chav would call with s***" bennyboy101 said, "chill out dude" sh1972 said, "im chilled , but if you ever done that at a cash game , you would be spitting teeth" bennyboy101 said, "er whatethis is deep stack poker" bennyboy101 said, "ish" bennyboy101 said, "so you can call with a large variety of hands" bennyboy101 said, "and work the rest out on the flop" sh1972 said, "like i said" sh1972 said, "party poker needs you" Bimbo92 said, "this is 5 10 cents - play other tables if you are so good" bennyboy101 said, "if you think im bad thats good for you" sh1972 said, "so because it is a cheap table it gives you the right to play like a CU.NT" sh1972 said, "ohhhh" bennyboy101 said, "yeah I can play cards anyway i want" sh1972 said, "u sure can" sh1972 said, "lol" bennyboy101 said, "well yeah I can" bennyboy101 said, "look at these grade a skills here" sh1972 said, "well done mate" NightOrc said, "i won sao" sh1972 said, "heres hoping you and your family die a slow painful death , goodnight all" bennyboy101 said, "dude" bennyboy101 said, "calm down" Whatcha you reckon? - I'm sure lots of you have probably equally funny moments playing poker!

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Re: Most over the top abuse ever? They make me laugh like they think theres rules that say your only allowed to play big hands. You can win more of these nerds playing the lesser hands as they are so predicatable Actually if anyone made the poor play it was him he made a relatively small raise of 0.40c with a very poor hand like QJ !! - when there was already 3 limpers Odds wise i could just about warrant your call with Q9o (about 3/1 i reckon you were getting)- but other factors such as your imperession of the quality of opposition, and your position influence things greatly.

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Re: Most over the top abuse ever? I think his ideas even don't match with each other. If he thinks you shouldn't have called with that hand, then he is expecting a stronger one. If he is expecting a stronger one, why the hell is he calling at the flop? By the way I don't think your hand is shite in 4-handed. I don't see anything wrong with your play mate. nice hand :ok

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Re: Most over the top abuse ever? Totally laughable in my opinion. If you call an all in with 84o and beat AA, then yep, you got to expect that your opponent will be unhappy. Here is so different in so many ways. I was going to expand but I cannot be bothered!! People like that (proverbially) pay our wages. Bring 'em on!!:cow

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Re: Most over the top abuse ever? Pretty much a moron. And I'd have called with that in a short handed game. And I'd have played the hand very similarly to the way you did. It's yet another reason why, when I play online, I'll have chat turned off. I don't pander to the attention seeking of the cretins that frequent online poker.

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Re: Most over the top abuse ever? Well then benny, novice as I am, I think I would have stopped replying to his verbal rant after 2 or 3 tries. He's a crap loser and, as others have pointed out, it's a shame he didn't have more chips to chuck away. I don't know who marshalls the content of the chat, but such obvious foul language, unsubtly interrupted by a rogue full stop, is cr.ap and should be outlawed, and offenders kicked off the site. As for the hand, I would have been a bit worried about him having the Ace of diamonds, but can't fault your play. How he can call with no diamonds at all is the worst offence of all. :unsure I've had abuse thrown at me when I catch a miracle on the river, but losing my rag when it happens to me, just throws me on tilt, so it's a quickly-learned lesson to keep your trap shut and say nothing other than "nh" or (my personal favourites), "Grrr" or "Ho Hum". It doesn't half pi55 off our non-British players who don't understand the subtlety of "Ho Hum". McG :gimme P.S. - I'm not too sure what "Ho Hum" means myself, so no wonder it confuses others.

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Re: Most over the top abuse ever? I fail to see his point to be honest, he had king high till the river and was on a draw the same as you. By saying this I dont think you play was bad I see worse play than this many times each night, and very rarely see abuse like it. Once I played a MTT for $50 and got abused when I pushed all in with aK after the flop and beat AA with Runner, runner. He was bitter.

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Re: Most over the top abuse ever? Well it amuses me that someone who plays online can get so annoyed at what happened here. Considering some of the absurd bad beats all of us have on a daily basis (getting AA cracked by Q10 after both going all in preflop a favourite of mine), I assume most people learn to stay calm or give up on the game. My call with Q9 was a little loose considering his short stack against the odds of me hitting. But I figured him for a bad player who could either be outplayed or if I flopped something good could be stacked. His call with no diamonds kinda confirmed that. I thought about reporting him, more for wishing ill on my family than anything else, but I figure hes already got enough issues to deal with... As for me getting my teeth kicked in in a real card room for calling a x4 with junk is just stupid. I mean we've all seen some of the preflop calls on High Stakes Poker, playing loose and goofy can help you build up an image you can take advantage of later down the line, which was partly what i was trying to do here.

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Re: Most over the top abuse ever? i wouldnt lose to much sleep over it . this sort of player is usually upset because he's constantly loseing money and his house is about to be reposessed;). this is usually because hes easier to tilt than a electric sunroof, and because of this anger basic logic goes out the window. i tend to try to use this against any player that does tilt ,makeing a effort to get as much from them as i can ,hopefully get them reloading:hope i never swear or any of that rubbish but a bit of bunny to keep them on the boil works well, but subtle enough to keep them on the table. luckily ive had a lot of practice keeping calm playing against the missus:lol :lol (probably the worst loser in the world)i just stay level headed and let them go nuclear then reap the rewards. in fact if they are that angry i feel like i must be doing something right :D and i don't see much wrong with your play at all ,like you say the pre flop call was a little loose, but with ok pot odds with a hand like that i would have called as well:ok

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Re: Most over the top abuse ever?

sh1972 said, "im chilled , but if you ever done that at a cash game , you would be spitting teeth"
Dont you just love his bravery :rollin :rollin Nothing wrong at all here and he's just a muppet, if he thought you was that bad then why did he not reload and win HIS cash back?? :unsure :D Football Tipper
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