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Common Sense


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Re: Common Sense In my view that's mad. Rather than play so many tables why not simply up your stakes on less tables? Surely you'd make similar amounts of profit simply by being able to read your opponents (which surely you can't do on so many tables)? I know you have the software to help but this only gives you statistics, and, you don't have time to use these stats on so many tables and so many players.

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Re: Common Sense

In my view that's mad.
It's absolutely stoopid!!! It wasnt my intention when I started opening the tables.... I'm not playing them for the cash profit (though that would of course be nice) - I'm after raked hands for tomorrows WSOP freeroll on laddies... There is an argument for multitabling low stakes, rather than upsizing (assuming you're not damaging your ev tooooo much - and that is reduced variance - playing 5 x 5c/10c tables will have significantly less variance than playing 1 x 25c/50c tables. And of course the standard of play is worse.......people will call your overbets when behind!!! The 5c/10c "biggest" table at the moment on laddies has an average pot size of $12, the biggest 25c/50c has an average pot size of $14 - for a TAG player like me therefore, the lower tables could well be more profitable than the higher tables (it's less expensive to wait for the hands, but when I do hit, the pots are almost as big....)
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Re: Common Sense

I'm not playing them for the cash profit (though that would of course be nice) - I'm after raked hands for tomorrows WSOP freeroll on laddies...
That explains a lot. A few dollars potentially lost to get a chance to play the WSOP - fair trade off. Some might argue however that if you concentrate on the cash games that you're a good enough player to earn enough to buy into the WSOP (at least the $1500 one):ok
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Re: Common Sense Erm, well I've no doubt over a year I could earn $3000 or so at the cash tables to create my own package (in fact maybe even enough for my own main event package) - BUT, it's not the same as winning it is it? (and besides, if I have the cash "in my pocket", it's a lot harder to spend it on WSOP than if I just have a package I "have to" take....)

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Re: Common Sense I know what you mean but... surely if you earn it then it's more valuable? If you win a package in one of these competitions it has some luck involved - not wishing to detract from anyone whose won a package, but in any MTT win there is a certain element of luck. But if you win enough to buy your own place is that element of luck not much less? However saying all that, if I earnt $3000 in the next few months from poker I would not be using it to go to the WSOP. To many other things to do with that money before I could justify the cost of going to Vegas.

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Re: Common Sense

However saying all that, if I earnt $3000 in the next few months from poker I would not be using it to go to the WSOP. To many other things to do with that money before I could justify the cost of going to Vegas.
Exactly :ok But you get lucky and win it in an MTT and you have no choice..... Yes - there is obviously an element of luck in these tourneys individually, BUT if you enter 20 or 30 of these in the build up to WSOP, then your chance isn't insignificant and if you have a better than average shot (i.e. you play it seriously, not as a freeroll) then your chances of winning a package are double digit percentages .... get 50 PL'rs doing that and between us we should/could be winning upto about 10 packages!!!!! EDIT I rate my chances of winning a WSOP package through this route at about 20% each year - so over the next 5 years my chances of a "freeroll" WSOP package arent bad :ok
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Re: Common Sense seems sensible to me (multi-tabling that is) reduce the variance and up the hourly rate, as you only play premium cards or good cards in position moving up doesn't help if you are card dead, so reading players is pointless - its quantity over quality to grind the $$$ YMMV Damo

In my view that's mad. Rather than play so many tables why not simply up your stakes on less tables? Surely you'd make similar amounts of profit simply by being able to read your opponents (which surely you can't do on so many tables)?
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Re: Common Sense LOL - should ahve read this post first before I answered DP spot on and said much better than I did :clap :clap :clap Damo

It's absolutely stoopid!!! It wasnt my intention when I started opening the tables.... I'm not playing them for the cash profit (though that would of course be nice) - I'm after raked hands for tomorrows WSOP freeroll on laddies... There is an argument for multitabling low stakes, rather than upsizing (assuming you're not damaging your ev tooooo much - and that is reduced variance - playing 5 x 5c/10c tables will have significantly less variance than playing 1 x 25c/50c tables. And of course the standard of play is worse.......people will call your overbets when behind!!! The 5c/10c "biggest" table at the moment on laddies has an average pot size of $12, the biggest 25c/50c has an average pot size of $14 - for a TAG player like me therefore, the lower tables could well be more profitable than the higher tables (it's less expensive to wait for the hands, but when I do hit, the pots are almost as big....)
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Re: Common Sense Cash: I agree - same levels and you play like a robot differenent levels and you play like a womble! STT's: bit different as the blinds rise - I can play 2 easy, 3 good, 4 ok/mmmmm, 5 does my head in what I need to do is get a second monitor and figure out the multiscreen tecchy stuff:ok and play like a shove monkey :) Damo

I can manage 6 tables quite comfortably if they are all on the same site and same buy in ...... but where I went wrong here was 7 tables including a tournament table and 2 different stake cash tables .....
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