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Poker Cash Focus - Tuesday 20th February


Poker Cash Focus - Tuesday 20th February  

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    • No, I am unable to make this event

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The focus game for Tuesday will not be conventional!!! Instead of an MTT, we will play low stakes cash games. These will be private 2c/4c NL tables on Prima (PuntersLounge Cash and PuntersLounge Cash 2 IIRC). We will create as many tables as there is demand for. The BPP scoring will be capped to a maximum of 300 pts per person. The score will be calculated as total profit (in cents) divided by 10. Losses will not count a negative score. I will have PokerTracker running on the tables between 7pm GMT and Midnight GMT - come and go as you wish!!! (I will try and post periodic updates). My Poker Tracker stats are FINAL!! I cannot guarantee that I will pick up all hands, however will endeaver to pick up the vast majority!!! The password will be the same as that from Saturday night - if you require to be sent the password, please vote in the poll and I will send it to you before 7pm :ok

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Re: Poker Cash Focus - Tuesday 20th February

The focus game for Tuesday will not be conventional!!! Instead of an MTT, we will play low stakes cash games. These will be private 2c/4c NL tables on Prima (PuntersLounge Cash and PuntersLounge Cash 2 IIRC). We will create as many tables as there is demand for. The BPP scoring will be capped to a maximum of 300 pts per person. The score will be calculated as total profit (in cents) divided by 10. Losses will not count a negative score. I will have PokerTracker running on the tables between 7pm GMT and 11pm GMT - come and go as you wish!!! (I will try and post periodic updates). My Poker Tracker stats are FINAL!! I cannot guarantee that I will pick up all hands, however will endeaver to pick up the vast majority!!! The password will be the same as that from Saturday night - if you require to be sent the password, please vote in the poll and I will send it to you before 7pm :ok
Very nice. Hopefully by not being pissed I will do better than Sat night. Now you say there will be as many tables as there is demand for, does this mean I can 4 table if there are 4 tables going? I'll also be tracking tables so happy to mail you the HH if you think there are any that get missed :) FBF
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Re: Poker Cash Focus - Tuesday 20th February Yes you can multitable if you wish :ok Thanks for the offer of HH, but I'll just take it as it is on mine - otherwise I could get into realms of people emailing me their good hands to make sure they're all included - In all honestly, I expect to get them all, was just putting the disclaimer in "in case" ;-)

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Re: Poker Cash Focus - Tuesday 20th February We have 5 tables open and being monitored - good luck all :ok Thanks to everyone who set up extra tables for me :ok Sorry the password was late, but everyone who requested it should now have it - anyone else will have to PM :ok

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Re: Poker Cash Focus - Tuesday 20th February

Had pocket Aces against Jaded when it froze, can you just transfer $4 to me please mate? ;) Red.
I would mate, but I had 73o, and my win rate vs pocket Aces with complete junk is sky-high! :P Will take Paypal if you want to send it. :)
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