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i played the end game badly or did i?


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** Game ID 1211487594 starting - 2007-02-17 20:49:50 ** $5,000 Freeroll[716434]:Table 445 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (150.00|300.00 No Limit - MTT) Real Money - rely2000 sitting in seat 1 with $5388.39 - hotster sitting in seat 2 with $3913.66 - Dutze sitting in seat 3 with $150.12 - mobmob sitting in seat 4 with $975.00 - n1g4tstalker sitting in seat 5 with $945.00 - shqipe07 sitting in seat 6 with $6261.00 - lunabeer22 sitting in seat 7 with $4519.54 [Dealer] - teaulcsg1 sitting in seat 8 with $13715.00 - Bleeding sitting in seat 9 with $690.00 - mulian sitting in seat 10 with $900.00 teaulcsg1 posted the small blind - $75.00 Bleeding posted the big blind - $150.00 ** Dealing card to teaulcsg1: 10 of Hearts, Jack of Diamonds mulian folded rely2000 called - $150.00 hotster folded Dutze folded mobmob folded n1g4tstalker folded shqipe07 folded lunabeer22 called - $150.00 teaulcsg1 called - $150.00 Bleeding folded ** Dealing the flop: 6 of Clubs, 5 of Hearts, Jack of Clubs teaulcsg1 bet - $600.00 rely2000 folded lunabeer22 called - $600.00 ** Dealing the turn: 2 of Diamonds teaulcsg1 bet - $900.00 lunabeer22 called - $900.00 ** Dealing the river: 6 of Spades teaulcsg1 bet - $150.00 lunabeer22 went all-in - $2869.54 teaulcsg1 called - $2869.54 lunabeer22 shows: 7 of Diamonds, 6 of Diamonds lunabeer22 wins $9339.08 from the main pot End of game 1211487594 [-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------]

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Re: i played the end game badly or did i? I can see why you've played it that way, and I may well have done the same in the moment, but overall I think it's a mistake. He's one of the few stacks on the table that can hurt you - you flat call pre flop, from the small blind, so you know you will be out of position for the rest of the hand - I suppose for $75 it has to be worth it (though Bleeding should probably be shoving against multiple limpers here with any 2 cards!!). You dont hit what you want to hit with TJs (you're looking for straights or flushes - pairs are just trouble). I like the pot sized bet, but when he flat calls (he can with a lot of hands, because he is in position) alarm bells should be ringing!!! Dont know what I think of the $900 bet - I often do that, but it's a scared and weak bet, but not wanting to give up on the hand. Another flat call and I'm VERY scared of what he has!!! (We know that you are ahead, and it seems he is a calling station, but assuming we dont know that) Tough to lay down at the end after he has hit - you're getting 3-1, so I probably call here as well, but expecting that I'm almost certainly beat!!! (calling in the hope that his bet is desperation following a missed club draw!!) I think that where you went wrong here is getting sucked in with a weak (top) pair out of position after making up the small blind - although the $75 for the small blind is good (immediate) odds, you're probably better off letting it go at this stage (even though it is a good drawing hand). You want to be in position post flop!!!

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Re: i played the end game badly or did i? Well, I think your call for ½ SB is ok, as Gaf says when blinds are getting big compared to stacks you should start to be more carefull with completing in SB. Howeverboth other players, in the pot have over 30 BB yet, so I think a call is still ok, (I usually start throwing suited or connencting cards away in SB, when we are playing for less than 20 BB). But you really want either to hit a small hand and win a small pot, or hit a big hand and win a big pot. To throw 4500 in, because you have put 75 in preflop, with only top pair with a weak kicker thats going way to far. I think you have to say to your self, with that flop that you are trying to keep the pot small. You simply can´t throw potseize bets in on every street with such a weak hand, so i think you either have to bet smaller or, or check on either flop or turn. With both possible straight draws and flush draws out there a smaller bet than potseize still give your opponents good odds, so i think its best to check on either flop or turn, even if it means giving your opponents a free card. I think I would have just checked the flop (called a small bet), and then put in a good seize bet on turn.

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Re: i played the end game badly or did i? going to disagree - like the pot bet on the flop - would have made it more on the turn tho, either bet half his stack and call his shove or just put him all in - depends on whether you think he is drawing - the half stack bet he might call to on a draw (so he makes a mistake and in the long run mistakes add up - wheras if he is drawing and you shove he may well fold) can't see why you played this badly, except on the river really - tricky at this point, lots of chips in the middle - but a weakish 2 pair - I would probably call and bitch at myself for being so stupid! :$ just unlucky Damo

I can see why you've played it that way, and I may well have done the same in the moment, but overall I think it's a mistake.
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